Short Meditations

Meditation Corner Introduction
Today I am introducing a new part of the site called Meditation corner, a place for something I've been working on since the Equinox. There area series of about seven short meditations around a theme, this week, The wheel of the seasons. Each meditation has a hand drawn and hemmed flag and an image attached, the flags which will be available for sale for $10.00 for the seven plus $2.50 on order through the online store. Specify the week and theme when ordering when ordering.

Cover Picture Ares Toth
Wheel of the Seasons Meditations
This week we're looking at Wheel of the seasons and the energies around it, starting with the Wheel itself, the Warrior energies and then the elements on the Wheel of the seasons. Look into yourself, look into your balance and learn more about your relation to the seasons and cycles this week.
Wheel of the Year Balance Meditation
The energies of the year balance over time
Between light and dark
And the elements it spawned
This enables life to flow on the earth
Year after year
Both within human beings
And without in their world.
I am the wheel of the seasons
and I create this balance.
In midwinter Anima is strongest
And needs balancing out
Lest the world get too cold and dark
And conditions too dire for growth,
Which happens on the Winter Solstice
and evens winter, dark and water out.
In spring the energies are equal
With Animus waxing,
Conditions are Ideal
For life to come back again,
This is the Spring Equinox
The balance element earth.
In summer it is full
And this needs balancing
As the energies of Fire, light and heat
Can burn too hard,
So we go to Midsummer
When I balance out the energies again,
So that the earth is not scorched to ash and flame.
By the Autumn Equinox
They are equal again, and the conditions are right
For the moving balance element air.
Then we move to midwinter and start again.
I am the wheel of the seasons
The balance of the year
Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen

The Meditation flag for the Wheel of the Seasons. Calico hand drawn. Avaliible at the end of the week.

Anima Warrior Energy
Ice Meditation
I am the crystalline element ice
I am the first primal element
I am the energy of Anima
Of the cycles of birth and death
Of the regulations of life
My time of the year is winter
When I am strongest
I strangle the landscape with cold
To regulate and start anew
Though some may fear me
I have my place
The Warrior Energy of Anima
I regulate the cycles
I balance out the world
Through creation and destruction.
I protect and preserve
I end and create new beginnings
I am the Elemental Energy of Ice
Primal and Unbound
Fear me if you will
But remember, I am needed to have around.
Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen

Ice Meditation flag Hand drawn. Avalible at end of week. Ice image above meditiation by Ares Toth.

Animus Warrior Energy
Fire Meditation
I am the element Fire
The bringer of light and heat
Second but not secondary
I balance out the dark with light.
I am the Energy of Animus
Light energy abounding.
Prometheus's gift to mankind
The fire of Illumination of knowledge,
I can be the camp-fire,
I can be the hearth fire
Or I can be the Smithy
Knowledgeable and controlled.
But I can also be the wildfire
Tameless and unbound
Incarnate destruction
If I am not wisely bound
Use me as you will
But heed the call of wisdom
And I will be Illumination
Lighting the way in the dark.
I am the element fire.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Fire Meditation flag availble at end of week. Text written and flags hand drawn by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen, Fire motif Illustration by Ares Toth.

Wheel of the Seasons Meditations
Winter Highpoint
Water Meditation
I am the rushing water
I am the vital force of life
I cleanse by flowing through
I can rush through when I need to
Going over obstacles as well as around
When I have to I can rush
When I can I meander
I can be noisy and fast or I can be silent and slow
I can help bring life through rain, mist and river
Or I can destroy through lack inn drought,
Flood and deluge
I am the flowing water
A vital cleansing force of life..
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Air Meditiation flag, avaible hand drawn and hemmed at end of week. Text and Flag by Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen, Top illustration by Ares Toth.

Spring Waypoint
Earth Meditation
I am the solid earth,
The bedrock and the soil
The solid ground underfoot
A nurturer of plants,
Be that of land under forest, crop or garden
Solid and comforting,
nurturing and supportive.
But I can also be destructive making way for new
Through the avalanche, the earthquake,
my rise and my fall
I change over aeons
Shifting slowly with the times
I am the vital earth
Slowly dynamic and giving life.
Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen

Words and Prayer Flag by Kyshera Du'sjall Kre'Mashen. Top Illustration by Ares Toth. Flag avalible hemmed and hand drawn at end of week on the Spiritual Weal.

Summer Highpoint
Fire Meditation
I am the burning flame
I can Illuminate or I can destroy
I can be the camp fire,
I can be the Hearth fire,
I can power a blacksmiths forge
Or I can be the wildfire
Burning all around me
Destruction Incarnate
Use me or abuse me
It is up to you
Results come from intentions
And that is up to you
With good intentions I Illuminate
Bringing light into the dark
Creating life and civilisation
Glowing warmth to light the spark.
I am the burning fire
The spark of light and creation.
Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen

Words and Meditation Flag by Kyshera Du'sjall Kre'Mashen. Top Illustration by Ares Toth. Flag avalible hemmed and hand drawn at end of week on the Spiritual Weal.

Sunday 4th October 2015
Autumn Waypoint
Air Meditation
I am the Whispering Wind
I am the bubble of life
I allow life by my presence
I can sustain life or I can destroy
I can be the breeze or the Hurricane
I am as changeable as I want to be.
I can be life or death
I am an integral part of life
Though I am not often seen or thought of
I am the invisible element
You cannot do without
Trust me and respect me
Because if you do not you will perish
Invisible but not Immaterial
I am the free and free-wheeling
The bubble of life
The element of air
Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen

Words and Meditation Flag by Kyshera Du'sjall Kre'Mashen. Top Illustration by Ares Toth. Flag avalible hemmed and hand drawn at end of week on the Spiritual Weal.
Nature Meditiations
This week we're looking at various aspects of nature and how they can reflect our lives.

Nature Meditation
Tree of Life Mediation
Tree of life
Tree of existence
Connector of the elements
Framework of the dimensions
Tree of life
From your roots deep in the elemental dark
To your leaves and branches high in the elemental light.
Tree of Life
Representative of nature
From your roots in base red energy
to your crown in the violet.
Connecting life through all levels
Allowing the leaves and branches to connect
To learn and grow together.
Tree of Life
We are all a leaf of you
Nourishing you as you help us learn and grow.
Tree of life
Help us on our journey.
Help us find our branch
Help us grow green and true
Tree of life
Help us learn our lessons
Grow straight and true.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Nature Mediations
Rain Meditation
Falling Rain
Drumming on my Roof
Nourishing the earth
Fuelling new growth
Drumming rain
On my Tin Roof
Encouraging growth
Encouraging Renewal
Soothing Rain
On my tin roof
The sound of life
The renewal of the earth
Falling rain on my roof
Make the earth grow,
The cycles start anew.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Nature Meditations
Tree Meditation
I am the Tree
Reaching for the sky
I grew from a tiny seed to a mighty giant.
I am the tree
With roots deep in the earth
I bridge the gap between earth and sky
I grew from a tiny seed
To a mighty giant
Weathering many challenges
And creating many leaves and branches
My life is life a tree
From a tiny seed it grew
As I did so shall my goals grow.
They shall be rooted in the earth of possibility
Growing out into the sky
From the seed of an idea
To the giant of completion
My life is like the tree
And as such my goals shall grow.
Kyhsera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Nature Meditation
Whispering Grasses
Whispering grasses
In tune with the wind
Standing tall from the earth
Whispering grasses
In tune with nature
Fed by water
Nourished by earth.
Fed by air and light
Whispering grasses,
Nourishing nature in the meadows,
Nourishing people as crops.
Whispering Grasses
The earth cover
Grow ever wild
Serve the earth.
Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Nature Meditation
Flowers Mediation
Beautiful Flowers
The Jewel of Creation
The joy of life and nature.
Beautiful Flowers
Favoured by insects and birds
You create fruit
You create new plant life.
You feed the insects and birds,
Bringing Joy and colour to nature
Replenishment and regrowth.
Beautiful Flowers
The Jewels of nature
Brining life and joy
Natural Beauty eternal
Across the cycles.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.
Nature Meditations
Lake Meditation
I am the deep, dark lake
I keep many secrets
Of the plain, meadow or forest.
I am the deep, dark lake,
Sacred or Profane,'
I am a giver of life
Both above and below the water.
Above the water you draw me for life
Below I give life through my presence.
I am the deep, dark lake
A pool of life giving force
I spark may legends
From the nymphs of ancient Greece
To Arthur’s lake lady,
held sacred over aeons,
I am revered for my waters,
I am the deep, dark lake,
use me if you will,
But don't abuse me, or I will be gone for good.
Kyshera DuSkall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Nature Meditations
Forest Meditation
I am the primal forest
Plains of trees abound
I am full of life’s bounty
For both animals and man
But if you use you me Ill
The return shall not be fair.
I am the primal forest
The green man is my patron,
he protects my abundance of life,
nurtures and creates it.
Use me well you will always have abundance
Use me ill your abundance shall fall,
Fall away, wither and die
Till it is no more.
I am the primal forest
Natures great creation,
A primal natural force,
I am the lungs of the world.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.
Journey of Life Meditations
Life Journey Meditation
The Journey of Life
The journey of life is like a river
Sometimes it is a smooth stream
Sometimes it pools where it is easy
Sometimes it meanders
Sometimes it is a waterfall
Sometimes it is a torrent
Sometimes it is trickle.
The Journey of life is like a River
Where it is not stagnant it is moving
Constantly in flow.
We flow through this journey in stages,
We are born, we grow up
We live our lessons as adults
We grow old and we die.
This journey is ever moving
Nobody can take a step back
Every moving forward.
Lesson after lesson
We grow on schoolhouse earth
Growing and evolving
Moving with the tide of life
Becoming ever better
Becoming more of us.
Life Journey Meditation
The Journey of Light and Dark
We are light and dark
We are the eternal, primal couple
Between us we created life
Both sentient and unconscious.
Be that the wheel of the seasons
Animal, plant or human.
We are light and dark
We are the primal forces of nature,
Anima and Animus,
Ice and fire.
We imbue everything
twinned energies underpinning life
Floating in a balance
Paired couple of energy
Yin and Yang
Bringing life to the universe
The basic duality.
We are Light and Dark
The first two paired primal forces
We underpin existence
Minuscule or cosmic.
Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen
Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Beginning Mediation
Dawn Meditations
I am the Dawn
I am celebrated for brining light
I am the new beginning
The possibilities of the day
I am the new day
I am the new start
I am the new light of the day
I bring new awakenings in the place of the old
I bring new possibilities and new experiences
I bring Life, I bring hope.
I bring the light of the day into the world.
I am the dawn, I am the light
I bring in life and possibility
What the night has washed away
I replace with the new
I bring in light and hope
I open a door for the one that closed
I am the dawn
I am the renewing light.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Dusk Meditation
I am the Dusk
I herald the end of the day
And the beginning of the night
I balance out the daylight cycle
Bringing time for balance and reflection
I bring into balance
The light of action
If there are doors closing
This is the time to reflect
And prepare to begin anew
When the doors open again.
I am the time for thought and preparation
Meditation and retreat
Use me wisely you will understand the cycles of your life
I am the Dusk
The Dark breaking
The balance and doorway from the light.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Journey Meditation
River Meditation
I am the flowing river
The rushing stream of water
Sometimes I rush, sometimes I pool
Sometimes I meander through
I rush when I find obstacles
I go around and over
I form rapids and become forceful
Erode through the landscape to my goal
When I can I meander
Flow gently through the plains
When I can I pool
Form deep pools for reflection and life
I am wild and untameable
A life giving natural force
I am the flowing river
Through the landscape I cut
Past proud trees and soaring grass
Tall grass and orderly crops
I am the flowing river
I am life and loss
I can nourish and give life, or I can flood and take it away
I am the flowing river
Control me at your loss
In my life I am the flowing river
The life that leads the way in my soul
I am the flowing river in my life
Those that try to control me do so at their loss.
I flow over them as they try to
Then meander around the gentle bends
I am the flowing river
I flow like the watery force of life.
Control me at your loss
Respect and work with me at your gain.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Life Journey Meditation
The Shape Shifting Goddess
I am the shape shifting goddess
The great representative of Ice
Of Anima and cycles
The great giver of life
I am an eternal force
A representative of the cycles
I shift my for with life
as they go along.
I am the shape shifting goddess
I often change my form
At the new Moon I am the maiden
As I am at spring
Then at the full moon I am the mother
Pregnant, fertile and glorious
As I am in Summer
Mother to abundant life
Then I come through to the dark Moon
As I do in Autumn to Midwinter
becoming the crone
Seemingly forbidding
Bringing endings but full of wisdom.
I am the Eternal, shapeshifting Goddess
To the cycles I bring life
I am the eternal Anima
The primal mother of life.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Life Journey Meditation
The Regenerating God
I am the regenerating god
I bring light and heat to cycles
The rengerating Animus, heat and fire,
I rise and fall with the cycles
Like a phoenix in the flames.
I am the regenerating god
I am the father and the son
The regenerating flame of light
That which with cycles would be barren.
I am the regenerating god
At spring I am the youth
The son full of promise
At Summer I am the father,
The athletic warrior
Virile and Strong
In Autumn I am the old king
Wise but waning on the throne
And winter I die
To make way for my son,
Who comes through midwinter,
And in spring a youth strong.
I am the regenerating god,
I give light to the cycles
I make the cycles grow.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Life Journey Meditation
The Path of Birth to Death
The path of birth to death
Is the cycle of Incarnation
We are born into the world
as a newborn babe
We grow up as an infant,
A child,
Mature to youth and adulthood.
We come into this world
With lessons on schoolhouse earth
We go through life
Raise others,
Grow old and die.
If we Do this well we spiral up and evolve
If we do bad we will Go down and devolve.
If we are too material we will stay in place
To learn the Lesson over again.
This is the path of incarnation
We will do it may times,
Ever growing stronger
Along the path to life.
We will do this many lifetimes
On an uphill Spiral
Growing and Evolving
This is the path of life
Of birth, growth, death,
growth and rebirth
This is the path of life and death
Of our many times on Schoolhouse Earth.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Week 44 - Chakra Meditations
Chakra Meditations
Souls Journey over The Dimensions
The Souls Journey through the Dimensions
Is a Journey of Evolution.
This goes from our first soul nursery
To our Final Evolution
As we go through this Journey
We Pick up many things
Dimension by Dimensions,
Creating who we are
At the First we split
In the soul nursery
Becoming the Duality
The base of being
At the second
We become aware of all around us
Who we are within
And What is Without
Moving beyond the base
Of Evolution
At the Third
We become fully Sentient
Mastering Understanding,
Mastering the Self
As we go to the Fourth and Fifth
We become a part of the group
The group of the Planet
The group of soul beings
Fourth is being aware of it
Fifth is Understanding
Then Through to Evolution
in the Sixth and Seventh
Towards the Eight Gate
And the greater Realms beyond
The sixth brings high awareness
The Seventh Higher understanding
Completing Evolution
On this planetary scale
This is The Journey
Of Evolution
The Way the soul grows
Through the dimensions.
Chakra Meditations
The First Dimension
The First Energetic Dimensions
The first Duality
The first soul Evolution
Towards individuality
The first step in a long Journey
The First spark if Individuality
Creating the basis
for all Individual souls
Creating the basis
For who we are today
Without this first Soul infancy
We could not thrive and grow
The First Dimension
Our first Soul Identity.
Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen
Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Chakra Meditations
The Second Level
The Second level is full awareness
of the self
Of the environment
The second level is friend or foe
The second level is herd and pride
The second level is connection
Connection to others
Connection to self
Connection to reality.
Taking the step from first Reality
To the greater world outside
Creating the basis
For working with others and life
Enabling us to grow
Onward to Sentience
The Second Dimension
The True Self Emerging.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Chakra Meditiatons
The Fourth Dimensions
The Fourth Dimension
The growth into higher awareness
The Growth into greater reality
The first step into evolving
To a higher Being
The first step towards growing
Onto greater realities
Becoming more aware
More aware of life
Beyond the ken of five senses
Learning and growing
Beyond the five senses
Growing ever higher
Up the tree of life.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Chakra Meditiatons
The Fourth Dimensions
The Fourth Dimension
The growth into higher awareness
The Growth into greater reality
The first step into evolving
To a higher Being
The first step towards growing
Onto greater realities
Becoming more aware
More aware of life
Beyond the ken of five senses
Learning and growing
Beyond the five senses
Growing ever higher
Up the tree of life.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Chakra Meditation
The Fifth Dimension
The Fifth Dimension
The start of Higher Understanding
The key to further growth
Absorption into higher reality
Into the being
The being of the self
The being of the greater world
Beyond our base senses
The Fifth Dimension
The key to higher reality
Higher understanding
Evolving beyond the base
Into full contact with Higher Reality
Kyshera Du' Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Chakra Meditations
The Sixth Dimension
The Third eye beyond reality
The key to Universal awareness
The key to Seeing clearly
Guides us when incomplete
When Complete and absorbed
Keeping us clear
The Sixth Dimension
The level of clarity
The level of Clairvoyance
The level of pure sight.
Guiding ever forward
As we grow
Guiding us through clarity
As we evolve and grow.
Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Chakra Meditations
The Seventh Dimension
The Seventh Dimension
The highest planetary dimension
The Level of pure energy
Of pure thought understanding.
The level of light
The level of truith
The level of Evolution
Towards full growth and learning
The final layer of Evolution
On the planet
From there we evolve higher
On the galactic level
Grow ever forward
Onward to the next level.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen

Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Ocean Meditiations
The Eternal Oceans
The lifeblood of the planet
The cleanser of the World
The Eternal Oceans
The keeper of the climate
the cradle of life
Where life began
And life continues to grow
From stromalites the first life
To fish to coral,
To mamas great and small.
The Eternal Oceans
The lifeblood of the planet
The cleanser of the World
The keeper of the tides.
The Eternal Oceans
The regulator of the climate,
Of tides, of weather
The eternal water
of our very world.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen
Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Ocean Meditation
The Roaring Waves
The Breaker between land and sea
The connection between liquid and sold
Malleable and changeable
Wether wild and stormy
Or gentle and lapping
Or large and destructive
Changing, ever changing,
But powerful and eternal
Wether dashing against cliffs,
Powerful and corrosive
or Lapping on a beach, gentle and eternal
or constant in the estuary,
where they nourish life
The speaker of the tides
The eternal, roaring waves.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen
Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Ocean Meditation
The movement of the water
The rhythms of the Moon
Gently washing land and sea
The movement of water
The nexus of river and ocean
The nexus of land and Sea
The convergence of two wholes
The Tides
The Eternal regulator
The rhythm of life
the rhythms of the moon
Going back and forth
Regulating the world eternal.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen
Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Ocean Meditations
Coral Reefs
Coral Reefs
The Jewels of the sea.
The Gardens of the ocean.
Coral Reefs,
Teeming with life
Be that the symbiotic coral,
Two beings as one,
or the fish,
or the sharks and crustaceans.
A Garden of life
Working in concert
A wonder of life
Coral Reefs
The Jewels of the sea.
Kyshera Du'Skall Kre'Mashen
Words, Meditation Flag and Photograph by Kyshera Du'skall Kre'Mashen.

Ocean Meditiations
Riding the waves
Riding the winds and tides
At one with the oceans.
Working with the oceans
A genteel symbiosis of communion
Co-operative transport
The art of mastering wind and tide,
Working with nature
communing with the wind and waves
The art of working with rhythms.