Higher Level Meditations

Hello, and welcome to higher energy meditations. I am starting this page because as I am learning more I am coming up with new techniques and uses for energy, as well as uses for meditations. These meditations, which use higher energies are being separated here onto their own page because they are of a more advanced nature, using higher, universal energies. This means that they need a certain level of development and competency to fully understand and handle. They are up here on the site because they are a valuable tool for those who are ready to explore, but be warned, they may need some pre-requisite knowledge and practice.
Before you attempt these meditations I suggest you at least get a knowledge of the basics of energy meditations through the less advanced meditations. I especially recommend the Chakra Mediation and the Anima/Animus mediation, as well as being well cleansed and balanced (Both in basic techniques). Ideally, you should have some practice and grounding in energy work beyond this. Look for the online courses and short courses I offer as an example.
I suggest that you be balanced and cleansed to do these even if you are an advanced practitioner I suggest being cleansed and balanced, as these meditations have a powerful effect. Based on my uses of the energies these are simple but powerful techniques to bring these energies into your life in a productive manner. They do this by realigning us with our spirit and purpose, cleansing us and energising us. For a full write up on the energies look at this companion page to this on this site, Higher level techniques, or look for the online or outreach short courses in Higher level techniques and meditations coming up in January. However, if you understand the energies then you can try and use the meditations here to help you learn and grow in your path in your life.
The 13 Chakra System and Self - Our Ties to Energetic and Physical Reality
So far, for the basics to do with the physical world we have been dealing with ten seven physical chakras. However, as I got more advanced and started using other energies it introduced me to the six etheric, or energetic chakras. These chakras, tying us to the energetic world, are companions to our physical chakras, allowing us to access energies that are not tied directly to the prime ethereal.
Doing research as I developed my ideas I found there are more than a few ways of looking at the higher chakras. The numbers themselves range from 12, 13 to 114. Through trolling through all the information as well as working intuitive with the higher understandings I have been developing since the spring Solstice. This is, as it has been developing and codified the basis for all of the higher level techniques and meditations. To understand this is the basis of everything underneath you need to understand this.
This uses 13 primary energy centres, seven relating to the physical body and five relating to the matter/energy interface. One is newly activated since the planetary shift of the Spring Equinox eclipse cycle, Planetary understanding. There are two ways the energy centres can be shown in relation to each other, the auric field and the way they show on the body. The auric field view is more extensive, the second one is how a disciplined energy can have it more compact and all in the body field. The former is many people, the latter are those that have worked to understand and work with their energies. Overall, with a description of the locations the 13 Chakras are;
- 0th – Deep Base/Earth Star Chakra – Black - Anchoring Awareness -Located down under the feet, about sixty centimetres below the feet this is black chakra is the anchoring, dense chakra that anchors our energies in the world like the negative in the battery. In the unawakened it only performs this function, but as you awaken it also allows you access to the Black Disintegration ray of Universal energy. Far from needing to be feared, this allows us to let go of what we no longer need and recycle energy, cleansing ourselves. This is an natural energy that is the key to among other things, black holes, the matter recycling of decay and other processes that make the cycle of life possible. This makes it an important Chakra to understand. An energy Chakra, it allows us to anchor in the prime ethereal and came to being with the Base Chakra.
- 1st – Base Chakra – Red - Base Awareness – Located in the genital area, at the base of the spine, this chakra controls all of our survival traits, or awareness of survival. This includes our awareness of physical sexuality, hunger, thirst and other survival issues. This allowed us to incarnate as part of the first duality, this allows us to feel our life-force, as well as allow us access to the red light of universal life force as an energy. For this reason it is very important to pay attention to as much as any other Chakra. A Physical Chakra, it came to being when we incarnated as physical life from the soul nurseries.
- 2nd – Sacral Chakra – Orange – Total Awareness - Located in the belly, this chakra represents the energy of total awareness. A physical chakra, this allows us to fully see the material world, anchoring our perceptions. This has no connections beyond the physical world , but is connected to the 2nd Link Level as a personal growth milestone, mastering a key skill that enables us to use later higher developments, mastering total awareness.
- 3rd – Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow – Total Understanding – As a key development they do not get to be so big. This is the completion of a personal milestone, a personal skill that makes us complete in ourselves as a base and the skills that are needed to move onto the next levels and the next step of moving onto integrating into the higher levels. This is not connected to the higher levels but like awareness this is a necessary step to make other skills more important. This makes it important as a result as perhaps one of the most critical foundational levels.
- 4th – Heart Chakra – Green - Intergrational Awareness - The first of the Interpersonal chakras the Heart Chakra integrates many awareness levels from the outside. This Chakra helps us integrate not only the Pink, Universal Awareness energy (Hence the pink and green correspondences of this chakra). Anchoring this in correspondence is the integration of the energies is the 9th Chakra, the awareness of the higher planetary life force, which is located on the right side of the aura, in the anima feedback, commonly located on the right collarbone.
- 5th – Throat Chakra – Blue – Intergrational Understanding – This, like the 4th Universal understanding level integrates higher understandings into our awareness so we can use them as a part of our decision making. In this case it integrates the Blue universal understanding light, grounded by the 10th Higher planetary life-force understanding, a chakra which has only become active in the past few months since the Spring Equinox shift to the 5th Dimension. This means that those who can learn how to use this can make the most use of this ray, and the way it connects through then at the planetary level. This makes this a very important hub of evolution as the human soul group evolves with the planet.
- 6th – Third Eye Chakra – Indigo – Evolutionary Awareness – This level, one of clarity at a planetary level is the highest level of planetary awareness. This served in the evolution to this point to give us access to the energies of the highest planetary awareness levels, the akahistic record and other higher level awareness abilities, and still does. This means that we can use them as part of ourselves to help guide us as we grow and learn, or access to clairvoyant and psychic abilities. For this reason, despite being a physical, personal chakra, it is still very, very important.
- 7th – Crown Chakra – Violet – Evolutionary Understanding – This level, one of access to the highest planetary level of energy, is very important as it allows access to the soul blueprint and the highest access of the self. This allows us to know who we are as we grow, evolve and learn, bringing us back to who we are and the essential self. This also brings in the Violet Universal light ray, bringing in the highest filtered energy. This is the highest physical planetary chakra and the highest level of planetary energy, as well as bringing down the violet universal energy. For all of these reasons the importance to a persons evolution cannot be underestimated.
- 8th – Higher Crown/Star Seed Chakra – Platinum/Clear– Higher Understanding – This is important for many reasons. The first is that it is the positive polarity to the Deep Base/Earth Star Negative, closing off our energetic circuit so it works. This is the chakra that also brings in the higher, Universal Platinum clear ray, the purest, all spectrum expression of universal light. This allows us to work with this key energy to cleanse, purify and attune ourselves. This allows us to work with the purer universal energy and enable ourselves to work with the universal energy as a whole, which allows us to keep us on a clear path.
- 9th – Planetary Anima Chakra – Deep Green – Planetary Higher Awareness – This Chakra, bought into being during the 1960's is our connection to the universal awareness. This makes it vital, not only for helping us understanding the earth. It is also vital to help anchor the Pink Universal awareness ray, making it aligned and useful in guiding our perception and purpose. This is situated on the anima circuit, when attuned situated on the right collarbone and connected into the Heart Chakra.
- 10th – Planetary Animus Chakra – Deep Blue – Planetary Higher Understanding – This Chakra, a chakra of the understanding, Animus side of the higher planetary life force. Only really coming to light with the transition to the 5th with the Spring Equinox sequence in the last few months, this Chakra has opened up the chance to understand and not just aware of the planetary life force. This has the role of anchoring the Blue Universal Understanding energy, making it useful for both us and in working with the planetary energies. This allows us to use and understand both energies fully in this planetary plane. Situated, when attuned, in the left collarbone and on the gold animus energy arc, this is understanding the life force of the planet itself.
- 11th – Anima Chakra – Silver – Primal Dark – This Chakra has a dual representation. Situated in a pivotal spot, between the Higher crown and the crown it allows us access to two important things – the energy of the primal dark and the anima energy in our own soul. It allows us to feel and access it, for it to help give us structure through being half of what has been known to be called the Kundali Serpent, the silver half. This makes it a very important structural chakra within us.
- 12th – Animus Chakra – Gold – Primal Light – Like the 11th Charka, this has a dual purpose, being the access to both the primal light energy and our own anima energy. This sit on the right side, between the Higher crown and crown chakra, on the Animus circuit. This forms the other half of the circuit that is the kundali structure, the gold animus serpent. This allows the system to work with anima by giving it the framework by giving it form. This makes it a very important structural element, last but not least.

As you can see from the diagram above , this is a complex energy circuit that makes us as people, with each Chakra having a role. Some filter through others, mostly the energetic ones into the physical to make the energies they represent as useful. This is because in order be useful in the physical plane energy must have a way to manifest, in this case, through our physical chakras. Our six ethereal, or energy chakras, in effect, manifest in us through our physical chakra system. This means that we need to take care of our physical chakra system no matter how far advanced we are, as this is the main system we still work with. This is still the one I work with mostly, the others filtering through them as I am in the physical, though I am starting to work with some direct. This makes working with the physical chakras to keep them clear vital, as this ensures that anything coming through is charged with pure purpose. Only this way can you work with the energies below through them.
Higher Level Energies
We are all familiar with the Chakra levels as energy levels if we have worked and learnt with the basics. They are, however, just a component part of the realitities of Energy, where it is just the lowest set of seven, one of three. To understand this, how this works, and how we understand higher energies we need to look at the whole picture. I have been learning this in the last few Initiations, the last few months as I have advanced. I am sharing this here for those that are at a more advanced level, something to look at as you proceed to higher work going through from the higher levels of the 5th, now very accessible to those who wish to try and work with higher energies.
The first basic you need to understand about this is that there are three levels of seven each. The three levels represent three levels of total evolution. They are the planetary, the Galactic and the Universal. They all represent a level of complete evolution, a level towards evolving towards the highest level of the Universal which is our goal. Some may call this source, some creator, some Universal energy. It is all the same thing, however. A short description of each is;
- Planetary Level - This is the level that spirit comes to being and comes alive. This is the first level of being, the first level of growing into ourselves. This the level we are on at the moment as a human incarnation cycle. Many incarnation cycles will go through a planetary reality, we are the third on this planet. The first was the Draconic and the second the Feyan. I have no doubt that we will not be the last either, with something coming up behind us. This is the level of establishing the skills and understandings we need to proceed further.
- Galactic Level - This is the mid level of the three, with it's own seven representative rungs of progress. This is the level of progress in between our effective primary school level and the Universal level. This is a higher level energy past the eighth gate overall, one that we do not really understand but can occasionally use. The energy we use here comes from a lot of other places, called rays, and often used in light work. Here the energy is higher, purer and still useful for aiding evolution - If used correctly. Look to light work sources for this.
- Universal Level - This is the highest level, the source level and a source of all energy filtering through. This also has it's seven layers, The seven rungs towards the universal source. Here we have representations of light, dark and the five link levels coming through to help people who are high enough to understand them evolve further. With the planetary level going up to the 5th, Universal Understanding level these are more accessible since the shift, but you still need a further level of growth to use this. Also used by light workers, for others this is a part of us that sustains us but us not accessible to us.
All of these levels have the same basic rungs, the 3x7, or the 21. As a general rule the basic levels mean;
- 1st Energy Level - The Foundation Level of a reality, for us this is the base Chakra. This is the basic survival level of any level of reality and all have them. This allows the first interface and growth into it. Without this a being could not work and survive at this level.
- 2nd Energy Level - This is the total awareness of a level of reality, in our case the Sacral Chakra level. This allows the all important full awareness of this level, allowing us to understand and proceed further. For this reason it is a very important level of any level of reality.
- 3rd Energy Level - This is the level understanding, or sentience at this level. In us this is the Solar Plexus Charka, the level that we became aware, or sentient. This energy level allows the toolkit on a level to be completed and creates the opportunity to grow into the flow of the specific level of reality.
- 4th Energy Level - This level of intergrational awareness is the one that allows us to grow into a level of reality. In us this is our Heart Chakra level. This allows us to grow into a level, to become aware of the higher energies in it, and the way that you interact with them, making it an important level of reality.
- 5th Energy Level - This is a level of Intergrational understanding that is as important as it's awareness counterpart. This allows a full integration into the higher realities, allows us to evolve and be a full part of the level. In us this is our Throat Chakra and our level as an incarnation cycle.
- 6th Energy Level - This is a level of Evolutionary awareness, and allows access (or integration) into the highest energies of the particular level. For this it our Third eye, performing a similar function on other levels. This allows us to see and grow into higher reality.
- 7th Energy Level - This is a level of Evolutionary understanding and a level of preparing to move onto the next level. In us this is or crown Chakra. It is a level of access to use and grow into to understand who we are as a whole and move to the next level. In the lower two, Planetary and the Galactic, it allows us access to universal level energies.
These three create a ladder as we grow and learn. We are, at the moment, on a planetary level, but we can get access to universal energies at a greater level due to the planetary understanding level. To give an idea of how this works on all levels look below at how these play out;
- 1st Level - Base Survival on all three levels, Planetary, Galactic and Universal.
- 2nd Level - Total awareness of any level, Planetary, Galactic or universal.
- 3rd Level - Full understanding on any level. Basic sentience on the first, total understanding of the level on the Galactic and the Universal.
- 4th Level - International awareness of the level you are on, Planetary, Galactic or Universal.
- 5th Level - Intergrational Understanding on all levels, Planetary, galactic and Universal.
- 6th Level - On a planetary and galactic level Evolutionary awareness. On the universal level it is the beginning of growing to the universal flow, growing into the awareness level.
- 7th Level - On a Planetary and galactic level this is a level of Evolutionary understanding and going towards the next level. On the Universal level this is growing fully into the higher reality.
In terms of what it means for us this means that we mostly work with Planetary energies, but have some access to galactic rays (mostly used by light workers), symbols of other races evolution. The one that I use mostly is the filtered universal light. There are five levels of this, corresponding to the link levels. This is the levels that we connect on, the levels we have in common with others and connect to others on. There is information on the basic link levels elsewhere on the site, here we are focusing on the higher representations as they flow down;
- Black (Decay) Light - This may sound horrid, but it is essential. Things need to end to begin, black holes exist to change things, we all die and are reborn. Linked to the Lower base Chakra, this is an essential part of life.
- Red (Universal Life Force) Light - Linked to the Base Chakra at the first link level this links us to the universal life force, allowing us to feel and grow. This is an essential part of life as well, a more accepted part than the black, and a base part of life.
- Blue (Universal Understanding) Light - Linked to the Throat Chakra and Intergrational Understanding, this might seem a little strange here. This is because as a higher level energy it does not filter through as well as awareness, therefore does not come through as well. A key part of working towards higher level evolution, this is an important energy for working witty greater understanding.
- Pink (Universal Awareness) Light - This light, in this context the higher light, is higher because it is better filtered, Awareness being the first, therefore better mastered skills. This means that in this context it is reversed. It is the light of universal awareness, of understanding the higher realities. For this reason it is very important.
- Violet (Higher Evolutionary) Light - This light is a light of the highest filtering, good for cleansing and clearing. Associated with the Crown Chakra and the evolutionary level, this is the light of the highest filter. Good for a lot of general work as well as clearing and divination, this is truly a good light to work with for many reasons.
As well as this five there are three more basic higher energy lights, supporting the other two. They supplement the five diffused rays and giving it structure.
- Clear (White/Platinum) Light - Associated with the higher crown this is the highest and purest energy to work with. Use in clearings, cleansing and purification especially, but good for a lot of reasons. Work with this for a lot of purposes.
- Gold (Animus) Light - Enshrined within us, this light gives us part of the ladder in us. This forms the Animus, or male and primal light part of the Kundali serpent so we work with it every day. This is how we will work with this a lot, but there may be other uses to this primal energy.
- Silver (Animus) Light - This allows access to the Anima energy, or primal dark within us. Like the primal light it is a energy we will use more often than not in the Kundali serpent but will have other uses as well.
As for how we use these energies, we have to use them carefully. This is because they are higher level, more powerful and therefore will have a lot of consequences. This means greater laws of return, greater impact on you and others. Be very clear in your intent and ensure it is good. There will be techniques to use this, mostly with the platinum/white and filtered light. It can be used in both meditations and in energy work, as will be detailed in the relevant sections below.
Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Arkhense
Higher Level Planetary Life Force
As well as the universal energies coming through we can also work with higher level planetary energies. This supplements our understanding of our reality with understanding of the prime ethereal. This is the higher life force, the rhythm and true heartbeat of life on this planet. This is not something that most will think of directly working with, but many do without realising it. Using essential oils is an example of using this, for instance, or of using flower essences or herbs in spells. Using it directly is rarer and something that is more advanced. This is not the ether of Wicca and Witchcraft, which is the ether in us. This is the energy of the earth, the matter of the prime ethereal.
As we look around we see it all around us in the form of the most dominant life form on the Planet - Plants. Though some might see it differently I see it as a grey green, with a little more blue in the last few months with the shift. This is an excellent grounding or energising energy, hence the reason why it is often used in herbs or oils. To a great extent this is also the latent power in crystals that we program when using them.
What we are talking about here is using it directly. As with the above universal energies this is something that we have to be careful in using because it is powerful. This is something to use with co-operation of the earth. I first encouterd this through being invited in to be grounded by a tree, and went from there. This energy, closely aligned with plants and fey, are useful to ground spells, make energy work more powerful and works to create a solid effect on this planet. It is also what you work with when you modify space, when you mediate and work outdoors and when you work with plant energies. One to be respected and reflected on, this is a compliment to the Universal energies and such as powerful. While there will be more information on how to use these energies in later techniques and meditations the basic uses for this energy are mostly;
- Grounding
- Clearing heavy energies
- Energizing spells
- Casting circles and ritual spaces in the open
- Earthing
- 'Solidifying' spells in the earth reality to make changes i.e healing.
Used well this energy can do very good things. This requires clear intent and clear goodwill. Like the universal energies above this will rebound on you in a powerful way. Look at the techniques below to get an idea on how to use this, or look at how herbs and oils are used in your tradition for guidance. A good way to get a feeling for this is to walk around where you have contact with nature, touch a tree etc... To get a feeling for this. Once you do you will find this a very useful energy.
Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Arkhense
Connecting to the Universal Life Force - Etheric Life force Meditation
While the higher level universal energies may seem more important the higher level planetary energies have a role to play as well. These energies, the awareness and understanding of the planet, have a role to play in not only anchoring the higher universal energies as well as allowing us to tune into the higher life force of the planet. This dual benefit allows you to work with the planet as it evolves as well as the universal energies as they filter down to the planet.
The meditations below allow you to feel the energies to a certain extent, as well as attuning to them. There are also specific attainment techniques in the companion to this page, higher order techniques, but this will give you a better idea of what these energies are and how they relate to more than just you, giving you an idea of how to work with them in context, not just in yourself and your own context.
Long Form Earth Life Force Meditation
- Find a place where you will not be disturbed, lying down or sitting. Outside on the earth is ideal, but if you cannot find a place that you are comfortable, and not likely to be disturbed. Go beyond the built up environment and feel yourself sinking into the earth beneath it.
- Go past the base earth element, to feel the Gaia life force. Feel the blue/green energy around it, surrounding it, permeating it. Feel the energy, feel the life force, feel the connection to it.
- Feel the energy, feel it separate as you look at it. See the deep green awareness layer and the deep blue underneath you. Feel it, feel the difference. Feel it, the same awareness and understanding you have, but on a planetary anima and animus level. Let that sink through you for a few minutes.
- While connected to it, take ten deep breaths. Feel the energy, feel the energy flowing through the two dedicated chakras, the 9th Deep Green Higher Planetary Life Force Chakra and the 10th Deep Blue Planetary Awareness Chakra. Feel them come through into your physical being from your etheric through the 4th Intergrational Awareness, linking to your own, personal awareness. Feel the understanding come through to your personal system through from the energetic 10th Intergrational Understanding Chakra through to the 5th physical chakra.
- Attune yourself to the energy as it flows through you, feel your place as you do. Feel connected and whole as part of the planetary life force as you understand your place in it as it flows through you.
- Feel the flow of the physical world as you come out, attuned to it, attuned to your part of it. Come back to your body, feel the body with the energy flowing through it. Feel the attunement in your heart chakra. Settle into this, centre this, feeling it flow though you the chakras as you centre and attune to it as a whole.
- Take ten deep breaths, feel that attunement, using breathing exercises if you wish to. Feel the energy through you, feel it connecting you to the earth as you come to feel yourself physically.
- Feel the attunement as you come to normal being. Go about your day, feeling the attunement.
Short Form Earth Life Force Meditation
- Bring up a white light shield and go into yourself. Focus in on the heart chakra, the home of intergrational awareness and the Throat Chakra, home of intergrational understanding.
- Feel the connection, the cord to the corresponding 9th Higher Planetary life force and the 10th Higher Planetary understanding. Feel the energy come through into the intergrational layer through this cord, energising you and connecting to the earth
- Feel this energy as you sink into the earth from wherever you are, working feeling the Green/Blue energy of the earth, combined anima/animus life force. Bring yourself back out to yourself, feeling the energy.
- Soak yourself in it, attuning to the energy. Take ten breaths, using breathing exercises if you wish. Look around, feeling your attunement with the earth at the etheric level.
- Once attuned, come out and get on with your day, or go to ritual.
Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Arkhesnse
Etheric Life force Meditation
While planetary level energies do not seem as important or as highly advanced it is just as important. This because it is the life force of our planet, something which we all work with through ritual and magick work. This makes it just as important as any of the universal level energies thet we may deal with. Therefore it is just as important to attune to and understand as any universal or galactic rays. This is because this is the energy we are working with on this planet, the energy of the higher planetary life force, the level of interaction with the planet. This is plant based as well as the level the planet is on, making it a blue/green, from a grey/green, indicating the shift from the fourth to the fifth. This is also the same energy as many in the feyan cycle, which makes sense as many of the fey still in the prime ethereal are guardians of plant life.
In working with this you are working with the life force of the planet. As with universal level energies this is something to attune to and use carefully. Below this is two meditations, one a short attunement meditation and one a longer immersion meditation. The longer immersion meditation is good when you have time to really get to know the energy properly, and a short one to use as needed when you don't have time for a long one, or just to ground and centre yourself when needed.
This is a good energy to know for grounding and earthing, ritual circles in natural places and when using ritual in earth traditions. For this reason this is something that is good to attune to in the long form, topping up when you need to in the short form of the meditation and get to know well for this reason.
Long Form Earth Life Force Meditation
- Find a place where you will not be disturbed, lying down or sitting. Outside on the earth is ideal, but if you cannot feel yourself sinking into the earth.
- Go past the base earth element, to feel the Gaia life force. Feel the blue/green energy around it, surrounding it, permeating it. Feel the energy, feel the life force, feel the connection to it.
- While in it, take ten deep breaths. Feel the energy, feel the energy flowing through the heart chakra. Attune yourself to the energy as it flows through you, as you attune to it.
- Feel the flow as you come out, attuned to it, attuned to your part of it. Come back to your body, feel the body with the energy flowing through it. Feel the attunement in your heart chakra. Settle into this, centre this, feeling it flow though you the chakras as you centre and attune to it as a whole.
- Take ten deep breaths, feel that attunement, using breathing exercises if you wish to. Feel the energy through you, feel it connecting you to the earth as you come to feel yourself physically.
- Feel the attunement as you come to normal being. Go about your day, feeling the attunement.
Short Form Earth Life Force Meditation
- Bring up a white light shield and go into yourself. Focus in on the heart chakra, the home of intergrational awareness.
- Feel this energy as you sink into the earth from wherever you are, working feeling the green/Blue energy of the earth. Bring yourself back out to yourself, feeling the energy.
- Soak yourself in it, attuning to the energy. Take ten breaths, using breathing exercises if you wish. Look around, feeling your attunement with the earth at the etheric level.
- Once attuned, come out and get on with your day, or go to ritual.
Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Arkhense
Universal Level Chakra Correspondence Meditation
This meditation, a combination of chakras and the universal energies, places them in both the body and in synch with the planetary levels around you. This combination slides the universal energies into the planetary whole and gives them structure, making them useful. Through this you not only learn about the energies and anchor them into your life.
For this reason I recommend that you do this before any of the others. This gives you an experience with the universal energies. This means that you can be aware of them so you can use them for both aligning yourself as well as ritual work. This gives you an idea of how to use them, therefore how to use them. This also attunes you to the universal energies, aligns you to purpose. For this reason I recommend you do this first and regularly. It is also good in preparation for ritual, aligning you to higher energy and purpose and your higher energy. This can clear you and align you at the same time, making it a good preparation for ritual or a regular practice to align yourself to purpose.
- Sit or lie back comfortably, taking a deep breath.
- Go into your body, feeling your chakra energy centres like jewels one by one. Feel them, focusing out.
- Connect through your Crown Chakra, through white light, to the universe. Feel the universal light 'Rays' come down through you. Feel them connect through your system.
- Feel your Earth star chakra under your feet. Feel it combine with a clear, black light. This is the disintegration ray, like a black hole. This is decay, this is energy transmutation, this is energy recycling. It cleans up what you no longer need, no longer suits you. Feel this and where it is needed in your life. Feel it go through your energy and attune you to the universal flow, cleaning out what you no longer need.
- Feel your Base Chakra, centred in your groin. Feel the higher red energy infuse your personal Base chakra, energising and aligning your life force. Feel it work through and energise you on your base level, attuning you to your best and aligning it to universal life force.
- Go up through your Chakras to your Throat Chakra. Feel the blue, universal understanding energy, combining with your inspiration and new ideas. Feel it align your intergrational understanding, align your understanding with universal understanding. Feel yourself work through this, feel your understanding of the world align with your purpose.
- Go back down to the green Integrational awareness Heart Chakra. Feel the green of your Chakra infuse with the pink, universal awareness, infusing your awareness of the world and aligning you to purpose. Bring it up, feel it, feel your perception shift and align. Feel it work through you, aligning you with your purpose.
- Move up to your Crown, feeling both the violet/white of your crown chakra but also the clearer, pure violet light of Clear, amplified universal energy. Feel this cleanse you, feel it cleanse out what you don't need and purify you. Feel yourself cleanse and align, your access to your higher self and to universal energies purify and align to your purpose.
- Move up to your Higher crown, feel the platinum/White light go through you. Feel it's refreshing effect on all of your system, on all of your system, feel your system align along the Chakra axis and the energies come up, their effects combining. Feel your system align as you use the pure white to centre your energy, aligning it to the soul blueprint and your soul purpose.
- Once centred close off your chakras, one by one. Feel them close off, clean and whole. Feel yourself emerge as your energy system closes up, feeling renewed. Close up and go on with day or ritual, renewed.
Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Arkhense
Universal Level Chakra Meditations - Learning to Synch with the Universe
The following meditations, a combination of chakras and the universal energies, places them in both the body and in synch with the planetary levels around you. There are two types of universal energy filtered and unfiltered, both covered in their own meditation as they are different forms of energy that are used differently. Getting to know them and attune to them, however, is equally important as they can later be combined.
For this reason I recommend that you do this, in sequence with planetary higher life force meditations, before any of the others. This gives you an experience with the universal energies. This means that you can be aware of them so you can use them for both aligning yourself as well as ritual work. This gives you an idea of how to use them, therefore how to use them. This also attunes you to the universal energies, aligns you to purpose. For this reason I recommend you do this first and regularly. It is also good in preparation for ritual, aligning you to higher energy and purpose and your higher energy. This can clear you and align you at the same time, making it a good preparation for ritual or a regular practice to align yourself to purpose.
Universal Level Filtered Chakra Correspondence Meditation
This meditation is about attuning to all the filtered frequencies of universal light, understanding them, being able to work with them. This enables you to work with and understand the way this filters in us and in the world. This is an important step to work with these energies, ensuring that as you learn to cleanse, attune and work with them you have a full understanding of what you are working with.
- Sit or lie back comfortably, taking a deep breath.
- Go into your body, feeling your chakra energy centres like jewels one by one. First, come through the physical chakras, feeling them along your spine. Through them feel your Energetic chakras connecting through, down further, along the spine, up and down to connect to the Earth Star/Deep Base and Soul Star/Higher crown. Feel them connect to the system, energising it.
- After a moment to observe connect through your Crown Chakra, through white light, to the universe. Feel the universal light 'Rays' come down through you. Feel them connect through your system.
- Feel your Earth star chakra under your feet. Feel it combine with a clear, black light. This is the disintegration ray, like a black hole. This is decay, this is energy transmutation, this is energy recycling. It cleans up what you no longer need, no longer suits you. Feel this and where it is needed in your life. Feel it go through your energy and attune you to the universal flow, cleaning out what you no longer need.
- Feel your Base Chakra, centred in your groin. Feel the higher red energy infuse your personal Base chakra, energising and aligning your life force. Feel it work through and energies you on your base level, attuning you to your best and aligning it to universal life force.
- Go up through your Chakras to your Throat Chakra. Feel the blue, universal understanding energy, combining with your inspiration and new ideas. Feel it align your intergrational understanding, align your undertandng with universal understanding. Feel yourself work through this, feel your understanding of the world align with your purpose.
- Go back down to the green Integrational awareness Heart Chakra. Feel the green of your Chakra infuse with the pink, universal awareness, infusing your awareness of the world and aligning you to purpose. Bring it up, feel it, feel your perception shift and align. Feel it work through you, aligning you with your purpose.
- Move up to your Crown, feeling both the violet/white of your crown chakra but also the clearer, pure violet light of Clear, amplified universal energy. Feel this cleanse you, feel it cleanse out what you don't need and purify you. Feel yourself cleanse and align, your access to your higher self and to universal energies purify and align to your purpose.
- Once centered close off your chakras, one by one. Feel them close off, clean and whole. Feel yourself emerge as your energy system closes up, feeling renewed. Close up and go on with day or ritual, renewed.
Unfiltered Platinum/White Light Chakra Meditation
This Meditation is about understanding the platinum/white higher energy and how it works for us. Shorter but no less important, it allows us to understand and handle the unfiltered light of the platinum ray. These, Ideal for cleansing, purifying and creating pure intent, this is an important thing to understand the effects off. The Meditation below allows you to understand and create an attunement to it. As with the above meditation, it is a good idea to put aside some time where you can be comfortable and not be disturbed for a while.
- Sit or lie back comfortably, taking a deep breath.
- Go into your body, feeling your chakra energy centres like jewels one by one. First, come through the physical chakras, feeling them along your spine. Through them feel your Energetic chakras connecting through, down further, along the spine, up and down to connect to the Earth Star/Deep Base and Soul Star/Higher crown. Feel them connect to the system, energising it.
- After a moment to observe connect through your Crown Chakra, through white light, to the universe. Feel the universal light 'Rays' come down through you. Feel them connect through your system.
- Move up to your Higher crown, feel the platinum/White light go through you. Feel the contrast, feel the way it encompasses all the light rays.
- Feel it's refreshing effect on all of your system, on all of your system, feel your system align along the Chakra axis and the energies come up, their effects combining. Feel your system align as you use the pure white to centre your energy, aligning it to the soul blueprint and your soul purpose.
- Once centred close off your chakras, one by one. Feel them close off, clean and whole. Feel yourself emerge as your energy system closes up, feeling renewed. Close up and go on with day or ritual, renewed.
Quick Universal Alignment Meditation
A good one to use if you want to cleanse, clear or align to a particular energy, this is useful as a part of ritual in combination, or as a top up day to day. This technique, a simple one, aims to top up and align for a specific purpose, energy by energy. A simpler technique, this allows the use of these energies in a day to day fashion as needed. For this reason, this is a very good technique to remember and use as you need.
- Pull up a quick shield and go into yourself. Go into your chakras, feeling the balance of your energy system.
- Pick the energy that you need to meet your aims and goals. This is black for clearing what is no longer needed, red for tapping into life force, blue for universal understanding (sentience), pink for universal awareness, violet for clearing and clarity and platinum white for all purpose attunement.
- Focus in on the corresponding chakra for your energy. This is earth star for black, base for red, throat for blue, heart for pink, crown for violet and the higher crown for platinum white. Bring the energy down to the chakra and attune.
- Breathe to ten, using breathing exercises if you wish to attune and bring down the energy into to you. Feel it go through you.
- If you wish to use more than one repeat for the next one.
- Close off, or move to the next part of your ritual.