Spiritual Books


The Book of the Eclipse
The Hidden Influences of Eclipses
David Ovason
1999 Arrow Books
ISBN 0 09 94 0063 0
This book is one that I have been looking at and meaning to cover for some time. Purely a review, this is a good one for those who really want to understand the deeper aspects of astrology. Looking at how eclipses basic and fixed stars interact to create a persons destiny. To use this book you need a degree of understanding of basic astrology, but if you do have this you will get a lot out of it.
Split into two parts, one with the basic information and one around how it is applied to charts of famous people, it allows us to look at the process and application. In looking at eclipses and fixed stars it allows an insight that the main areas of astrology look at, looking at what makes people great and how the higher cosmic levels influence us. This allows an extra insight into what influences peoples lives, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Cosmic energies do influence our lives, this showing how and why.
For this reason this book is a valuable insight to look further at what can be learned from a horoscope, and the factors not usually considered in the astrology that we see everyday. For this reason I recommend this book to those that really want to learn about astrology as well as those that want to learn about their lives in a meaningful way.
Khel'Shen Akh'HonKyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Arkhense
Energy Healing

The 12 Stages of Healing
A Network Approach to Wholeness
Donald M. Epsteien and Nathaniel Altman
ISBN 1-848424-08-4
Amber Allen Publishing 1994
PP. 225
This book is one I have come back to many times. This is a book that outlines twelve cyclical stages of healing (A reproduction of a sacred number) that creates a sense of wholeness, not just cure. I think I was drawn back to this at a time that the Earth, and Gaia is going into a healing crisis for a reason. With the Zero point energy (See Current Trends and Influences) rewriting the basic human sentience, this is a very timely book. I have met many of the more aware of the newly awakened. These are the ones looking for a solution to their new awakening. Then there are those that this healing crisis of the planet and human energy field has spiraled into their own acute healing crisis. This book has solutions to both. I think that I was guided to this book for that reason - It fits those connecting in their own stages of earth healing.
In a way, this fits the earth's current roller coaster ride to healing into a whole, resonant biosphere. In a way, it connects to many people's personal struggles. This is a book that is going to resonate in a way to people on many levels (And people connecting and trying to help people stuck at stages of healing. There is a project attached to this book, an earth healing series of meditations, I am planning to resurrect when I get the time (Hah, Hah!!!) around Empowering the Sacred Feminine, paid work and my other commitments. In this way, this book is powerful.
While it may not work for some, it will work for others. I recommend this book to those who are in a stage of healing, or working with them. This is a good addition to any healers library as well, as an extra resource, to understand clients. I have come back to it two or three times and will come back to it again. Find a copy if you can and us it's wisdom in your own way.

The Essential Guide to the Ancient Healing Art
Chris and Penny Parkes
2005 Random House
ISBN 0 09 190249 5
PP. 179
As a basic primer to the art of Reiki, this book is a pretty good one. One I have owned for a while and recently used to write a basic article on this healing art for the Energy Healing page on my website. It is well laid out, easy to read and explains the fundamental basics of both learning this art and what it means as a treatment protocol.
It is of course, not a self help guide or a how to in any way. A First Degree course would be necessary to use this art in any way, but for the curious who want to dip their toe in and see if it is worth the investment it is a very good start. Complete with further reading and ideas on how to contact practitioners (if you are interested in treatment), or teachers if you are wanting to learn, this is a good first primer. While the links in the back of the book may be outdated or for the wrong country (The authors practice in the UK), that is nothing that a google search along the lines the book recommends does not fix. So if you can find this book and are interested in dipping your toes in, I would recommend it as a good read.
Nature Religions

Earth Mother Dreaming
The Modern Guide to Living a Shamanic Life
Scott Alexander King
2011 Rockpool Publishing
ISBN 97819211878534 (Paperback Edition)
PP. 349
On the somewhat belated revamping and relaunching of my sites (Long story) it is just after a Winter Solstice here. A Winter Solstice where the connection and respect for the true divine feminine and the female aspect of nature has been highlighted for healing and empowerment. In this spirit I am reviewing this book Earth Mother Dreaming (The Modern Guide to Shamanic Life) by Scott Alexander King.
Written by an author I know well this book is a very good basic guide to practising Nature Religions in everyday life. With contributions from other well known authors and practitioners, and sections on other streams of nature religions such as Witchcraft and Wicca if you are a newcomer this book is a good place to start. While it also contains some more advanced techniques I do not recommend for anybody without long term practice and outside training, this nonetheless gives a newcomer a good outline of what Shamanisim, Witchcraft and other aspects of nature religions are. Also containing some well written guided journeys with clear instructions, it can also appeal to those who are already on the path to use as a great brush up and reference book, which is what I will be keeping it for long term.
I recommend this book not only because it is a well written, basic how to outlining the path of nature religions but it is by a reputable author of many years experience. If you like this book I recommend that you especially look up his Animal Dreaming Series, of which I also own pretty much all of and recommend. If you are a beginner or just curious, look this book up today.

The Complete Illustrated Guide to Runes
Nigel Pennick
Element Books 1999
ISBN 1 86204 100 8
pp. 192
As the name suggests, The Complete Illustrated Guide to Runes is a basic guide to the world of runes, their history and their use. This is a book I have a well used copy of – So well used I had to reinforce the book with tape. I have many other, more advanced rune books, but I will still go back to this one, time and time again. Even now, among other uses I use it to still check spellings on rune names and terms in writing for both my website among other things.
It is very much a beginners book, which makes it ideal as a first book to get when you get your first set of runes. It has a section on how to make your own runes, or your own basic runic talismans, but in reality like me we all tend to buy our first set then get fascinated with them. With sections on the history and mythology of the runes as well, this can provide a grounding for beginners in the lore as well as they use of runes. It has clear detailed sections on how to read runes, good, clear definitions of the seven major sets of runes out there. This is the Elder Futhark, The Younger Futhark, The Anglo Saxon and Northumbrian Futhorks, the Gothic Runes, and the Armanen Runes (Though the way the Anglo Saxon Futhork and the Northumbrian Futhrok is set out is a little confusing without an independent Rune chart). Despite this, especially if you are using the Elder Futhark or Younger Futhark, it is a good primer and reference for a beginner, or someone who just discovered runes.
If you wish to start learning to read and work with the runes, I recommend that you read the book through a few times, take in the illustrations and get a feel for your set of runes at the same time as reading the definitions. This will will ground you for the first time that you try to use them, even if you do still need to use the book as a primer. However,, It is still useful at a more advanced stage as well for a quick reference guide, a research book and as I tend to use it as well – A spell checker for relevant terms when I am proofreading my writing. Even for having handy when doing readings for those not familiar with the runes, it is a great book to have on hand in case the person you are reading for wants to understand more on the rune and why it came up in the reading. For this reason I think it is a must have for well, anybody using and working with runes.