Current Trends and Influences

June 2024
June 2024
The Month of Cycles Changing

As I think of June 2024, I think of massive amounts of change. We still have what the Gaia Journal calls 'Father Sun' in a solar maximum bringing in the building blocks of the 'New Earth'. We still have the change processes of the April 2024 Eclipse, especially the Zero Point Gate at the point of totality rewriting sentience. An ongoing influence is going to be the Pink Galactic Awareness Ray, working through our Heart Chakra supporting a rewriting of human awareness to make us truly galactic beings. This is a time that we will be evolved into Galactic citizens, not just people on one planet. This is a time that we are growing out of sight and making a big step towards recreating 'New Earth'. Couple all this with the June Solstice on the 21st June 2024, this is really showing a major shift and change in our world and in ourselves.
This is a permanant change that we need to work with or we could get very uncomfortable in our surroundings. That is becasue our world is changing and if we do not change with it, we become out of dissonance with it. As we work with the time and space that we are in it is becoming not just a good thing to do, but necessary if you do not want to left behind. Do not look what you are leaving behind - That is the dead energy. Look forward to what you are moving towards and the living energy behind it. As I write this I watch the rain fall in the outside world through the door of my small abode, and well, think. Think about this as cleansing rain, just as the world is being cleansed.
This is linked to the importance of speaking out and saying something about what you think is wrong. This has come up in the Gaia Journal, as well as many other things such as the Runes of the day in late May, leading into this month. Even the Gemini New Moon video I am listening to (See links in Astrology for June - Molly McCord) highlights this. This is about speaking up on the problems you see. This is about speaking your truth. This is about trusting your gut and looking at where you really are. Do you like it? Does where you are now work for you, or does it feel dissonant? This is the checklist you need this month. If something does not fit this, do something about it. It is there for you to do this, not just sit in this discomfort. If you do not do something about it, it will build up and up to the point that it will explode like an abscess. This is not a good thing so do something about it when it is small and create what you need in your life. This could mean endings that make way for the new.
There is also the June Solstice in this month which will affect both hemispheres differently. It is in the Southern Hemisphere the Winter Solstice, the cyclic break in the year to distill wisdom and move forward with what you need and is best for you, while leaving behind what you no longer need. This is even more highlighted by the New Moon podcast (see above) I am listening to a I write this. Look at what you can do about working with this energy to distill this wisdom with ritual and meditation, coming in to the new ritual year with the best start. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere you are in the Zenith of the year. The absolute zenith, like the Full Moon of the year. Work with this to manifest the harvests of the second part of the year with this light energy, creating the best possible harvests of effort leaning into the time of year that these things become reality. Use spellwork, ritual and meditation to bring this into the second half of your year to get the best harvests of effort going into December 2024.
Overall, this is a massive time of change. This is where the fenlands are in flood, shifting and changing more and better than ever. This is going to be long term for the best, but at the same time it may not feel good. This is a time to harness to grow and change with the times and places, this is a time that we will be changed forever. Look at how you can co-create with this energy for the best results out of this. This not only helps you evolve and grow, but it can also grow the potential of New Earth as each person doing this creates the critical mass of our ever approaching choice point between creating this with balanced out wisdom or the onrushing Atlantean future that the lower frequency choices are taking us.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The Pink Galactic Awareness Ray
The Energy Remaking our World

While this energy has been active through late May, this will be a key energy of June 2024 and the June Solstice. Working through the Heart Chakra, this energy is the creator of so much change in this world as we change from beings of one planet, to galactic citizens. It is remaking our planets awareness as well as our own higher awareness - To bring us into synch with the galactic whole. As a primer of what these galactic energy coming in this is my write up from Higher Level Techniques;
- Black (Decay) Light - This may sound horrid, but it is essential. Things need to end to begin, black holes exist to change things, we all die and are reborn. Linked to the Deep Base/Earth Star Chakra, this is an essential part of life.
- Red (Universal Life Force) Light - Linked to the Base Chakra at the first link level this links us to the universal life force, allowing us to feel and grow. This is an essential part of life as well, a more accepted part than the black, and a base part of life.
- Pink (Universal Awareness) Light - This light, in this context the higher light, is higher because it is better filtered, Awareness being the first, therefore better mastered skills. This means that in this context it is reversed. It is the light of universal awareness, of understanding the higher realities. For this reason it is very important.
- Blue (Universal Understanding) Light - This blue light is important as it is the higher octave, the galactic octave, of our Throat Chakra higher understanding. This allows us to see the Galactic understanding. For this reason this is very important.
- Violet (Higher Evolutionary) Light - This light is a light of the highest filtering, good for cleansing and clearing. Associated with the Crown Chakra and the evolutionary level, this is the light of the highest filter. Good for a lot of general work as well as clearing and divination, this is truly a good light to work with for many reasons.
We are working, in effect the higher octave of the Heart Chakra's higher awareness. This energy was always within us through our heart centres, but with the ascension process it is being really highlighted now. It has come through to attune us to higher realities in our bodies as well as the body of Mother Gaia, our planet. Also known as 'Love', this is only one aspect of this Universal Awareness that is coming through. While connection/love is a part of this, it is only one part of it. A part that is important, but at the same time there are other aspects. Being aware at this level has a lot more to it when you get to understand it. More and more of us will grow to understand it in the coming month.
So, what does that mean for us? I will expand on this more in how this can work with abundance in a later article this month, It means that we will become less disconnected to each other. That we will be seeing each other less a competiton for scarcity, but as a part of the whole that needs each other. That if we grow and learn together, we create more for each other that helps us all. This is the basics. What has already come through is the phrase - 'There is enough abundance for everybody in this world. I have already welcomed my share in today'. This is the starting point I will be expanding on in a later article this month as things develop and grow with the New Moon. But until now, you can harness this energy through that phase.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
Love Versus Fear
Our Choice of Timelines

As we head towards the June Solstice, we are facing a choice. As more and more energy comes onto the planet from what Gaia in her chanelled journal calls 'Father Sun' we are rapidly evolving at a pace never seen before. At this point we are choosing timelines and the energy we choose to work with - Choosing a path as we do so. The title comes from Pam Gregory (See Astrology Corner), who talks about the two timelines - Love versus Fear. While I use a slightly different definiton of the two timelines, I agree with Pam Gregory on the basics of it all.
The ' Fear' Timeline is the old 2D to lower 4D concousness - the conciousness of disconnection, competiton and scarcity. This timeline is the one of our corporate hierachy, of 'Buisness', of our governments and corporations. This is a fading timeline but still there. With this one comes Racisim, sexisim, intolerances of all kinds and division. This is very much the timeline that our current politics is on, for instance. It is at this time a really easy one to choose, a really easy one. With the media, our politicans and our corporations feeding us this timeline every day on the nightly news, this is one that it is really easy to be sucked into. Especially at the moment here in Australia with this ' Cost of Living' crisis, it makes it even harder not to be sucked into this fading timeline. This fading energy.
The 'Love' timeline, which is really getting a boost with the incoming Galactic Awareness energy, is the other timeline. While 'Love' is the common word for it among many, this is only one aspect of it. It is a form of advanced, galactic level awareness, which connects us to the whole as a community. A community in which there is enough for all - No need for competiton. A community in which we embrace our differences instead of fearing them, knowing that that diversity is our strengh. A community where everybody has a place and is valued and honoured for it, not belittled and discrimiated against. This is where we are heading to.
These two energy frequencies, also known as timelines are in operation at the moment. While the ' Fear' timeline may be fading away, it is not gone yet. Indeed, it is rock solid in the material world in so many ways. Have a look at how the Donald Trump conviction has now made his hard core supporters double down, for instance. This tricksters curse, this tricksters lesson, has done this by tapping into their fears to feed his conspiracy theory. He is tapping into their fears of injustice happening to them to hide the fact that he was indeed fairly tried and convicted, and he now faces the consuquences for his actions. Sadly this is being sucessful rather than critical thinking being deployed and the wizard unmasked, so to speak. Likewise, the current right wing populisim in politics is based around exploiting people's fears and holding them to this energy frequency. The current dominant corporate and buisness models are also based on this. So yes, it is hard to escape. Very hard. Even among aware people I have seen it take firm hold and rule their lives, showing us how powerful it still is - Becasue it calls to our base instincts. But if we can take a step back, a deep breath back we can see it for what it is - An illusion. An illusion playing on the oldest parts of our mind perpretated by those who use our fears to control us, use our base instincts to divide us so they can conquer us and control the resources that should be far more equally divided.
This is where the 'Love' timeline comes in. Strenghened in the last few weeks by the Galactic Awareness ray, this energy is about diving deep into our hearts, into our awareness. About using this to see through the illlusions cast on us by the self interested, blow away the crap and call out the lies. This is going to happen more and more, though it is starting to happen now. Pam Gregory calls this the ' Eagle's Perch', but to me it is much more about dropping into awareness and seeing the true reality laid out as a grid around us. Once you do that you can see the patterns and interconnections and you can go wait a minute... This is wrong. I need to stand up for this. As the galactic awareness energy comes in to the point of the June Solstice, this will be strenghed more and more.
All of this makes this time a choice point, a fork in the road. At this point the aware have a major decision to make, one that will either make the world 'New Earth' or an Atlantean Technolgical Dystopia. The Atlantean energy of high tech centralised states is of the lower frequency energy/timeline, a place where our fears and base instincts are exploited to mask the real facts of how centralised power and control takes over our own inner voice in what is right and wrong. On what we can accept and what we cannot. On where our boundaries are slowly being eroded, like that frog in the water being heated, to be conditioned to accept this. This is one that only benefits those in power, not anybody else. As a counterpoint we have this more Lemurian Energy, long represented by the wisdom of the first peoples across the globe, of wisdom and awareness balancing this out. This is also being represented by those who are calling for greater controls and transparency on how AI and big data is being used, as well as greater consent and awareness by the public as as whole. Another manifestation of this is how the business model of 'Social Enterprise' is changing the winner take all, fear based buisness model and making it more community minded (Which could be a whole topic in itself). So there is hope out there. Connect to this hope rather than the Illusion sold by the mainstream.
But... How to make it happen? Well, the first step is to embrace this drop into the heart centre awareness. From there you can and will find your inner voice, and from there you know what your true compass is. From there, you will find your role in the growing community on the 'Love' timeline, and your outer voice will follow. I am currently in this process, learning the lessons as I go as much as anybody else. This will not take away your day to day fears and realities, it just gives you a new perspective on them. As this happens you will find yourself finding solutions to your problems in community you never thought of before, as well as seeing in a true light things around you. Pains and grief become lessons, and you start to understand what role you are playing in our world, which is currently a demolition zone. This will make it easier to tolerate what is happening around you, though you still may not like it.
Another thing to do is to follow the astrology of the time, what I call my spiritual intel report. This enables you to understand what is going on around you and make sense of it, rather than being caught up in the lower emotions - Fear, grief, anger. This gives perspective and allows you to wade through the rubble to the new experiences coming in for you. In times of hardship of whatever form I have found this so valuable I now list the links to the two astrologers I follow - Pam Gregory and Molly McCord (See the Astrology page for links). Over the past few years these two Astrologers have become my key intel officers on the changing world, so to speak, giving me some peace of mind. If you need it, don't be afraid of seeking personal guidance either. If you feel too close to something, or you feel a piece is missing, this may be the thing you need to move forward.
At all times, remember not all hope is lost. This is the key time now, the choice point. 'New Earth' is within reach. We just have to claim it by becoming the change we want to be. By rejecting the mainstream when it is just a dangerous illusion. By choosing to stay in higher awareness, or 'Love'. By choosing the higher path. The more of us that do this, the more it strengthens and the lower 'Fear' path weakens. Each person that does this is a key piece of critical mass at this crossroads that is our current time. Critical mass that brings in a much better final reality.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The June New Moon
Change Supercharged by Father Sun

The New Moon on 6th June 2024 was a massive jolt in the evolution of humanity form 'Mankind'. The Astrology says it (See the Astrology tab under Divination. The Runes drawn both for the New Moon and the three days of the New Moon Phase all showed it. I felt it to my core. This is due to the fact that what the Gaia Journal (See the tab under Opinion and the companion facebook page) 'Father Sun' is at this point sending us a lot, and I mean a lot of extra energy in the form of Solar flares and Coronal Mass Ejections, which hit our plant during this new Moon. This was combined with the Pink Galactic awareness ray, even in the energy manifestation of the Rune of the New Moon (See Divination), which came in a few days earlier to bring in higher guidance and wisdom into this mix. All of this is coming in a few weeks before the June/Cancer Solstice, a major choice point which almost seems to be a timeline break in some ways, bringing in massive new amounts of energy and potential for change and growth. But this has to be handled consciously and with great wisdom at this choice points.
This New Moon, indeed this month is setting up the time we are choosing between the Wiser, Lemurian higher path of 'Love' or the Atlantean command and control, technocracy of 'Fear'. Both will share technologies, Both will create new horizons and new opportunities. The difference will be how it is handled, therefore how these things are implemented. There is an old phrase this reminds me of right now - 'Technology is a good servant but a poor master' - This is where we are now. We are choosing whether these technologies will be our servant or our master. Whether they will rule us or whether we will control them for the benefit of the many. Whether we allow our current unviable top down social structure to be reinforced as a technocracy or we choose another, wiser path. This is all up to us and our choices at this point. And it is as simple a embracing the Pink Galactic Awareness ray and coming onto the 'Love' timeline. Each person that steps off the 'Fear' timeline, the lower timeline weakens it's grip on our current reality and accelerates the change in our manifest society.
But at the same time, there is always the same caution at the crossroads. Everything around us is new, and as you can see by events such as Donald Trump being turned up to twelve, not just eleven after his conviction, the Trickster is still around (See last month). He has a job, the trickster. To wake up the unaware masses and make them think. There are also a lot of lower astral predators and other malicious spirits in the world right now. These are mostly manifesting online in the digital world as the barrier to manifesting here is a lot lower than in the physical world. They are sadly finding a home in the unaware counter-reaction, amplifying it to feed off the energy that this creates. This is making waking up these unaware beings even harder as they are fed their wildest fantasies about a return to the world they want. They range from dating coaches who try to teach the men around them women are commodities, to conspiracy theorists, to just groups of Incels and other forms of misogynists on 4 and 8 chan. They also feed on other forms of hatred highlighted recently such as white supremacy among others. They are not going away - They love their happy hunting ground. It is up to us to bring the aware back into our fold and drain them of prey.
But we cannot do this by forced conversion. We cannot do this by denying their complaints or their reality. They will be hurting, they will be feeling dislocated, isolated, angry at the dying of the light. They will be feeling confused and not knowing the next step. This is just natural. There may even be a time of grief they have to go through for their old ways. This is also natural. Be there, showing them the next step when they are ready to take it and come to the new reality that they were denying, helping them see it's much better than they lost. We can do this by living it. By being the forerunners and exemplars they can see and when they process their grief and dislocation, ask to join us. It is then we become their guides into this new world. And only then. So for now we have to work on ourselves and just be there, be present for those that are not there yet, waiting for the day they are. It is then that we can help them move forward.
But until then, we need to be the change we want to see. We need to be the ones that put it into action and get the ball rolling towards critical mass. It is us that have to acknolwldede the old is still there while being the visible pioneers of the new. This is what this moon is all about - Doing that. Going out there and putting what you know into practice, being the pioneer and the forerunner. Being the one there that those coming behind us can follow. If you feel a calling, take it up. If you are getting ideas, no matter how crazy they are, start putting them into practice. Don't wait for things to come, create them. Through this we will make the world what we want to see, not what it is. But we have to take the first steps and start now, at this time. Or it will never happen. Use this New Moon as well as the energy of later in the month with the June Solstice pretty much on the Full Moon to make it happen - The energy is there for it.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The Winter Solstice and the June Full Moon
Twinned Events Changing our World Forever

Over a very powerful few days we had two events that merged together to create a supercharged change in our world. This was the combination of the June Solstice (Winter here in the Southern Hemisphire and Summer in the Northern Hemisphire) and the June Full Moon. This effectivley made the Full Moon and the June Solstice one very powerful event.
This is becasue by my way of working a moon phase is three days. The first day is the foreday, the apex day which is the day it is advertised on, and the afterday which is the day after. I also mark solstices and equnoxes the same way, with a three day timing. The foreday is the day before, the main day is the day of the Solstice or Equinox and the afterday is the day after. In this case this meant that the June Solstice on the 21st was on the foreday of the Full Moon. The Full Moon also had it's apex on the next day, on the Solstice afterday. This in so many fused their energies to make the Full Moon a rather powerful New Moon for the next twelve months, rather than the classic energies of a full moon.
The June Soltice in itslef was powerful, acting as a quantum break in reality. This powerful energy that has been building up since Aprils Solar Eclipse and the Zero Point Gate exploded into a break in reality that was in so many ways the completion of a process that rewrote the human conciousness. This is becasue as the energy has been building up to this tipping point we have been gathering momentum, then at the tipping point the critical mass was reached to just accelerate the energies outwards into the world. They had been working in the world in a way before (See the Zero Point gate article from April 2024) but now they are are working thorugh the world at an even more rapid pace. What did they do? Well, they shut down support for the fear timeline even more than it already has been, which is another step forward in the evoluition of the world. Over the next few years as the residual energies of this 3D Fear timeline are demolished you will see more and more chaos, but this is the clearing of the demolition rubble, with the planning and engineering going on for the new build. So while we will still see the old 3D structures limping along, they are in the process of being replaced.
The feeling I got from this was a complete change in cycles. Not just for twelve months, but for aeons. This is supported by so much astrology as well as so many other messages out there. This is a time where the old is no longer acessible, the final density needs to be shed in this few years of transition. This may not be plesant in some ways, but it is necessary. But under that the new is being planned - So don't lose sight of that. Keeping sight of that is the most important as it will show you your next steps through the rubble around us.
And as always, stay in the heart centre. This is perhaps the most important as this allows you access to your intiutiuon. As of this eclipse the third eye chakra is also coming online - Bringing in our higher senses. More activated since these twinned events, this is going to become more and more activated with time and higher energies. As this happens, paranormal abilities will become more and more commonplace with time, especially after the clean up job is done in two or three years time.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
May 2024
May 2024
The foundations of New Earth

As we get into this month it seems that the energy is clearer - But there is a catch. While the insanity of last month has been dialed down, we have lived through the implosion of the old, shitty building. Riddled with concrete cancer and about to fall down anyway, but needing to go in a safe way. This is what the eclipses in March and April have done. But we are not faced with the clean up and rebuilding on the site, something that will last for much longer and keep up for us for as long as we need it.
As you can imagine, this means clearing out the rubble to prepare the site while you make the plans to rebuild and get them through the authorities. We are starting this stage well and truly in earnest for 'New Earth'. This is the time that we are in our own ways all laying down our part of this. Some are part of the clean up crew, clearing and recycling the debris. Others are part of making the future plans. Others yet are part of the engineering crew deciding how to make it happen. But we are all a part of this and need to come through this.
The demolition rubble is the reaction and counter reaction to this by those forced to evolve with the whole who cannot understand, tolerate or handle it. There have already been violent incidents in my home country, home state of NSW as a result of this. This is why one Donald Trump is being dialed up to Eleven (One of them). As we look around we will find little things at this time that create hell for many people around them. This will get worse before it gets better, with culture wars, more violence, counter reactions and other forms of adult tantrum coming through. This is just natural as in many ways on these frequencies these people are basically toddlers. This is also a time and place that those who are aware are needed to balance this out as it gets worse before it gets better. Understanding that this gets worse as the blockages in the higher energy systems that are the unaware is the first step towards working towards it. This needs to be done, the clean up needs to happen in order to create the new earth. The debris needs to be cleared to ready the site for construction, and we are doing it now. This is an important task.
This I am predicting will take 2-3 years as the reaction and counter reactions play out. There are people on this, but in the meantime we can plan and create the solutions we need to swing into progress when construction starts. There are also people in on this, earth servers and light workers, who are already doing this at the highest frequencies. This allows a smooth transition to construction when the debris is cleared.
This in a way is already underway, and has been since November last year. As this happens, this is something that will seem to be almost magical as it gains pace. But at this point we are at the very start. The chaotic clearing of the construction site and the start of the organising of the project, that being 'New Earth'. So understand this as we go through the next few years, seeing the clean up that starts now. There is better things coming into the works as we get through this, once we clean up the building site. Then we can truly rebuild. As this happens, you will see the results from the next two or three years that we are going through now.
This, of course is happening in the background of the 3x9 that I felt starting in 2020, three cycles of transformation and change. The first one shocked us awake with Covid 19, which I hope we will heed. The next one if we don't learn will be even worse, the level of SARS on a eerily similar eclipse pattern nine years later. And the next one came in as a laughing plague skull - We really don't want to see this one if we don't grow up. Look to what you can do to create a better future that does not include the last one especially - Create a life and times that bring in a more positive future than the one I saw four years ago. If we all work together, we can.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The Trickster and the Lower astral Spirits
Manifesting in our World

I have written about this a few times, but at this time this is something that has come up as critical. Two things are really manifesting at this time, the trickster, and Lower Astral, malicious spirits. At this time, well, both are in full flight. The trickster manifested through the April Eclipse with a job to do - to make us think and reject the old ways. As a cue to evolve and grow. But the fact that the world has evolved does not mean the portals to the lower astral realms are closed. They are not - And since the invention of the internet as we know it, as well as idiots on it, malicious spirits have found an easier way to manifest. As an energetic realm, or digital realms have a lesser cost of entry for malicious entities than the rest of the world. Then you add 4chan, 8chan and all the other sites infested by incels and you get the idea on how much of a playground our digital world is for things that yes, want to mislead us for their own reasons.
Starting with the Trickster. This is an important element of our evolution and growth, making us think. Be he Loki, Lugh, the Coyote, the Crow or any other incarnation, the Trickster is to make us think. It is there as the used car salesman in our world to make us look at the guy in the cheap suit upselling a complete bomb with impossibly low miles going, yeah, okay.... Why are you selling for that price again, man? Let me get an independent mechanic to check that? He is meant to make us think, check our facts and ideas, learn and grow. To know intuitively that too good to be true is, and yes, move on. A bomb is a bomb, even with the clock wound back. To know that the person that answers all of our needs and wants in politics is a pied piper (Thinking of you Donald Trump). In order to hopefully make the worst think, he has been bought in amped up to eleven in all of his forms and servants to make us think, make us learn, make the unaware grow. The trickster is there to teach us a lesson on schoolhouse earth and he's been made louder to get through to the absolute idiots of the world. As have his tools.
This is in contrast with the malicious spirits that have found their home on the internet because well, it is digital, energy and the bar is lower than anywhere else. They are superficially like the tricksters lessons, but there is nothing remediable about them. I bet they love 4chan, 8chan and every other incel site, same as political fear campaigns and disinformation. They get into it to feed on that shit. Identity politics attacking each other is well, what they delight in because it feeds them. The trickster does it to make us see how ridiculous it is. These spirits feed it and feed on it in turn. These are meant to be seen through, those working with them reported and avoided. Sadly, without moderators, Twitter, now known as X has become a breeding ground for them among other areas like Donald Trumps joke of a social media. So many other places on the net, including political social media has become their playground. They distort truth like The Trickster, but they don't do it to make us think. They do it to feed and breed more problems and hatred, which they feed off all the more - Only to their benefit.
For this reason, it is critical especially at this point to think critically and trust your gut. Like the thirty year old bargain of a lifetime with low klicks and sloppy brakes and transmission, it's cheap for reason. Most likely the second owner used it as a burnout car and thrashed it so walk the hell away. Heed that voice in your head that says walk the beep away and find another car. This is the same for that AI, bot or person is telling you your dreams can come true for a reason. Walk the beep away knowing it's a con job from something wanting to feed off you, nothing else. If your gut, your intuition, make you recoil walk straight off. This is a malicious spirit. If it's a wait a moment... Yeah, that wrong... And you know what the real solution is for you, more difficult or not, it's the trickster. Here your gut and intuition is the guide. Develop and use them, because this little battle is going to be around for a while, while unaware people in the counter reaction are around to fool. Arm yourself and you will get out of it the best way possible - With the best solution, or not conned. Knowing the difference is the key.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
Solar Storms and Chaos
The Remaking of the World

As we come to the end of this month we are getting to the crux of a lot of change and growth. We are pretty much in the middle of a solar maximum with flares, solar storms and other events bringing more and more high frequency energy to the earth. This means that the changes started last month are really, really starting accelerate as the energy pours in from the sun, which the Gaia Journal calls Father Sun.
As this trend continues you will continue to see and hear bad news. This will amplify over the next month or so, at least. This is what needs to be changed coming to light. Just as I write this now, there is a tragic murder suicide of a father and toddler, with a domestic violence history. Getting to the mother through the kid. This worthless coward who killed his child and committed suicide after to not face the , as much as we might condemn him (I do) is showing us what we need to fix - His attitude. Same as any other event, look at what it is highlighting to fix, to ' Declutter' as someone I know put it. To show us what energy we need to 'declutter ' on both a macro and micro scale. If you only see the problem it will become overwhelm. If you go okay, this is what we are seeing, what is the solution, you start to get out of that state to a state of understanding how to move forward 'Decluttering' that thing. This is going to become more and more valuable moving forward as we come into the second from the first cycle of change.
As we go forward there are three cycles of change happening. I will put more in about this, but there is a three times nine pattern of eclipses, eeriely the same in timing - Starting from Boxing day 2019. This was Covid 19 and how it changed the world. What awareness that shock bought about. This was the warning, the shot across the bows that well, humanity is not the master. How we heed it in the next four years or so will determine what comes about in the next cycle - Will it be worse, or will it start to make things better? That is all in our hands. And the decisions we make. This is a choice point, both for us as individual people but also the world as a whole. What world do we want to live in? This is the time to make the decision now on what we want and enact it because the energy is there in this solar maximum. Commit to it now, bringing this in and look at how you can be the change agent you want to be. Be that spellwork, be that manifestation, be that affirmation. This is all going to help bring in the critical mass we need. Harness the power now and bring in the world you would live in, the ' New Earth'. only that way will it come about. If we make it. This is the month to really put some effort in to make it happen if you want it to.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The May Full Moon
Building Blocks and Higher Awareness

As we head towards the end of May there is no letting up. I have coverd how the solar storms are changing us, but there is a new ingredient coming in with the May Full Moon - The pink Higher Awareness Ray. Housed in the Heart Chakra, this has really been highlighted since the Full Moon. This is the higher, galactic frequency of the heart chakra and is being highlighted through both our own personal Heart Chakras but also the earth's Heart centre, flowing back though to us. As this happens it is combining with the intense solar storm we have going at the moment, which the astrologer Pam Gregory (See Astrology) calls the building blocks of our evolution.
This has been a recurring theme in the Gaia Journal (See the page link above as well as a separate Facebook page), a channeled blog as well as the runes of the day, week and Full Moon. .This means that for about a month after the Full Moon on the 23rd May we are really seeing these two combine to rewrite the very core of our being. The very core of what it means to be human in this new environment. This may not always be comfortable. This is because like water finding an obstacle, this energy will start to try and push it out. As it does this you will become aware of something in your life, either within you or in your outside life showing you what the block is to clear it. Once you clear that block things will begin to flow smoothly again. You may also find things you no longer need falling away. There may be a sense of purging to this, which may not seem pleasant, ,but is necessary.
You may also be suffering ascension symptoms such as tiredness, being unable to sleep or many others. Even the aware can be hit by these ascension symptoms - I know I have through many other times, such as eclipses. and was wiped out for most of my work week from tiredness. If you are having any of these symptoms the thing you have to remember is that it is doing something in you to upgrade you. Like you can't use your windows PC while it decides to update yet again, something in your energy system is working on something else so you don't have access to it. While it may be negative to distressing at the time, this is for the right reasons in the long run, You just have to remember that as you are going through it.
Overall, the next month or so from the full Moon on the 23rd is upgrading us in effect to galactic citizens, rather than just citizens of one planet. We are being upgraded to have greater contact with the divine, whatever you call it. Look for the signs, keep a record of what is happening to you and work with the energy as it presents itself. Look at how you can co-create with this energy consciously to come out better. If you have ascension symptoms, them work with them and try to understand what is happening in yourself, in your being. Look at increasing your practice, or take up extra meditations etc... to use this time effectively. And manifest. Manifest with the creed 'There is enough abundance for everybody to have their share. I have already received mine.' while channeling this pink light. Some call it love, which is an aspect of it. But it is not 'Love' as such, but an elevated awareness. An elevated consciousness. Look at how you can work with this in the next month to get the best result moving forward. Each person that does is a building block of the upcoming New Earth.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
Ascension Symptoms
Physical reactions to energy shifts

As the energy of the planet shifts and changes dramatically we are all tied into this as beings. Even the unaware are tied into this and can and will start to feel the shifts and changes, though they don't realize what they are reacting to. For the aware they may still be getting what is called 'Ascension Symptoms' - Where the body physically reacts to the incoming energy and the way it is changing. This is spoken of by both Pam Gregory and Molly McCord in their podcasts on major events like eclipses and the current solar storm. This is also something I have heard others, especially those very sensitive to the energies around them talk about.
I have experienced them myself in my own being, both at times of major events such as eclipses and when I am working with a lot of energy as an earth server. For instance, last October the eclipse wiped me out. And I mean wiped me out. I was sleeping or working my day job - Nothing in-between. I just had no energy for anything, even my day job, though I had to do it. And I never felt rested. At times of high energy I need to watch my light sensitivity not to get migraine headaches. This relates both to earth service and to just high energy shifts. That is a part of my experience with this, others will have their own unique experience. One may be so buzzed you are full of energy despite the fact that you cannot sleep, for instance. These are normal and while at times unpleasant, are a part of working with energy at times.
Another one I got was during the time that I was moving in February around that buzzing New Moon with no grounding for the energy, I was throwing up just about every day when I got up for no physical reason. This was my system purging old energy made physical. This was by no means pleasant, but considering at that time I was shedding massive amounts of lower density ahead of the major changes coming, there was a reason it was there. Others may have experienced this point in other ways, like an emotional crisis for instance. Or just everything they had leaving their life in the worst way possible.
So, what can you do if you are going through this? At times, all you can do is ride it out. This may not be the answer you want but this is at times what you have to do. Like any other illness these things will take their course. Look at how you can help alleviate what is happening for you, but at times all you can do is ride it out, knowing that it will resolve itself - One particular time for me (Migraines) thirty or forty minutes after the energy stopped flowing. You can also look into what and why is happening. What do you need to move on? What is happening, what process is overwhelming you? If you can identify that and work with it this will shorten the time you have to deal with these symptoms.
Your symptoms could also be indicating some kind of block or problem coming to your attention. Look into this by the area of the body and chakra relationship and what is happening. For instance, always feeling like you're choking for no reason could mean that there is something you are not saying and need to, something you are holding in. Constant unexplained gut upsets could be not being able to 'Stomach' something. There is a code there that only you will be able to interpret for yourself.
So, if you are having these symptoms, look into them and understand them. they may just show you the way forward to what to clear to move on to something bigger and better. It is in working with them and understanding them you will be able to get through them and out the other side new and improved.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
April 2024
April 2024
A Month of Rapid Healing and Change

April 2024 is leading off the back off the re-balancing and opening up of the various infected wounds that we have on the earth. If you look at March 2024, that was intense, right? Well, more is coming up. More and more is going to come up into next month - We have only had the opening act. It is going to get serious with April 2024.
The astrology shown in the featured videos in Astrology corner just start to show that this is happening. I call this my spiritual intelligence report, showing me what is coming up. I follow two particular Astrologers (See Astrology Corner for links) - Pam Gregory (Macro) and Molly McCord (Micro). But this is also being backed up with what I am seeing. We are already in the influence of a twelve month cleansing and healing cycle from last month, but this is going to become more intense with this month. Because the big one is coming with the upcoming Solar Eclipse - Finishing what was started last October and finally getting rid of the pools of toxic energy that are still - To use an analogy, trying to connect to a network of energy no longer there. The more they try to connect and become more and more frustrated, the more and more they become toxic and poison the whole. This is what is going to be dealt with. It is interesting to note that like October eclipse this is connecting to, this is going to be powerful and atypical. I am not sure of how yet, but I am sure it is going to be powerful, full of fire energy and multi-faceted. And is going to cause a lot more chaos and disruption in the next twelve months as we come into it - In a very unpredictable way.
This is because we will be coming into the reaction, counter reaction etc... Which will make things messy. As these toxic energies and the people attached to them don't see how dissonant with the new reality they are, they will get louder and louder. Expect culture wars, expect nasty counter reactions, expect more and more divisive shit from them. The fact that Donald Trump is coming in like one big puss filled boil to highlight just how much of this toxic energy exists in the United States still. Expect him to get louder, more prominent and more divisive as he feeds off these pools of energy, fanning those flames. I expect the right wing Idiots - Like the Texas legislature trying to deny court rulings or the whole concepts such as United States Federalsim - to become more and more vocal and idiotic in public. I expect more and more of this as they fight back to protect their toxic little pool as the energy starts to dissolve it. These pools will be dissolved and those defending them will eventually fail. But in the meantime they will become a more and more damaging, vocal and divisive as they desperate try to hold onto the old. It is something that will take a while to heal, but once the infections gone this is much easier overall. So for this reason it is a necessary step we may not like, but have to go through. To get yourself through it, just keep telling yourself it is a part of a healing crisis. We cannot fix what we do not know about and it's here to be fixed, if it helps get you through.
One thing if for certain, this month is going to be intense. Two or three big events are coming together to change the world forever, and I mean forever. The eclipses are one. The Solar Maximum is one. Once in an Aeon Earth frequency changes coming to a point of completion is another. This is setting up the entire changes of the earth - For the better. This is setting up what Pam Gregory calls New Earth. This is the purging phase of what is dissonant with this so is being pushed out by the critical force of the greater whole that can no longer handle it. Because it is a toxic wound they cannot ignore. These are serious earth changes, very serious earth changes that are going to be good overall, we just have to go through the process of losing the dissonance for the whole to thrive. So remember that as we go through this time and hold onto your aims, goals and truths, because they will pretty much be the only solid thing that is around at this time to move forward in a positive way, and not getting caught in the negative crossfire.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
Rewriting Humanity
Re-modelling Human Awareness

After human sentience was re-modeled, came human awareness. The descending energy first went into the Sacral chakra, and was rewriting and rewiring that for two or three days. Then something really strange happened. The process accelerated suddenly as the energy working on the awareness centre trickled down to base awareness (As the Base Chakra is - Our base awareness of ourselves) and mixed with the energy coming from the earth. This suddenly accelerated the process of rewriting the base chakra.

This acceleration caught me by surprise as I am sure it has many, many other people. I had ascension symptoms such as a form of purging in the form of throwing up for no other reason and Migraines that floored me. This happened for about two or three days and cleared up after - It's job was done. There are still blocks and issues coming out as I work through things, but the basics are there. Even aware people will get this, but be able to understand it. Those unaware and not ready are likely to be hit by this like a ton of bricks. They may not be aware how and why, but it will happen.
This might come in the form of no longer feeling the same person, or the act of being jolted awake. Just... Jolted awake and seeing spirit for the first time. I have seen some of this myself, and I have heard the same thing from other practitioners - A lot of first timers coming to them. Even aware people are coming in as issues that are blocks coming to light to be healed as this process brings them up. This is a natural part of the process - Even I got made aware of one the day of writing this, and I am pretty advanced. We are all on the same ladder, it is just that some are further up on the rungs towards the roof.
At this time, especially with the frenetic transits, this is still a time of turmoil showing you not just your path, but the blocks you need to clear. As there was also an instant re-connection to the highest galactic energy as well as the higher awareness (Heart) and higher consciousness (Throat) centres. This all at once was, and still continues to be overwhelming for many. This is a time that we must work with the energy that is presenting for us, in good ways or not, to create what is coming in new in our lives. As we work through this we may find things we thought we beeping dealt with, but they will come back up, for what is left of them to be resolved. Look at what is happening for you, understand what is coming in, and work with it. At times it will be rolling with the punches.
And understand the unaware. It is no coincidence that since the eclipses there has been a number of violent incidents recorded here in Australia, for instance. Or that Donald Trump is being turned up to eleven. This is a counter reaction by those left behind and not understanding it. This will continue to happen at all levels as this energy continues to be esorbed into the collective consciousness. What we can do as aware people is create a time and place that supports this process, melting the toxic pools of 2D to lower 4D energies from underneath to limit the damage, trying to bring the unaware with us as we do. The more we do bring in, the more that the frequency shift will bring in the new earth. We are in the trenches of that one at the moment.
If you need help or guidance, look at energy healing or a trusted reader/guide for help. This is new territory, new times and places and even I am learning things, blocks coming to light in unexpected ways. You too will have these things, aware or not. There will be purging phases, there will be trials. Things coming to light you thought you were finished with. Look at how you can work with the process to the end, with help if needed. Find what can work for you to help support you in this process.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
Rewriting Humanity
Re-modelling Human Sentience

As we look around we see things changing and growing. As we look around we will see that things have to change, we cannot go forward as we are. We are in a time with the Zero Point Energy is rewriting human Consciousness. This energy rippled out, and the next day, I started connecting with the zero point of the human energy field. In particular, the yellow Solar Plexus Chakra. This is the home of our sentience, of our basic level of conscious thought. As this determines reality, this is being rewritten by the Zero point gate as a part of this process. This process is quite literally rewriting the Solar Plexus Chakra of every person on this planet. Not a small task, right?
Well, it isn't. But that is what the Zero Point gate bought out. This is going to go on all year and bring out a lot of uncomfortable things to be resolved in the process, a lot of things to create and learn and grow up. Some might not like the new energies and feel uncomfortable, and react to them instead. Others will feel a liberation from the old collective consciousness straight jacket. This is a time and place that the real changes are being grounded down in the temporal world through each individual, as the higher frequency consciousness grounds down in all of us. Even those that are aware will feel disruption. Those who are unaware and being in effect, shocked awake, will feel even more disruption at a base level. This is a part of the healing crisis coming in through the Solar Eclipse this month, which was a really big one bringing in what we need to to rewrite the world.
This time is a time to really be reflective and go with the flow as things come up. Some may be to do with your own consciousness, others may be reflections on the collective consciousness that need healing. At this time Earth Servers will continue to see things wrong around them, things wrong around them that need to be healed. This may seem like a punishment, but it is not. It is the Universe bringing things in that we need to be aware of.
At this time you may be also shedding density. This is a part of the changing consciousness. I had this in February, with a horrific move on the New Moon. Another friend is finding this now with moving and creating the new on the New Moon Eclipse. This is not a good time when you are in it. It is meant to be breaking you down, it is meant to get you to that point of stress. Like the trials that are in historical epics, they are breaking you down to rebuild you. More and more this will happen even to aware people. It will feel like a punishment, but it is not. It is your own personal trial to move to the new consciousness, the new light. You are shedding density if you already have not that is now unsustainable. Ride through this and come to the other end. Stay grounded, and find rituals that can help you find a way to ground down the old and the unhealthy energies around you to be transmuted.
But also look at using the Heart Centre to stay in contact with the Pink Awareness Ray, called by many the love energy. This is the energy that started this rewrite, this is the energy that started this whole thing. It came in before the Eclipses to start grounding in the framework for the change, looking at what you can do to connect and grow to it. Look at what you can at this time to work with it - And help create the 'New Earth' that we all want. Whatever part of the process you are in and the parts that you are playing.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
April Aries Solar Eclipse
Healing Light and Higher Sacred Flame Activation

As we head into the coming year, we will be looking at a massive amount of change and transformation from this event combined with March's Lunar Eclipse. This pattern is coming through at a time that is making their effects even more powerful, creating a new energy flow. As I looked at this a really interesting image came up. That of a woman taking out pearl headed pins from a low cut, off the shoulder collar around the front and back of her blue/green dress, where they were in her flesh as well, showing brilliant white light underneath. Her face was a little indistinct, but she was there. This was indicative of all of the wounds, the points of lower frequency energy that were being removed, holding back the connection between Higher Awareness and Understanding, therefore her evolution. This is what is coming up to be resolved at this time.
There are two major energies coming in at this time to do this. One came in with the eclipse gate at the point of greatest totality - Pure, blinding white X-Ray level flame and the Pink Galactic Awareness ray. Now this is interesting in that there are three gates to this. The gate of light, releasing X-Ray level flame (Seemed to relate to Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian god of light) happened twenty four hours beforehand. The tricksters gate as I write this is coming out at 12.00 noon on the day before the Eclipse for your local time. This is relating back to the Lunar Eclipse, bringing that which needs to be healed to light. The trickster, given different names by different cultures, is a key figure here – One making us think and creating a new reality. He is showing us where our flaws and faults are and where we need to learn, change and grow. This is going to happen on the personal as well as global scale. The last gate that will open at the eclipse totality is a quantum break, a powerful time of change and transformation from which there is no going back. None at all. This is it, we are in the 5D physical world from then on. This is pre post is being put up so those aware can get into the frame of mind to consciously co-create with the break with reality, that zero point that all at once is the old and the new. The new reality and the old at once. Because from there there is no going back – So use this point wisely and with intention. It will set you up to really shine and grow into your own power in the new world.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar

April Aries Solar Eclipse
Tricksters Gate Update
For me on Sydney time on GMT + 10 this gate opened at midday, ready for the largest gate early tomorrow morning. Please note that for this reason there will be a rune of the final gate and the Eclipse itself, which was drawn today. This gate started off as a swirling gate of black energy and created a outpouring of, well shadow. Definitely connecting back to the previous eclipse, this is showing us what is to be healed. This is creating a time and space till the end of the year that is facilitating the healing crisis, showing us what needs to be healed in both our lives and the world. Some of this may not be pleasant, which I know for myself. I am currently dealing with one that is not so good in the form of my Handbag Dog of a little man of a neighbor, who has continued to be a problem since illegally cutting vegetation I had in a sacred precinct. He is certainly not a pleasant thing - But he is showing me what is wrong with the world. The toxic low vibration attitudes that need to be removed and healed.
What this also showed me that the pinned collar, spoken about above is a straight jacket that is being removed off the spirit of the earth. As our frequencies go up with the planet this is being unpinned and removed - Because we have outgrown it and it is holding both us and the earth back. Is this the reason for the Quantum Break and the instability? Quite likely. Also likely that we are going to be looking at some drastic changes and the volume on things like the alt right, Donald Trump and other nasties being put up to eleven out of ten. But that is to show us what is wrong, and what we need to fix. The more we ignore it, the louder it will get. Being spiritual is not being passive. It is being involved in well, standing up for what you believe is right. Many of us will find ourselves doing this in the coming months and indeed years to raise an alternative voice. It gets you some enemies, but it proves you have done something in your life, as the old Winston Churchill (I believe) quote goes.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar

The Zero Point Activation Gate
April Aries Solar Eclipse
Charting Our Path into the Future
On Early Monday morning where I am, at the point of Eclipse, totality, the last gate of this Eclipse activated. With the buildup I expected an explosion bigger than the first gate. But instead, we got an implosion from a zero point, a brilliant white light that radiated out of the centre point and created a ripple affect first through the gate point itself, then further out. This is high frequency energy, bursting out from it's origin point, blocking us from the past further than we already are. In doing this it is burning away the dissonant energy around us and creating a time and place that we cannot go back.
This Eclipse has had a very interesting structure. The first gate, was ancient, sacred purifying light. The Second Gate was the Gate of the Trickster - Which was showing us what needed to be healed. The third gate, this gate, works of the other two as a matrix to re-order reality in the long term. This was not a burst of energy, but a continuous wave of energy activated that can get into the smallest areas and change them. This is Quantum Energy at it's highest and most perhaps disruptive, but disruption brings change. This is what this gate brings - The energy of change and growth. It will shake things up no doubt, but for the better. Like at any point of you have ever packed, or tidied up and re-organised, you will get more mess as you are doing so and all the contents of cupboards and drawers are out. We are seeing the same processes play out here - Unpacking the shape and size of the material world, recycling what is no longer needed and bringing in the new along with what is coming with us of the old.
As this happens, you will find yourself working through some of the things you would rather have not seen. This process, which will be going for the rest of the year, will bring things to our attention that we don't want to know about even more. Tying in with the tricksters gate and the previous gate of ancient light, this is shaking the foundations and changing us forever. It is challenging us to clear out our lives and change for the better in the long term, making us see what needs to be changed. Paired with the Galactic Awareness Ray (Which came through the earth to prepare the ground) this is going to be the creation of New Earth, really laying it's foundations for the rest of the year. If you are challenged, look at what that is and take that challenge up. Think about what comes up, and what you can do. It is going to be a year of change and growth, in which being intentional (Especially if challenged) is going to be the key. Keep your manifestations, Keep your goals and aims in sight. And be intentional. Just like any clean out, this is the key to finally getting things sorted - Knowing where you are going. Because it informs the journey. So hold onto those intentions, keep them firmly in mind and take what is there as a part of the journey. It is there for a reason at a personal level.
This is also true at the planetary level. As the world evolves and re-organises itself we are getting a lesson in what is wrong with us as a collective. Between this final gate and the Tricksters gate, this is going to be an interesting time globally. The collective of humanity has a lot to digest before it can consider itself in harmony with the world or it's own members. This will be being re-organised at the base level, from the smallest parts to the biggest too. We will be seeing a lot more revelations which will be disheartening. However, they are there to be healed. This entire double eclipse healing journey is a healing cycle where there are solutions available, so look for them. And work with them to help create a more balanced world instead of despairing, staying intentional. That way you will get the most out of this.
For your journey ahead your Three Key Factors are Intentionality, Going with the Flow and facing Challenges. They will get you through the next few months.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
March 2024
March 2024
A Month of Energetic Turning Points

March 2024 is going to be a busy month in our new reality with the March Equinox on the 20th March 2024 and a Full Moon Eclipse on the 24th/25th March 2024 at five degrees on the Aries/Libra axis. Setting all this up, with increased solar activity through to the predicted Solar Maximum in this year. This is going to be a time of change and growth for all, some all positive, some will have the places that need change highlighted in the events happening around them. Despite being a point of energetic balance, the March Equinox is less than a week before a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse shaking up the status quo, indicating that this month is about landing a new, healthier balance in life for both us and the world around us. This may seem not the best at first as things shake up and change, but at the same time for so many the status quo has been toxic and counterproductive. Leading up to this month new energy was brewing, finally landing on the February Full moon. In this Month it is really grounding and landing.
This starts with the March New Moon, grounding down the changes brought with the February Full Moon. If you have not already done so, create three manifestations for you and three for the world as you work through to the New Moon on Sunday 10th March. Do this by whatever method you use to manifest as normal (Mine is gridding with runes and crystals). This New Moon is bringing into reality all the promises of what has been brewing the last three months and landed on the February Full Moon. This is the first New Moon where we can really manifest into reality. But remember, we are still looking at shifting and changing energy flows as extra energy constantly flows into the system, so the path will not be smooth. It is shifting and changing like the image I keep on getting - Fenland. This liminal space of water and land shifts and changes seasonally with water flows. In the same way, the energy flows are shifting and changing the landscape of the threshold behind reality. So make your goals and stick to them, use them as the navigation guide through the shifting energies. Your awareness, your Heart Centre is your Boat and the distilled wisdom of the understanding mind is your steering pole.
Which brings us to the Equinox, which is in so many ways a rebalancing time. There are very unbalanced energies on the earth, with high frequency energy flooding in, conflicting with pools of dense 2D, 3D and lower 4D energies on the planet that it is not compatible with. This is creating a lot of imbalance, reaction, counter reaction and conflict. The March Equinox on the 20th March is about balancing this out to a more harmonious whole. This means a lot of the denser energies on this planet need to be moved on, especially the toxic 2D and low 3D pools that threaten the growing new reality, the 'New Earth' as Pam Gregory, Astrologer puts it. In creating this new balance there will be conflict and problems over the next year or six months as this new balance strikes, but at the same time this is to shed the density that is no longer needed in the planetary energy field. As this is happening you will find things coming to your attention that seem negative. But these things come in order to come to your attention and be resolved as a way of losing the density that you no longer need in your field to in order to harmonise with the new reality. This is a blessing, not a curse.
Of course, this is leading into the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on the 24th/25th March 2024 at five degrees on the Aries/Taurus Axis. Although more information is going to come in as we get closer to and after) the eclipse, I get the feeling this is really going to shake things up. This is going to really challenge us as we come into it's energies. It is about clearing out the old, and really clearing out the old to come into a new balance that is better for both you and our planet moving forward. This may mean disruption, but this is for a reason. It is shaking you up to make the positive chances you need to move forward into the new reality coming.
Through March it will still be Fenland because of the rapidity of change and movement in the energies coming in. So always keep a hold of your affirmations and manifestations and navigate as you have been at this point - With your Heart Centre intuition as your boat and your Throat Centre wisdom as your steering pole. With these two tools you will be able to get through the next few months as you have been getting through till now.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
March New Moon
Potential Landing

With the February Full Moon the energy that had been floating in the ether, collecting landed. It came in through the planets heart centre and into ours as well. As this happened the energy of the world changed in a matter of minutes. This came in in the shadow of the upcoming Aries/Libra Eclipse, which started applying with the February Full Moon (Eclipses start affecting us one month before and continue to three months after). This New Moon, with the shadow of the same eclipse, was the time to set and anchor your intentions and affirmations. This is because this is the first New Moon after the energy landed and in a way, the calm before the storm of the eclipses.
The rest of will still be absolute Fenland, so it is vital to keep your goals and intentions as your anchor and work with the shifting tides of energy. There is still great potential coming from this time, setting up the next six months with the eclipses. But it is not all smooth sailing as there is still a process of cleansing and purification going on around us. If you are feeling issues coming up then you are in a cleansing cycle, which may be rocky but is still valid. This will be happening around the world, as the New Moon is in the shadow of the Lunar Eclipse. This eclipse cycle is connected to the previous one in October last year, which was very unusual. Not only did it have two gates, but it also looked into the past, burning away the connections for any 2D to lower 4D energies. What this left is floating pools of these energies in the world, disconnected and floating on the higher frequency energy around it. As the frequency of the earth increased, these remnant pools of energy have become more and more dissonant to the whole. Which is where the next round of eclipses comes in to finish what was started then - The clearing of the pools of dissonant energy so the whole can move forward.
For this reason it may not have been all smooth sailing for everybody with this New Moon. If you are more in a cleansing cycle, then you will find yourself dealing with problems being highlighted, coming out for resolution. You will still be in the cycle of disruption. If you are on the higher frequencies you will find yourself with a smoother ride, as you are not actively shedding dissonant density. This is what it is all about - Shedding Density that no longer works with the whole. The denser the energy, the more energy it locks in and blocks. This is why it needs to be released and recycled. This may not be comfortable at times, but it is necessary and a part of the process. How well it will play out for you is going to depend on your level of consciousness.
The more conscious you are, the better it will work for you. If you have done your three manifestations for the world and the three for yourself, you are consciously steering. If you are working from the unconscious point of view, then you will be buffeted and finding yourself without anchor. This will mean that you are at the mercy of the changes around you, which is not beneficial at all. In order to get the best results, you need to be concious. If you have not done so already, find your anchor through doing the three manifestations for yourself and for the world with whatever system you use. This will set you up to have an anchor in the coming storm that is eclipse season that this moon was setting us up for.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The March Equinox
The World Rebalancing

On the 20th March 2024 fell the annual March/Aries Equinox. This Equinox, which would have been the Summer Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere was one of re-balancing.
There has been a lot of change and momentum in the last few years from 2020, there is no doubt about that. But at the same time this has hit a roadblock to this point as there is still dissonance and energies out of sync that are blocking any further change and growth. It is this that this Equinox is starting to re-balance, creating a new world and new way of seeing things. This is because the whole biosphere is out of sync with the lower frequency energies (2D to lower 4D) which are no longer supported (From October last year) still existing. Normally a time of balancing out, this time it is a time of rebalancing from a toxic imbalance to a healthy balance. So you will see a massive shift from this Equinox that you don't usually see from such an event.
This is partly because of the cycle of change we are in. It is also partly because of the proximity in date to an eclipse cycle starting on the 24th/25th March 2024. This series of Eclipses links back to last October and has much the same effect - The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse showing up the shadows to be healed. The Solar Eclipse completing the transmutation of the dense 2D to lower 4D energies left in pools, out of dissonance with the other energies around them. This will cause dislocation to those still attached to these energies as they are worn away, eroded, but this is necessary for the whole collective to move forward. The old 2D to lower 4D energies are a real block to further progress that need to go to free up the dissonant energy. The higher the density, the more energy trapped in it. Especially as these pools, with their disconnection to the whole have grown more and more toxic. This means that the need to recycle them and create an even flow is getting more and more urgent as the energy leaking out contaminating the whole. The toxicity needs to be cleared out for the whole to flow smoothly again, which is what the upcoming eclipses are about.
The Equinox, falling so close, has become a point of Re-Balance, rather than a time of balanced energies. This equinox has become a powerful turning point where the dissonance is being flushed out as part of the renewal of the earth to be dealt with. It means that at this time we will be seeing more and more problems, more things going wrong. This is so we see the dissonance and change things, change for the better. That is our job from this point as aware beings - To be the change agents for the change we want to see in the world. Look for how you can do that from this point onwards, especially while the coming eclipses have maximum impact for the next few months.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
Aries/Libra Penumbral Solar Eclipse
Shadows Coming to light

On the 24th/25th March 2024 there was, once again, a very unusual Penumbral Solar Eclipse. This was in that it had both shadows and light attached to it. From the beginning, through the shifting shadows of energy that were very evident there was a pulsing light. At the Apex, at the height of the Eclipse this became a beam burning them all away from universal source, with the shadows coming back in as the eclipse passed to it's end. This reinforced the purpose of this eclipse - To show us the shadows of ourselves and in our society that need to go to come back in alignment with the earth and her evolution. I have already seen some of this shadow in the form of my environmental vandal of a neighbor, who cut down some of my Ve/Sacred grove suddenly with a hedge trimmer, completely desecrating it and taking away any of my privacy. This man seems to hate trees and be completely out of synch with nature, also cutting major branches of the tree in front of his place on public property as well as harassing my neighbors about their trees. This was, it seems, showing me that we really need to change societies balance with nature.
Others will have been shown other areas. There are two parts of this - The Shadow, and the energy to bring it to light and heal it. Like the eclipses in October last year, this is multi-faceted. Looking at this in the light of a healing crisis, or healing sore, this is basically bringing out the puss to let the infected wound heal. The pus (Like my environmental vandal of a neighbor) is showing itself to us over time to show us what needs to be drawn out of the would to be healed. This creates the space to heal the wounds around the earth dragging down density. In the runes of the day this was also very evident, as well as the rune of the week around it. This especially was around ancestral wounds and karma, as well as the earths collective karma. This is the puss coming to he healed in the time and space for the earth to move forward without this unnecessary density.
Each individuals journey will be different, as they see different sides of this shadow. For this reason each person will see different aspects of the whirling shadow I saw. It might be related to healing family or group karma, it might be healing ancestral wounds. It might be a particular issue that shows itself to you somehow. Look at what comes up for you in the next twelve months (Because of where this eclipse is this is going to influence the entire astrological year - See Pam Gregory's take on this). This is the puss of the healing crisis/wound coming up in your life. Work with this as the light showing you what you need to process, either for yourself or the rest of the earth.
The other part of course, Is the light. The light is what going to enable you to heal these wounds. This brilliant white universal light is what is bringing things into alignment, recyling the density, allowing the higher frequency light to come in. This is going to be the case the deeper and more toxic the old density you are seeing and facing. Look at what this is showing you, look at what you have to deal with as you work forward. This light is not just blasting away the shadows as it exposes them, it is bringing things back into alignment. This is necessary work as much fun as it is - I certainly don't enjoy looking at and trying to heal the desecration around me. It breaks my heart every time I go out do daily healings on it. Especially as I am worried that my expression of this, my anti oxygen neighbor, looks like getting away with what we did. That makes me angrier every time in a way as it shows that there is no accountability mechanism in any court for me at the moment. But perhaps, a part of this is creating one. A part of this just may be creating the mechanism for creating accountability that is lacking. This may play out yet - And I will have to look at how this plays out if that is the case. Each person will see this too - Over time, over the events around you. Once again, this may be individual.
The other part of this eclipse, of course, is that this is just the opening act. There is a heightened eclipse coming to finish what was started last October - To finally get rid of the toxic pools of energies that are poisoning the earth's energies. Some are obvious, such as the old, toxic 2D energy that Israel is fully summoning at the moment. Another obvious one is the slithering up to the presidency of Donald Trump - Showing the toxic 3D energies in the United States coming up to be healed. He is literally the ooze showing the racist, misogynistic 2D and 3D values that so many Americans who supported him (Think of Charlottesville) hold. If it was not for that tricksters curse these divisions would not be so highlighted on the public consciousness. This is happening again, especially with the court proceedings around him showing exactly how rotten he is - To make us think, see the level of infection and puss around him, and heal it. The eclipse this connected to had two gates - Both backwards. Both of these are unusual in themselves, but they came up together to cut off any support for anything under mid 4D. Like a mobile network, where you can still own an outdated phone, but it will connect to any network and need to upgrade to one supported by a functioning network, right? But others have not, and are frustrated by the fact that they get no reception now. Over time, they have become more and more toxic, more and more reactionary, not understanding that they need to evolve. We are connecting back with the next partnered Solar Eclipse coming up in April, to clear these toxic pools. So watch this space, the chaos, panic and disorder is yet to reach it's apex. But it is for a reason this time - A healing crisis to get rid of the toxic density that is no longer needed for once and all.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
February 2024
February 2024
Chaos, Panic and Disorder - My Job Here is Done

This month to this point for many people around me, especially the New Moon is described by the title exactly. For me it was a move like I never want again. For a friend it was a much promised auction falling through. So many cars blew up, were involved in smashes etc... that yes, I lost count. Basically just about everyone I knew had a major car problem.
This is going to set the tone till the Full Moon and pretty much the rest of the month. The energy here is hectic, to use a term. This is because what the upcoming Solar Maximum from Father Sun, as Gaia put it this morning, is not doing is going to be applied by the Eclipse that is going to start to take effect from this New Moon. This is because eclipses start to take effect a month beforehand and last for six months after zero point. I have been told by others the energy is going to get smoother, but don't hold your breath. This is going to be an interesting ride. Mr Murphy of Murphy's law is going to be along for the ride and testing us at every point he can.
This will mean different things to different people, and I will put articles up on individual events later, but make multiple plans for anything important this month (This year as well, but that's another matter). That is because we are on a predicted solar maximum with in this year, on an accelerated timetable according to scientists. However, This is opportunity as well as the world is accelerating it's rapid growth and change with more energy around.
But this is also the time to be aware that not all are with the program. As the change gets more intense, more will get left behind. More will become disaffected and start to react and counter react not understanding what's going on. To help this transition as a whole (Including the Lost Souls) focus on the Heart Centre energy through the planet, and compassion towards them. They are dangerous because they are disaffected and hurting. Remember that and work with them to create a new future with them when you can, bringing things forward for all as much as possible.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The March New Moon
Energy Landing to Manifest

There is very little doubt that the last few months have been chaotic with nothing landing till the last full moon. Coming off this the March New Moon, from the 9th to the 11th, was the time that things could finally start to manifest and create opportunities for us all. Energised by the already applying shadow of the upcoming eclipse of the 24th March, This is a time to set the goals, lay the foundations and get things going for this time. If you have not done it already then now is the time to make three manifestations each for yourself and the planet.
As the energy took shape here, we saw a surge of energy. This is because not only is the upcoming solar maximum flooding the world with more high frequency energy and light, but we are in the shadow of the upcoming eclipse and have been since the February Full Moon. This would have started to be felt in small ways, showing you as you come into the eclipse how this is going to affect you as a person. The Eclipses are linked to last Octobers cycle, which was very, very unusual to say the least. This means that there is a lot of energy coming in t manifest and be harnessed. Look at your life, and what you are seeing coming up. This is what is coming up for you, and what you want to create. This will only really land when the energy lands, but when it does it will create - Co-create with the earth as you do. In doing this you will be moving yourself forward to the next step, though you cannot see it.
This is where the energy building since December starts to land. It is not taking shape yet, but it is starting to land. So look at this as a build up, not as a result. Work through this to create what you want down the track and into April and May - Where things real start to hit the road. Work for it for then.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar

The February Full Moon
Energy Landing and Grounding
With this New Moon the energy that was all up in the air has landed. Instead of Quicksand we now have bog. With the first day of the Full Moon it landed in Planetary Awareness through the Planetary heart centre, was centred into Understanding on the Apex Day, and combined with the Universal (Pink) Galactic ray on the foreday, that is still with us to this New Moon. At the end of this Full Moon you should have started to feel the influence of the Eclipse coming up with the March Full Moon (Eclipses take effect one month before they happen and influence up to six months after), Every description I have had of the energy that landed with this moon was Fenland, a form of marshland. In this form of land there is solid ground, but it shifts and changes seasonally along with the water channels changing with the seasons and water flows. In this case it is the energy flows that we are navigating that are changeable and need us to pay attention and stay aware what they are doing at any given time.
In this time we are looking at having our awareness, our heart centre as the boat and our understanding transforming it to wisdom as the rudder, or steering pole. This is a delicate balancing act as we move forward, with increased energy still making the tides of water shift and change from upstream, so to speak. We are still coming into the Solar Maximum, We are coming up into an applying eclipse season, we are still coming up into a time of shifting and changing energy that will remain with us for six months or so. In this time focus on the destiantion, not the way. The destination is clear, the way will shift and change with time and tides of energy as the energetic landscape changes. Lock your goals - Your destination in and use your awareness and wisdom to navigate the sacred bog created by the upleveling of the Earth and new energy coming in for best results in this time.
Of course, what is coming in with this Full Moon will really start to land in terms of goals and manifestation with the upcoming March Full Moon on Sunday the 10th March 2024. In the meanwhile, start working if you already haven't on three affirmations or manifestations for you, and three for the world as the energies continue to land. Remember, focus on the goal - The channels and ways forward will change, the destination will not. I working with this energy you are working to bring your goals forward the best way possible into the upcoming full moons and eclipses, possibly setting your life up for good.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The February New Moon
Chaos, Panic, Disorder - My job here is Done

The February New Moon on Saturday 10th January was marked quite well by a Solar Flare on the Foreday, which set the tone. Even before this people's cars blew up, there were car accidents galore, and well, nothing went to plan. My friends house went to auction on this day and she only got a low ball offer, my one day move turned to four days and an even more financially crippling task than I thought it would be. Quite bluntly, getting my bond back only just breaks me even to eighty dollars a fortnight (on a low income) debt without solutions landing. Yep. it was a great time to move, if you wanted to fall behind the eight ball completely on any financial aim or goal you ever had... Same as my friend, whose finding herself recalculating drastically.
Apparently the New Moon starting as I write this will smooth these things out. But I do not see it at the moment. Not at all, as I am sure so many others have in this process. This is a time that is just frustrating and will not be remembered well by many. Definitely not by me at all - I got little to nothing I value out of this time at the moment in so many ways as far as I am concerned. Nothing but stress and debt. We may see it work out in the long term though, which to many like me negatively affected will be a relief. We will finally be able to recover our losses and live.
But the indications are that with the influx of positive energy will solve this, even if we don't see it now with the completion of the Full moon for the full energy of this change to land. When it does, all indications are that things will become more positive. But until the energy comes through, it will just not be seen as it cannot land till the energy does with the Full Moon.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
January 2024
January 2024
The Tipping Point Made Real

January 2024 is a continuation of the December 2023 energies. As the Heart Centre really opened up through December, the energy to activate the earth changes to come in 2024. I felt this myself in this month where one plan became another because I suddenly became Quantum. Even now I can't find the crystal that was supposed to find my cheap Somersby rental and instead started a process of change and growth into a completely quantum being through a move into another space closer by - My main backup plan as my spirit team and I plan the next step. In this month basically confirmed plans did not land at all because the landscape changed. That is my example, you will have your own, all of you. Especially if you were ready to navigate the new energies things would have changed, shifted and grown into unexpected directions.
That is because of vastly increased solar activity affecting our planet, up-leveling both Gaia and the Earth Chakra centres that connect her to the Earth. Through that, it affects us as well as directly. As from this month scientists predict that the solar maximum has been bought forward to this year, this month is just the down payment on future density. Just the beginning. The more we go into this year, the more things will change, shift and grow. In some very unpredictable ways.
Pay attention to what happened to you in this month. This is going to be the foundations coming into the rest of 2024. Forget predictions and focus on goals. What is likely to happen to and around me has changed at least three or four times. This is also happening to people around me, now and in this month. This is quantum energy now, and right now, from January, quantum quicksand. From this time, your goal is your rope leading you through it. Hold onto that end goal and let the energy work around you to make it happen. This will produce better results from this month on.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The January Full Moon
Chaos and Ascension Landing

The promise of Chaos on the January New Moon truly landed on Friday the 26th January 2024. This was productive for some, disastrous for others, and mixed blessings for others. At the end of the day, it depended on how this interacted with your energy, aims and goals. The effects could take time (The whole lunation) to create their effects, but they would be there. I saw them later, but they were there.
As A full moon, this was a little deceptive in the way it created mixed results. Basically, it took your aims and goals and decided how they would be met - In line with the new agenda of quantum evolution. Anything else wasn't happening. This meant that nothing that you expected landed with the next New Moon, or any other plan made before hand. It led all plans made beforehand astray to the goals of the evolution process that was happening around us. We just may not have realised it yet. If you didn't have backup plans, well, nothing was happening. It was that simple. Not that you knew it till the New Moon following...
Due to the unstable energy there was also an element of the trickster about this moon. The world could be promised, then nothing delivered unless you had a solid backup plan or something else down to earth in place. This was because the energy was so ungrounded that well..; If you didn't have something grounded before December it didn't happen. At all. It just could not land, so it didn't happen. Not that you knew it yet, of course, that something else rewrote your plans into some new, frustrating higher version of them that could not land for a while, modified by wyrd leveling up. You may or may not have found out later. I did, I know a friend did. At this point things seemed so fantastic that yes, anything could happen. And in the next year or so, they will. Just not now while the momentum builds. In time, things from this lunation will become apparent. Just not right now, or at the time of this lunation.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The January New Moon
A Point of Chaos Starting

The January New Moon on Thursday the 11th January 2024 was whatever intentions we put out as individuals on this planet, the quicksand and change of chaos started. This would have affected us in different ways. For me, for instance, I bought a crystal to manifest a specific prediction on advice and it kickstared a whole process of Quantum Integration, healing and quantum ascension that yes, caught me by surprise and changed everything. It was when the processes that started in December 2023 landed in our lives and well, it started the process we are in till the Full Moon of February - Chaos, Panic and Disorder - My Job here is done. That was the theme of this entire luntation, even if we didn't realise it at the time it happened as we set our New Years goals and processes in order quite unknowingly.
This is because the solar activity increased and increased, increasing the energy field of our Mother Gaia and her body, the planet Earth. As this happened, everything changed. The Auroras in the north and the south poles increased in intensity and visibility, the weather went funny. What could go wrong did go wrong - Mr Murphy of Murphys law was in his zone. All of this landed for a few months as we went into this crazy liminal space. One that dramatically evolved me from the beginning, as I worked with it. Others it would have had other effects on - Look back at journals, think of what was happening to you at the time, and consider how it affected you at the time and to now, and you will have an idea of what is landing with the February Full Moon. It is going to be interesting. One way or another.
The good news is that thing can and will land with the Full Moon in February. They may change again, but they will land. There will be more information on why above, but yes, as Mother Gaia and the planet itself is grounding down the energy coming through from both Father Sun and through the Galactic Awareness centre coming through her heart centre, things will start to make sense. Still be difficult and Chaotic, but start to
make sense. In time it work out, and land, but not in the liminal time till it could land on the 24th February Full Moon - When the Earth processes were completed. Only then, well could this finally land and take some form. I for one, am looking forward to the time after that, supercharged eclipse season or not coming up...
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
December 2023
December 2023
The First Act

As December 2023 came and went it formed a common purpose with January 2024. In so many ways these two months merged into one big event surrounding New Years Eve/New Years Day - The transition between 2023 and 2024. The Full Moon of December and the first New Moon of January formed one big triadic event with the December Solstice and yes, the Calendrical New Year. This all combined to create a supercharged period of transition into the cylindrical New Year, powder by increased solar activity. Father Sun has been very busy.
This month was the beginning of a massive Quantum shift in both Gaia and and the energy of the planet itself, especially in the heart centres as this new awareness infused us all and the planet. While at this point there are still bugs to be ironed out, this new quantum level of the heart centre was established in Gaia and her physical Earth Chakras. Between the December Moons, the December Solstice and the increased Solar Activity, it was very much a three state phase of change that would continue into January. So much so I had the same crystal and rune grid up from the New Moon on the 13th December 2024 to the 10th January, which was the first New Moon in 2024.
In terms of being the first act it will depend on whether the December Solstice was the Summer or Winter Solstice for you. This will change how the energies are expressed as per the seasonal energies. In saying this though, I am not the only one predicting 2024 as a year of dramatic change. Pam Gregory, one of the Astrologers I follow, has also stated that 2024 is going to be a year of dramatic change. The interlinked events of December 2023 was the start of this. In that way you would have seen very little change in this month, but it would have been the catalyst for it. This was where the seeds were planet either towards a spring renewal ( Northern Hemisphere) or a harvest of whatever kind in your life (Southern Hemisphere). Look at what this month planted the seeds of as the energy changed on the tipping point, and what happened for you around the 13th December 2023 as well as the 27th December 2023 - The Full Moon between then and New Year. That will show you what seeds of change was planted in your life at this time to mature and emerge January 2024.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The December Full Moon
Empowering a Cycle of Change

The December Full Moon on the 27th December 2023 was a step in a greater cycle at the change of the New Year, an empowerment of the tipping point of the December Solstice. This, unlike many Full Moons is just a part of the cycle that started on the 13th February with the New Moon, empowering the start of a new cycle and the way that the December Solstice tipped the balance. This will also be individual for everyone. As a time this is really in liminal time a change from one state to another. At this time I had just one crystal grid empowering this entire time, this was so much of the same time and place.
As liminal space, if you were paying attention to what was happening, well, you may have found it ungrounded. This is because this was time that things were landing and coming into being, not landed. This was for the next year. So if you felt 'Up in the Air', you were just feeling the energy. You were not going insane.
Of course, this was also a part of the 'Silly Season' of the Christmas/New Year period, a liminal time in the human calendar in itself where people go nuts. In a way this befit this energy, the way the time between the 24th December and the resumption of business in the New year becomes just one big piece of liminal time. The Full Moon being in this time shows how this was combining to create one whole as we went into the New Year, one big change.
There is another factor in this of course - Solar Activity. In this period there was increasing solar activity from Father Sun, coming into the New Year. As this increased, the changes and chaos accelerated from this Full Moon. Look at how this worked for you by looking back and tracking what happened for you at this time, and since this moon with your intentions. Had they changed, blown bigger, or just completely gone off track? Chart this with the events since and you will undersand where you are going from, even if it was often a common source of frustration for you at the time - Like it was for me.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
The December Solstice
The Midway Turning Point

Normally as I mark the December Solstice, which is the Summer Solstice for me (Winter Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere) It is a very much stand alone event. This year, however, it blended in with the last Lunar Cycle of December and the first Lunar Cycle of January. This is not a common thing, and shows how much of a change point we are moving into with 2024 as a year.
It also blended in with Christmas/New year almost organically in a way, which is interesting. Even here in the Southern Hemisphere. This midway point provided the energy for the transition that was completing with the January New Moon. It is highly, highly unusual to find that happening and well, it shows what change is coming from the process - Rapid Quantum change. The earth, our Mother Gaia, herself is evolving rapidly under us and this tipping point is accelerating this very quickly. This is for one reason - The solar activity of Father sun - As the Gaia Journal called it in a return posting.
Father Sun is going towards a Solar Maximum in this year, bringing massive quantum change and growth in both us and the planet. This started last year, but will really tell this year. Last year the 3D and the lower parts of the 4D were turned off. This year what pools of 2D (Think the current Israel ethnic cleansing of Gaza), the 3D and the lower 4D will be swept aside and that room made for the new Quantum reality settling in. At this tipping point the blueprint for this process was enshrined and started - For the next year to activate on the New Moon on the 10th January 2024. This means that well, we will be living in perhaps not a demolition site, but a renovation site, as room by room, the place is renovated. This means chaos and disruption, but it will be worth it in the long run.
In terms of what this means to you, what was happening for you around the 22nd December? What was going on. If you have journalled or remember this it is going to be a guide to what you are going to see coming in your life. For me, for instance, I got my notice on my old place and had to move - Something that finally completed the Tuesday after the February New Moon in the most frustrating manner. It was also the time I laid my foundations for my Wyrd to change totally and for with that January New Moon to go Quantum and flip totally what I was expecting on it's head. Each and every one of us that is aware will find these things in our lives we can link back to that. Use that as your intuition as your guide and you will find yourself on the right track.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
December New Moon
The Beginning of the Process

With the December New Moon a momentous spirit of change started. This spirit of change, well, swept away all our intentions, hopes and dreams and changed the landscape to quicksand and into liminal time. It swept away hopes, fears, previous predictions. It certainly did this for me. It swept away a predictable path and changed it to a quicksand of quantum energy. I think it would have done the same for a lot of you. It swept away my old house to demolition, put in a hopeful prediction that didn't land and put me into a best case plan B. It did the same for so many people around me too, as we worked towards goals that were no longer there. We just didn't realise it yet.
This is because good old Father Sun intervened in the process, deciding to blow all the old away by leveling us all up. All of us - The planets in the Solar System and every soul attached to them. This was because with this moon phase a three month period of grounding accelerated growth started. Putting us into a quicksand of accelerated energy that nobody was ready for. Absabloutey none of us, including the planets and the deities that serve it.
There were signs of this from late 2024, with one of my sources, Pam Gregory noting this was going to happen ( See Astrology Corner). That 2024 was going to be the year of accelerated change. It just happened so fast we didn't see it as predicted. What you saw in 2023 was nothing compared to what this moon bought in. Since then, you would have noted you had to stay in a personal centre, personal grounding, or you drowned in the energy. That is because so much extra energy is coming in. That is before the eclipses in 2024, which will be supercharged and really mix things up.
For good or ill. this New Moon started a process that changed our world and us forever. Look at the links posted to explain how and why in Astrology Corner, look at how this affected you, and work from there. hold onto goals and intentions, not the process. They are the rope - The end result. The rest is going to be only slightly more solid Bayou with shifting and changing channels for the year coming, founded by this. Look at how you can work with the processes started at this time to create a new life in 2024 rather than drown. It is the only thing you can do.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense Nahmeshar
November 2023
November 2023 Overview
Foundational Change

If you thought that the intensity and change was over, you would be very, very wrong at this point. It is not over. If anything, it is ramping up. October set the stage for many, many changes coming in the years to come, the foundations of which are being laid in this month. The Scorpio New Moon of 13th November 2023 is going to be just as big as the Eclipses, rounding them off to finish off what they started – making sure there is no going back to the old ways. There is going to be no 'New Normal' for quite some time, but constant change and growth as Humanity chooses a path through from 'Mankind' to their future.
Looking at what is around, you can already tell this is going to be no pleasure cruise. There is so much, and I mean so much rot around in our society, and a lot of it seems to have settled at the top. We still have the rump of disaffected people now cut off from their old level of support and floundering. Expect a lot more reactionary energy, be that nationalism, right wing identity politics or even the chance of home grown terrorism. As this disaffected people look for a home right wing populism and it's more radical counterpart will just get stronger. This is because like any good representative of the trickster it is telling them what they want to hear – They can have the good Ol' days back, when they felt safe, comfortable and happy. There could also be a rise in radical religion, substance abuse and other forms of escapism on the rise too. The bumpy ride is not over, it has just started.
My two main sources of Astrological Information, Pam Gregory and Molly McCord, both show that if anything this will be more intense in it's own way. But it is laying the foundations for the new world, the new way. While October was the absolute choice point, this is still carrying on into the next month. As we look around we will see the evidence of this around us. This is because when we make the decision we have to put it into action. We have to plan and execute our ideas – Or they stay just that. Ideas. Like building a house, we have to possibly demolish the old house, prepare the block, put in plans, get them approved – Then lay the foundations and build. We are in the first few phases of this change at the moment all at once. We are at once demolishing the house, making the plans and laying the foundations to build our plans on, making this time intense and complex.
Adding to this is the infusion of high frequency energies of the 10th and the 12th level – Galactic level Solar Plexus Chakra and the Galactic level throat Chakra. This came in early this month to help create a new higher blueprint for humanity and it's civilisation – Part of the planning phase. Coming in during the early month these came in as high intensity downloads. While the effect will take time to filter through, especially to the conservative rump that is so often our material leading institutions, you should start seeing more things come in to show the direction we're going in.
The other thing we're going to also see is the truth coming to light, sometimes in a shocking way. It is true that respectability, as 'Mankind' thinks of it is often a pretty good masquerade, and we will start seeing that exposed to the world to show it where it needs to change. The darker side of institutions, the darker side and abuses of power will start to come out in shocking detail. In so many ways this will be a push and counter push time. Also expect 'Culture Wars' – Left versus right to ramp up due to the two influences of the darker side of the 'Respectable' world coming to light and the counter reaction by those left behind as the 3D and lower 4D was recycled so that the necessary world changes come to be. In so many ways this will also be a combative, polarised time. The trickster is going to be in play and probably getting a lot of attention because he is telling that left behind group what they want to hear and they will not easily budge. So be prepared to stand your ground and speak your truth as a person to drown out at least some of the misinformation coming from this source.
This is not going to be an easy time, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. This is the time where we establish the new reality. We may not be seeing the results for our efforts this month, but we will see them coming in the next few years. This a time of intense hard work and frustration that we must go thorough to establish the new world. Without this we would not come to the place we want – A reformed world and somewhere we want to live.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense
Fire and Ice
Balancing out the Polarities

As we come into December comes up a process that has been altered and delayed for launch due to both my own reasons and the shifting energetic landscape during October – Healing the Divine Feminine and rebalancing her with her Masculine counterpart. Now, as I write this on the Scorpio New Moon today, I think of all of the themes. Going from a very, very angry theme in June and July with the dark goddess leading, to the psychopomp of Sedna, to finding our relationship with the divine feminine and out empowerment, this has been a ride. And is still going. Now, on the time of New Beginnings – A new moon this is finally coming to being.
The effects of this imbalance between the divine masculine have been stark. They are all around us, in spirit and manifest. The rape of the earth, the real problem with violence against women around the world, the way that women are disempowered from making choices about their own bodies, even in America, because of reproductive rights. The list goes on. When this came to me at first it was angry – Very Angry. Then it toned down, but that anger is still there, to be dealt with. Reckoned with and solved.
This started because there is a major, problematic imbalance in the way that the sacred masculine and sacred feminine sit in this world. Up until them the sacred feminine was half the strength of the masculine, which meant it could not do it's counterpoint job of balancing out the sacred masculine – Making it the hearth fire, not the bush fire. This has caused humanity to become 'Mankind', not humanity, and held it back. This created the idea that 'Mankind' had dominion over the earth, something that led to the rape of the earth and incarnated women alike. Lilith made way to Eve – the subjected female, not the queen of her own fate. A man's equal. The earth had evolved to the point that this had become a handbrake on it's growth, which meant it came up at the Winter Solstice for a reset this year.
More will come up in time through the Empowering the Divine Feminine special focus, which will be tackling this in three stages – The first coming out very soon. The first is healing the trauma with Sedna, then meeting and understanding the Maiden, Mother and Crone, then the empowerment with Lilith. All three phases are a part of addressing the imbalance and bringing the necessary balance for the continuing evolution of humanity. Look for it as a special announcement.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense
October 2023
October 2023 Overview
A Major Choice Point

As this month started we had a Full Moon on the 29th September which marked the start of the full effect of the eclipses coming in this month. I have already started to feel this well and truly in two phases and I am sure there is more to come. In short there is only one way to describe this month – Chaos, Panic and Disorder. My job here is done. This was definitely my last Monday as well as other parts of the early month as my tired, zonked out self tried to navigate a busy, busy time at times half asleep at the wheel of life. Others have also noted those effects as these things really take effect too, in terms of how their lives have gone. This is the manifestation of the combination of solar flare energy and two eclipses coming together into some real what can go wrong... Territory. So be careful of yourself, even more than late September. This entire month will be like that at eleven compared even compared to September. If you're like me you have already felt this.
The two eclipses this month are the New Moon 15th October 2023 at Annular Solar Eclipse 21 Degrees Libra), followed by the Full Moon 29th October 2023 at Partial Lunar Eclipse 5 Degrees Taurus/Scorpio), both of which are complete choice points. This is the time the dimensions really fracture and we are finding ourselves with choices – Really big ones as we go forward. Exactly what form this will take will only make itself known at the time the gates open, but at the same time this is going to be big. Even if it the only thing we know about this this should help prepare you. In preparing for these two gates the two main things you can do is anchor yourself in the Deep Core of your being, in the Deep Base Chakra, also known as the Earth Star Chakra. In doing this it is also best to firmly anchor up to five intentions you wish to bring into the next year – Something which prepares you for the next phase in your life.
Stay in the heart, in the Heart Chakra and the Pink Galactic level energy that comes through this. In this heart level energy channel the rune Elhaz, also known as Algiz, which is the rune of the stag – Active Protection. It is also the rune of protecting yourself at the cross roads. When you need good information to make your decision. This is coming up for a good reason – The trickster is out in the world. He is very much active in the form of luring us with the idea of the digital, cashless, all electric society. Which is also very Atlantean in terms of energy, which is bringing in an extra layer of hubris and misleading intentions. Watch this. Watch the future of AI, digitisation, watch the future of the all electric society. It is something that we are not meant to fall for, but balance. This is very much a part of the energy of the times – Balancing out this energy and technologies that come from it so they are the servant, not the master. The other energy is nuclear. This tricksters curse, well, is coming in as another temptation – Seemingly clear and clean energy that kicks the can down the road on pollution thousands of years. We don't see it, right? Which is the lesson the Trickster is trying to teach us – Read the beeping fine print before you sign up to anything. If it's too good to be true, it actually is.
This lesson is also manifesting since especially COVID on the internet. The trickster energy is also really manifesting here – In our politics, in our conspiracy theory sites. In Four and Eight Chan. In the Incels, Men's Rights Groups and other fringe groups. Because these are pure energy being digital and so easy to manifest in he is completely at home here. Here he is the pied piper – Telling us what we seemingly want to know and leading us up the path. Unless – We are smart and go wait a minute. Another image I am getting is the Emperors New Clothes. Here we're seeing the choice – Are we the audience that pretends the emperors wearing clothes, or are we the honest little boy seeing through the illusion? Which one do we want to be? This was why Donald Trump came into being in terms of fame as a tricksters tool. We were meant to see through him and laugh at him. He is the ultimate stupid emperor. But those that saw the imaginary clothes as real won and the trickster was laughing all the way to the bank with him. Can we be the little boy now coming into these energy gates, into these times using the heart centre to see through the emperors new clothes and have the courage to say, wait a minute, he's naked and looks totally, utterly stupid? To all, even the right wing nut jobs believing the illusion? Those that can, will change the world. Those that can't will hold it back. If you are aware, be the one who has the courage.
In that, you can be the change you want to be. In that you can get the best out of the storm. Look to this and create a much better life for so many people this month. Miss this opportunity, you will get left behind like the rest of them. In this month, the choice is up to you.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense
Annular Solar Eclipse
Burning away the past

Well, better late than never. On the 15th September 2023 there was an Annular Solar eclipse – A ring of Fire. This eclipse took an unexpected turn in it's energy in that it did not look forward – It looked back. Into the past timelines behind us. This was well, to say the least, a surprise. But it did so as the gate opened in the most spectacular way – Through the power of fire. This was the first of three linked events – The 29th September 2023 Partial Solar Eclipse and the 13th November 2023 New Moon complete this. This was just the first act in the reconfiguration of the world.
Looking at this eclipse energy, you can see why. Basically, what this eclipse was doing was burning away what little energetic support the 3D and the lower 4D had in the energetic world. This was to recycle it for what was to come in and free up both the density, space and energy. It did this by as the gate opened, roaring out in fire and scorching what was left of the past. In doing so it freed up and recycled so much energy, freed up space and time and enabled the next steps. This was by no means a gentle energy – It was by necessity quite harsh. But like a bushfire in Australia, from the scorched landscape comes regeneration.
In understanding why this had to happen, well you have to understand that our energetic biosphere, like our physical one is a closed, circular system. Energy changes states, but is not destroyed. While with the unprecedented shift in dimension that has been happening the last few years this means that we store more energy, therefore potential, it is still a finite, closed system. A loop. Previous to this eclipse there was a lot of energy still stuck in the vestiges of the old, dense 3D and 4D remnants, which was creating massive blocks to progress in upgrading the whole society. This stagnant, stuck energy was holding the whole back. With this block now gone, higher frequencies than ever before was able to come through (See more about this in other October articles) which will accelerate the change of humanity as a whole even further.
This is not to say that this will be all smooth sailing – It will not. Those who were connected to what is no longer there will find themselves even more confused, dazed and looking for a home. Not all will find good ones. This means that there will be more and more reactionary right politics coming up. More let's go back to the good old days. More right wing nationalism etc... as these stranded souls try to find hope. And fail. As those with insight, we all need to understand these people and work with them to show them the hope is in evolution to a higher, supported level. Which will not be an easy task, but one we must do to help create a new world. Another part of this could be addiction or other sources of escape from the grim reality that these souls find themselves in. It does not come from hatred, it comes from fear and lack of hope. If the false hope of right wing populist nut jobs like Donald Trump gives them a false hope to go back to where they felt happy and safe, they will take it. Same as places like Reddit, Four and Eight chan conspiracy theories. Or even the ramblings of someone like Peter Dutton in Australia – Expect more of it as time goes on as a counter reaction by people who cannot handle the current reality, trying to wind back the clock that cannot be unwound.
In short, this eclipse has delivered on the promise of Chaos, Panic and Disorder, my job here is done. I did note that this eclipse had a lot more 'Leakage' or feeling the energy of the gate like a solar flare reaching back than so many others in the week leading up to it, which I guess should have been a foretaste of what was to come. In burning way the old, it made the new possible. The first step in the last act of the evolution of humanity as a whole, from the old paradigm 'Mankind'.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense
Partial Lunar Eclipse
The Cleansing Flood

As I think back on the themes and echoes of the Partial Lunar Eclipse on the 29th October 2023 it was a powerful and unusual one. Capping off a month of strong, intense energies such as solar flares as well, this was the time to choose a path. The energy of this eclipse is part two of three events reshaping the world.
It was interesting in that it had two gates, not just one. In all the indications this has come out like the spring thaw – When the energy inherent in ice melts and is set loose. This is a time of floods as the water held in ice thaws and goes into rivers, reshaping the world. The first gate, on the 29th October at the exact time of the eclipse was the water being set free and the flood of water, clearing away obstacles into the future. The next day was a gate of mud, the fertile sediment left behind that creates agriculture. At this second gate the symbolism of the Nile flood was strong, definitely indicating this was for the better. In scouring out the old and leaving the new sediment this was laying the stage to create the new world.
Unsurprisingly, this was a more feminine energy than the sun and fire, which are both primal masculine. This eclipse, and it's energy show a real turning point, a time paths are being laid down. Look around you and you will see signs of this change coming, as chaotic as early spring into November and for the next six months. Water is life giving as is the sediment that creates fertility, so in the chaos of change there is hope. You just have to find it.
In the next month especially, coming from this eclipse is the time to lay your path. This will be internal at first, then starting to manifest externally. Each one of us that does this brings in their own little candle of light – a piece of hope for someone else. Look at how you can do that. Water as a living thing always finds it's way – Wether that be by sweeping away anything in it's path or by meandering around it. It is this quality that you are embracing in finding your path. It will not be predictable – It will have twists and turns in it. It will have to get through or past obstacles. It will be changing with the natural landforms around it. But it will get there like a river gets to the see.
The chaos is with us for a while yet as there will be those quite literally swept up in the changes. These people will not be understanding them like the aware do, and well, will need guidance. I coverd this a little with the previous eclipse and this is very much the same here. With any vestiges of the 3D and the lower 4D gone, the more that can be moved forwards to evolution rather than into reactions from fear the cleaner the change process. This is something that every aware person can do and help create the future in a positive way, one person at a time. The more that get there, the more critical mass we have to truly manifest the changes leading towards 'New Earth' into the world.
Following this to really round out the choice point is the Scorpio New Moon on the 13th October 2023, where the seeds are laid into the soil to grow and be nourished. At this point we are looking at November also being rather intense as a follow up to the previous month, and furthering the change into the future. Look to what you can do in this time to harness the power and potential around to create your new world and add to the critical mass for balanced, positive change through time to the balanced timeline rather than the Atlantean one or the idea of 'Mankind', both of which are highly destructive. This is a time to choose which way you go – The more that choose the positive, balanced timeline will help create it.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense
September 2023
September 2023 Retrospective
Choosing Between Atlantis and a Balanced World

As I write this retrospectively in late September, I think of the way that since late August 2023 the energy of the world has changed. In a month with a supermoon full moon coming on Friday 29th September, a Libra/September equinox (Spring southern hemisphere, Autumn Northern Hemisphere) and not one but two eclipses starting to take effect (Eclipses take effect the month before and energetically affect to six months after the actual date) this is no surprise. The Astrology backs this up as well as everything I have seen.
This has made it, especially since the new moon on the 14th September and the September Equinox a time of wildly fluctuating energy that will only get worse in the lead up to the Full Supermoon. What I have been seeing in the runes of the day and week, in the runes of the events of the month. In the Gaia Journals channelling is backed up in so many ways by outside sources listed below. The two key outside sources I follow are Pam Gregory for the wider macro electional astrology elements and Molly McCord for the micro energy readings. Both reinforce what I have seen in this month. Which is quite bluntly, an energetic shitstorm of energy hitting like a spring thunderstorm bringing in change and growth, but with it, chaos.
The two major metaphors for this Chaos that have been bought in are the chaotic weather change of early spring and the flow of ocean tides and currents. Both evoke the changeable, uncontrollable in nature – That which we can only ride out, not which we can control. For this reason the best way you could have, and still can move forward is with good roots into the earth – Or a good anchor against being dashed against the rocks in a storm. Both metaphors have come in through both the rune draws and the Gaia Journal and are very, very apt for this time. Intentions anchored in our grounding without roads or plans on how to get there have been important as at this point any best laid plans can be washed out at any moment by these chaotic energy flows. This will only become worse as we truly go into Eclipse season and the gates open wide, bringing their influence in with full force. I have felt this in my own life as I had a sudden leap, a sudden change as well that floored me for a good two weekends and I am still not recovered from fully. I bet I am not the only person that had this.
But the biggest theme to get out of this time going forward is to decide which one we want – The energy of Atlantis or the balanced out energy of a combined whole? It is a decision we will make in the next few years. In my recollection (Going into controversial areas but...) Atlantis was a Tri Island state with advanced quantum power tech contained in massive quartz crystals as resonators – Basically compactors. Lemuria was a much more back to the earth, collectivised group of tribes that had much the same experience as say, their descendants in America when white man came when it came in contact with Atlantean power. Despite warnings, and repeated warnings their hubris got the better of them. Which meant that they dangerously overloaded their crystalline compactors and destroyed themselves in a massive feedback explosion. From my recollection, the ones that so many call 'Ancient Aliens' are actually the Atlantean refugees among other more advanced earth bound civilizations. Choosing between repeating this in our current group consciousness and working to balance this out is a very big choice point in the next few years, starting with these eclipses.
The technologies most evoking this Atlantean consciousness at this point in time are AI, Nuclear and the push to completely electrify everything. The clean, futuristic 'Electric Society'. This push to one form of power for everything – The electric society is dangerous and unbalanced. Same as the nuclear dragon, actually a tricksters curse which we stupidly seem to be falling for. Nuclear is a more expensive and dirtier industry in earth ages than coal and we should not use it at all. The lesson was not to use it but change our societies and ways instead. Then we get to AI, where well, what can go wrong with creating a non-sentient intelligence that may decide with time we are surplus to requirements? In not seeing this we are looking at the same hubris that ultimately destroyed the Atlanteans to my recollection. The choice point is now to balance this out and take a wisdom informed approach to the development of such technologies. The choices made in the next three years by the collective whole shall set this in flight, so to speak. So it is a vital time to work to curb this Atlantean consciousness before it leads us to our doom – Starting with the choice points around the two Eclipses coming up. No pressure, I know, but when isn't that the case?
At a more personal level look in your own life where things went wrong and things went right this month. That is going to be your guide to the end of the year on how to handle the upcoming chaos. Look to what you can do as a person to anchor/root yourself and trust your intuition as a guide. Record your dreams, work with the heart centre for guidance and what is wrong or right. If things are leaving at this time, this will be for the better. So mourn if you have to but move on. The past is gone and leaving. Look to the future for awnsers and work towards them. Anchor your intentions with your roots/anchor and you will set yourself up for success into the coming years and months.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense
The September Equinox
A Balancing out of Polar Opposites

On the 23rd September 2023 the September Equinox occurred. Also called by some sources the Libra Equinox, it was a balance point in the healing and accession of the earth. It is a key point in the ascension as this is a part of balancing out the two key polarities – Light (Divine Masculine) and the dark (Divine feminine) just by the very nature of the point. But this year it is a key way point in the establishment of a greater process that is going to truly take shape, among other things with the upcoming eclipses in October. The first of which at the time of this Equinox was already taking effect (Annular Solar Eclipse 21 Degrees Libra), colouring the way this energy expressed.
How this will affect you will depend on whether you experienced it as the Spring Equinox (Southern Hemisphere) or the Autumn/Fall Equinox (Northern Hemisphere). This is just because of the energies of the seasons. Spring is growth and renewal and the Autumn is about the harvest. So depending on where you are it will symbolise something different. But either way, you are looking at events based on the calendar of the wheel of the seasons and the goddess's plenty. This is the true abundance that so many people have forgotten.
The one thing that is true to all is that the divine feminine is rising. You can see that in the astrology with goddesses dominating the discussion, with the way that for so many events in September this has happened. And not nice goddesses. Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Mars's Sister. Sedna, the somewhat tragic but powerful Inuit goddess of the sea and death. Lilith keeps on coming up. This is the time of the dark goddess still rising to take back her sisters powers and rights. This is sending a very clear message that the patriarchy is no longer acceptable to anybody. And remember, the toxic masculinity that represents the patriarchy hurts men who refuse to submit to being formed by it too, so this is not just a movement for women, but for men as well against the current toxic masculine culture. This is not about establishing a toxic matriarchy, but about an equal, balanced society. Which fits with the ongoing symbolism of Libra as the scales – Balancing out the whole. That I think is what we will get most out of this moving forward.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense
August 2023
August 2023
A Time of Turmoil and Change

As we get into August 2023 we are seeing the culmination of Earth changes and processes. This is creating a new reality, but we are really living in a Hailstorm as this happens. This is a time that our higher selves and the Universe is showing us our own demons to be faced and healed as we as individuals grow and evolve with the planet as a whole. These processes are going on from July 2023, starting on the 3rd July 2023 with the first Full Moon after the 22nd June 2023 Solstice. This is a time that the very nature of earth energy is being shaken up and changed forever, and us with it. This is a long term process of change and growth that we as beings will all be changed by, whether we like it or not.
How this manifests in your life will depend on whether you are aware or unaware. If you are aware you are going to have a better experience as you can read, work through and ride with it. If you are unaware then you will find yourself with experiences trying to shock you awake, especially as we get to the Eclipses in a few months time. In the meanwhile the foundations for these earth changes have started and will be completed in the week of the August Micro New Moon - 16th August 2023. This is a natural occurrence as both August New Moons – the first on the 2nd August 2023 and the second on the 31st August are Supermoons. As we go through this as we will see massive earth energy changes that will materialise and affect us all. The 16th August 2023 Micro New Moon is in it's own way completing the foundations and bringing this into the material world that we walk in, completing the energetic foundational process and will be around for about two or three years.
As a process that really started December 2019, with the warning shot of Covid 19 changing our world, this is an ongoing process for three nine year cycles of eclipses. It is no co-incidence that there are two eclipses months after this – These gates are bringing in the energies to support the changes of this new reality.
Now, what are the changes? These are the changes coming in as the toxic masculine, the 'Mankind' we live in is being dismantled to create a new, much healthier balance of both the divine and incarnated masculine and feminine over the next few years. As to how this is going to manifest this is all a mystery still – But think of what has happened already. The Me Too movement, the way the events and toxic culture of Parliament House in Australia has emerged. How more and more of the effects of toxic masculinity have come to light. How more and more women are demanding equal treatment at this times, or bringing toxic misdeeds to light. One way or another we can see more of them.
We can also expect to see in the next two or three years a major rebalancing of how we will see the earth. Our relationship with her. Under the reign of Toxic Masculinity this was a relationship of what we would call domestic violence if it was with a human female. This has to change, and she is showing us. As we look around we see more and more signs of her distress – Along with more action from her (Read June 2023 and the reset as well as the Spirit of Covid 19 on the Opinion landing page) to tell us enough. When a song relating to Domestic and Family Violence – Nickelbacks Never Again – Comes up in channeling – It is a rather large wake up call. Sedna, a figure very much also associated with the physic trauma of layers of family violence is also with us, reinforcing this link. Look at how you are affected by this – More on this later as the special focus on Healing and Empowering the Divine Feminine comes through later. At this point, coming into this month, we are seeing where the stage is set, the energy foundations are laid. In August 2023 we are seeing this energy flowing through the planetary energetic structures – The Dragon lines, the Earth Chakras, and the Crystalline Grid. When this is completed in the week of the New Moon on the 16th August 2023 we will see a time and place that is changing our lives forever. In chaos, but bringing us into balance that is much needed. While the two upcoming eclipses in October are bringing in the planetary manifestation in so many ways, In this month the foundations have been laid.
This means that well, we will already start to feel it. The attuned will be feeling it a lot more. They are in a position to get in early and create the crucible of this change before the eclipses setting up the longer term, two to three year process. In doing this they are benefiting themselves as well as the whole. Each person that does this tips the changes to more aware and less unconscious expressions. The unconscious expressions that will come out will be those that shock us into action. We have seen these in our world, such as the horrific Murder/Suicides that shocked my country of Australia where a father has killed himself after killing his partner and Children. Often in the worst possible way. These, sadly will happen and are shocking events. As will hearing about ecological disasters. But the more that the aware help the process of awakened, concious change, the less these things will happen. If only because the collective energy supports such actions less and less, both in incarnation and in the spiritual sense. So do not lose your own power, be concious and work with this energy for the best expression – Change in a relatively ordered, concious and aware manner. That will avoid the worst of the expression of this change and the worst of the continuing horror.
As we get into August 2023 we are seeing the culmination of Earth changes and processes. This is creating a new reality, but we are really living in a Hailstorm as this happens. This is a time that our higher selves and the Universe is showing us our own demons to be faced and healed as we as individuals grow and evolve with the planet as a whole. These processes are going on from July 2023, starting on the 3rd July 2023 with the first Full Moon after the 22nd June 2023 Solstice. This is a time that the very nature of earth energy is being shaken up and changed forever, and us with it. This is a long term process of change and growth that we as beings will all be changed by, whether we like it or not.
How this manifests in your life will depend on whether you are aware or unaware. If you are aware you are going to have a better experience as you can read, work through and ride with it. If you are unaware then you will find yourself with experiences trying to shock you awake, especially as we get to the Eclipses in a few months time. In the meanwhile the foundations for these earth changes have started and will be completed in the week of the August Micro New Moon - 16th August 2023. This is a natural occurrence as both August New Moons – the first on the 2nd August 2023 and the second on the 31st August are Supermoons. As we go through this as we will see massive earth energy changes that will materialise and affect us all. The 16th August 2023 Micro New Moon is in it's own way completing the foundations and bringing this into the material world that we walk in, completing the energetic foundational process and will be around for about two or three years.
As a process that really started December 2019, with the warning shot of Covid 19 changing our world, this is an ongoing process for three nine year cycles of eclipses. It is no co-incidence that there are two eclipses months after this – These gates are bringing in the energies to support the changes of this new reality.
Now, what are the changes? These are the changes coming in as the toxic masculine, the 'Mankind' we live in is being dismantled to create a new, much healthier balance of both the divine and incarnated masculine and feminine over the next few years. As to how this is going to manifest this is all a mystery still – But think of what has happened already. The Me Too movement, the way the events and toxic culture of Parliament House in Australia has emerged. How more and more of the effects of toxic masculinity have come to light. How more and more women are demanding equal treatment at this times, or bringing toxic misdeeds to light. One way or another we can see more of them.
We can also expect to see in the next two or three ways a major re-balancing of how we will see the earth. Our relationship with her. Under the reign of Toxic Masculinity this was a relationship of what we would call domestic violence if it was with a human female. This has to change, and she is showing us. As we look around we see more and more signs of her distress – Along with more action from her (Read June 2023 and the reset as well as the Spirit of Covid 19 on the Opinion landing page) to tell us enough. When a song relating to Domestic and Family Violence – Nickelback's Never Again – Comes up in channeling – It is a rather large wake up call. Sedna, a figure very much also associated with the psychic trauma of layers of family violence is also with us, reinforcing this link. Look at how you are affected by this – More on this later as the special focus on Healing and Empowering the Divine Feminine comes through later. At this point, coming into this month, we are seeing where the stage is set, the energy foundations are laid. In August 2023 we are seeing this energy flowing through the planetary energetic structures – The Dragon lines, the Earth Chakras, and the Crystalline Grid. When this is completed in the week of the New Moon on the 16th August 2023 we will see a time and place that is changing our lives forever. In chaos, but bringing us into balance that is much needed. While the two upcoming eclipses in October are bringing in the planetary manifestation in so many ways, In this month the foundations have been laid.
This means that well, we will already start to feel it. The attuned will be feeling it a lot more. They are in a position to get in early and create the crucible of this change before the eclipses setting up the longer term, two to three year process. In doing this they are benefiting themselves as well as the whole. Each person that does this tips the changes to more aware and less unconscious expressions. The unconscious expressions that will come out will be those that shock us into action. We have seen these in our world, such as the horrific Murder/Suicides that shocked my country of Australia where a father has killed himself after killing his partner and Children. Often in the worst possible way. These, sadly will happen and are shocking events. As will hearing about ecological disasters. But the more that the aware help the process of awakened, conscious change, the less these things will happen. If only because the collective energy supports such actions less and less, both in incarnation and in the spiritual sense. So do not lose your own power, be conscious and work with this energy for the best expression – Change in a relatively ordered, conscious and aware manner. That will avoid the worst of the expression of this change and the worst of the continuing horror.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense

Earth Change Processes
The Progress Up to Date
As we come into August 2023 we are about two thirds of the way into the foundation phase of a major Earth Healing, Clearing and rebalancing. This started on the Full Moon of the 3rd July 2023, following up from the June Solstice. It has involved interlinked groups of earth servers raising and connecting Energy into Gaia and her body, our planet Earth's energy to lay the foundations of a process to heal, cleanse and empower the divine feminine to an equal status with the Divine Masculine and heal the damage that Toxic Masculinity has done. For more on these energies look up Current State of Affairs June and July 2023.
The first stage was to bring in the Lavender flame as a healing tool. This more gentle octave of the Violet flame. This came in both through Manifestation Rune Draws and the use of Crystal grids, connected into the energy of the earth among other methods used. This was the first stage coming in with the Full Moon on the 3rd July. With this also came in Lilith as a helper. As the divine first wife of Adam who rejected coercive control and subjugation (See more in July 2023) she has come in as a helper, along with many other dark goddesses to kickstart the process of female empowerment, to reclaim the divine feminine. For this we thank all that has helped.
This then continued with Sedna, the Inuit Goddess of the deep waters of the Arctic (See July 2023), coming in to help us with the pychopomp of retrieving the soul fragments of those affected by the traumas of the last two thousand years or more that the Divine Masculine has run amok like a wildfire. As a Goddess born out of the trauma of layers of family and domestic abuse as well as a judge of the souls of the dead she has given us her expertise. In partnering with her these soul fragments were bought up, cleansed, healed and readied for each individual affected by the imbalance to regain them. For this we thank her.
This then needed to be seeded along with the cleansing Universal White/Platinum ray into the earth. Through two weeks, with the help of networks of light workers this was raised and stored in the core of the earth. This was two weeks with the first week light raising, then the second week activating the light. This created a new dimension to the healing and upleveling of the Earth's energy, dispelling many aeons of damage and negative energy in the earth.
This was all done in July 2023, laying the foundations for the next steps. They were to spread this energy out and lay the energetic foundations for individuals to access this energy and play their part across the globe once the initial foundation process was finished. This started in the cusp of July and August, with first the energy being spread through the Dragon Lines for a week, then into the Earth Chakras in the first true week of August. The week after it is the Crystalline grid of the earth is being charged up and reshaped in final preparation as new light comes in to help prepare the Earths energies for the changes and make them available to all. This is preparation for the Eclipses of October, which will really kick start the process. This is an essential process, continuing into the next week, with a final apex laying the true foundation and closing the process off in the week of the New Moon on the 16th August 2023, the final turning point before the empowerment in October 2023.
We will see the foundations laid for the greater processes starting with the Eclipses in October as the process is really energised in the greater whole. As the weeks go on there will be more updates into this important process and how you can participate in it. Grow, learn, and heal yourself as individuals so that the whole can also be healed. Each individual is going to be important in this process, so look at how you can participate in the long term as the foundations are being laid.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense
July 2023

The Lavender Flame
A major healing tool for the time
This is something that came to work with me about eight months ago. A surprise at the time as I am usually one for the blue or violet when working with cleansing and clearing ( I heal with the blue universal ray) I have found it useful when my normal battlefield healing brute force method does more harm than good, being far too harsh and direct. As I am going back to after a period of seclusion, growth, cleansing and clearing that this came from I am putting this out there now as a useful healing frequency when somewhat more delicacy is required than your average sledge hammer (Which is my normal method of working).
As a combination of white light and the violet ray this as powerful as the violet ray, but suffused with the white light to take the edge off. What the white light does is like the dilution of essential oils, makes the otherwise harsh energy of the violet ray tolerable to those who many otherwise find the Violet ray too harsh. This makes it a powerful tool for those who frequently deal with those who may not be in the best shape in their physical, emotional and mental health.
At first coming to me as a concept out of the blue I did not understand it at first. But in meditating on it to understand it I found it just as strong as the violet flame, but a lot gentler. The kind of gentler that is suited to so many applications like people with fractured energies, traumatised individuals, those with long term damage to their energy fields. It is also useful in healing immature energy fields such as babies, children, the very sick or the very old. It is also good for emotional/awareness healing and for those with mental illness, especially with a trauma component. It has a calming component to it, like the Lavender herb making it a good one to use to calm down babies and toddlers as well as those in acute distress. For this reason I have used it ever since as a healing ray.
If you want to see the lavender flame close your eyes and visualise a burner in your hand. Visualise the lavender hue and invite in, by relaxing with a deep breath the energy of that colour. See it as a controlled, burning flame in your hands, the colour of flowering lavender. At times it will appear more violet, at times more white. Focus on that flame in your hand and feel the energy. How much is it of the violet flame? How much is it white light? This will vary each time you do this. There will also be a guided meditation put up later on this month as a part of the earth healing process that you can access through both the main Spiritual Weal Site and the special focus on the Feyan Energetic Wisdom Weal.
In order to use the flame you can shape it once you are used to it into a lamp or candle and send out healing energy. You can also use it just in your hands in contact with the subject. But be careful – this is still a very powerful ray. You want a flicker of the flame like a candle using it directly, not a large fire. In time you will get used to it's energy frequency as you work with it more and might find it modulates depending on your use for it as you have with me.
Associated with the Crown Chakra, like the violet flame is, this is a gentler octave of that energy. It is also associated with the Lavender herb and oil, especially the flowers. A lavender coloured candle is a good tool to channel this flame, especially for prolonged healing work. In association with other symbols like runes or Reiki Healing symbols to direct the energy carved into the candles. Amethyst is also associated with this ray as a healing stone.
Overall, the Violet flame is useful as a healing and calming frequency as a gentler alternative to the Violet Ray. While some care is still required using it, it is a good tool to use in a healing practice or just with family and friends.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense

Dammed Water
The Reawakening of the Divine Feminine
From April/May 2022 and before, the dark goddess is back baby. She has come as the avenger of the state that women, her representatives on earth and the divine feminine is in. She is coming back to re balance the world and bring back the divine balance between masculine and feminine – Men and women, Mankind (used deliberatley)to denote the current toxic imbalance in decision making) and our earth, Gaia's body. Like the Morrigan crossed, or Lilith scorned, she does not care about your social shaming and calling her a bitch. She proudly wears it on her T-shirt and dares you to to do something about it.
This is because for many thousands of years the divine feminine has been diminished to half it's strength in all aspects of it's expressions. In the long term this has caused damage, but dammed a hell of a lot of energy, like a dam about to overflow during a flood. This brimming water energy is now a torrent not an even flow and is coming back to reclaim her balance. Mankind (again used delibratley) are still trying to hold up that dam in abortion restrictions, toxic control of women’s fertility, therefore their bodies. In the demonisation of female sexuality. In the fetishisation of women into either Madonna or Whore. But at some point this dam wall will break and well, Mankind as we know it had better get out of the way. Or be destroyed.
This has come about because for many thousands of years, the divine masculine has had an unhealthy dominance over women and their expressions of the divine feminine. This has allowed a massive bushfire of toxic, unbound masculinity which has suppressed it's expression even further. Both towards women incarnate and the planet. This has diminished the expression of the divine feminine to an unhealthy half of the divine masculine, creating a good part of the crises we see today. For this reason, as the major earth changes started around 2020, bought back the dark goddess. The avenger of wronged women such as Lilith and the Morrigan. Of those primal, dark expressions of femininity that allow us to procreate and survive. They come with one mission since late 2021 – To take back the power denied women and girls as well as the planet from the current, unbalanced toxic masculinity. And they are taking no prisoners.
So, the dam wall is breaking, and Mankind is trying to patch it. But like the water at the base of a dam undermining the foundations, the dark goddess is continuing to undermine, crack and fill the dam with all the held back energy like a flood. She does this for her sisters – The Maiden, the Mother and the Crone – who are waiting behind the dam wall to re-establish themselves as an equal force to the youth/Warrior, the Father and the Elder, bringing the world back into balance. When they do this, it will bring about massive earth changes as well as changes to society. This is a necessary, very necessary process made so much harder by years of repression and collective karma arising from out of control toxic masculinity. There will be damage, years of wounds to repair. But once this is done and the goddess is on her throne again, the world will be a very different place.
But, right now, the Dark goddess is leading the fight, undermining the dam. Helping the Earth and Mother Gaia (See the June 2023 supplement) fight back not only for her survival, but her empowerment and levelling up journey. I recommend not getting in her way.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense

The Destructive Bushfire
Toxic Masculinity
As we are going into a time of healing we need to address what needs to be healed. It is unchecked, toxic masculinity that destroys all it seems to touch. Remember our channelled Nickelback song, Never Again. To define exactly how this song looks at toxic masculinity which is actually rather good;
'Fathers a name you haven't earnt yet
You're just a child with a temper'
It goes on to show the damage this does in the following lyrics in the disgust of the songs narrator;
'Haven't you Heard don't hit a Lady
Kicking your Arse Would be a Pleasure'
Now, before I hear what's happened to the whole spiritual thing of non violence, remember this is a reflection in a rock song of some pretty serious shit from those who well, are sick of the violence hurting someone else and want to give them a taste of their own medicine to keep a loved one safe. At times this is the only way to deal with these overgrown teenagers who seem to think of women and children as toys, not full people for the sake of those around them. Coming in with the June Solstice this song very much echoes a raw, traumatised survivor/s fighting back to save their lives. There we are accessing the raw, uninhibited strength of the Base and Deep Base Chakra to just save our lives, to survive. High minded spirituality and non violence comes later when we're safe, pure and simple. So I think you can forgive the violence at this point, no matter how high minded you are.
Now, I hear you asking, what has microcosm of domestic and family violence to do with a broader discussion on toxic masculinity? Quite simply, it is perhaps the most dangerous and common expression of this energy on the planet of this bushfire of unbound masculinity, without a balance. Where men quite simply get away with never growing up. Of never learning to respect women or children and just seeing them like their toys in childhood – Grown up adult toys. This by extension has also happened with the earth under the Judeo/Christian idea of 'Dominion over the Earth'. In other words, to this toxic masculinity considers the planet it's possession to use and abuse just like individual women and their children.
This has been allowed because of the suppression of the divine feminine, which is meant to balance out the Divine Masculine and create a healthy expression of it. When we are in the current state, with the Divine Feminine at half the strength of the masculine, masculinity becomes a bushfire, a dangerous toxic force. A dangerous toxic force with hurts men too. Be they young boys caught up with fathers who consider them possessions and abuse them. Be they the young boys that never get to grow up because they are killed by their fathers in murder/suicides. The boys who grow up protecting their mother from their father (the voice of the narrator in the song). The boys caught up in war, dislocation and potentially become child solders, losing their innocence and potentially dying far too early. Even men in groups like homosexual men, trans female to male men that historically have been as persecuted as women in different periods.
For this reason it needs to be rebalanced, bounded by the water of the feminine energies making men into mature adults, to a healthy, civilised balance. Only when the flame of masculinity is bought back to an equal force, a useful fire, will we have a balanced energy both is our societies and in the way we interact with both women and the planet. Until then this toxic out of control wildfire will continue to destroy and create more toxic karma than we already have. Do we want that, or do we want a healthy, balanced world?
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense

Our Shadow Work Ally
Sedna, Innuit goddess of the Arctic is an interesting figure in mythology. A woman who was expected to marry, but rejected many suitors, there are three versions to her myth. One is that in defiance of her father she married a dog and had a happy family with him. Another is that her father forced her to marry a dog and she found out it was a very happy rabbit hole to be in with a much more loving husband than any human could be. The third is perhaps the most resonant in this time to us.
In this version of the myth, after being tricked by a Birdman (Another transmutation), she found herself deviod of the promises of the comforts of blubber and furs with only fish given to her. As time went on she was unimpressed with this and called on her father for help. He eventually rescued her and it seemed fine – Before a storm blew up and he found his canoe nearly capsizing. To save himself he threw her overboard and as she clung onto the canoe, her father chopped her fingers off with a hatchet to save himself. She sunk to the bottom of the ocean and her severed fingers became sea creatures the Innuit depended on for food. Attending to her – 'Combing her Hair' bought abundance back in Innuit shamanistic work. She was also a goddess of death who judged mens souls in the afterlife and was a very strict judge. Not surprising, really, considering what she knew of men in her mortal life.
In this work as it was in July, she was our pyschopomp ally transmuting trauma, healing the soul fragments of the individuals affected by soul loss from years of patriarchal abuse of the sacred feminine, both in the form of the planet and incarnated human souls. In the coming weeks, as the foundational processes are completed, a set of meditations will be coming out. This includes one with Sedna for soul retrial. Look for these as they come out and start the healing for yourself with the double August Full Moons.
Khel'Shen Alh'Hon Kyshera Du'Shkall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense
June 2023

The June 2023 Reset
In the month of the June Solstice (Winter in the Southern Hemisphere and Summer in the Northern Hemisphere) I started writing this. To help mark this occasion I did two rune draws – One on the Solstice Eve and one on the Solstice Night. These produced some interesting results, mostly around the need to heal and empower the true divine feminine in the planet and the women in our lives. For too long both have been used and abused. Raped and taken for granted. And She – The collective spirit has had enough. To use the lines in the Nickelback song Never again that resonated with me as I looked at the issue;
'She's had enough
She Grabs the Gun
Terrified that She'll Wind up Dead at his Hands
She's just a Woman
Never Again
I've Seen it Before but not Like This
Never Again'
Which is how society sees women in so many places over the planet, and this needs to be healed. This deep trauma, fear and abuse that runs deep, blocking the true meaning of the divine feminine. This not only came up in this song coming up as a part of this process, but also in themes in fiction writing (One of my other indulgences). It is showing in all of this we need to end the control that the male energies have on the female in society as well as the ravaging of the Earth, Gaia's body that is still continuing today. This is not on anymore as it has done too much damage to the sheer essence of the divine feminine in both the planetary level that needs to be healed before it can be re-empowerd to take it's place as an equal in the greater whole as well as society with Gaia taking her place as our revered Earth Mother, not our abused victim.
In this two stage process we have the unusual combination of the gentle healing of the lavender flame and the archetypal figure of Lilith, the demonised first wife of Adam in the bible. This seemed unusual to me at first, with the fact that these two energies were basically chalk and cheese. Especially as this came up through interpreting a rune draw – The last place you would expect a Judeo-Chirstian figure to come out. But in working with this it all fell into place. The lavender flame is healing the trauma to the whole divine feminine, both planetary, disincarinate (In spirit) and incarnate in both men and women. This needs to be healed, then when it is empowered to bring a true balance into the world to help heal the planet and the divine feminine and womanhood incarnate. This is a time that is key to the reforming of the new world and the breaking down of the old – The healing phase to make the new bright future possible. It may not be nice but it needs to be honoured. Having been through it personally this is not the nicest phase of empowerment, the cleansing and healing.
But it is a part of it that allows us to move forward. That is where the Lavender Ray brings in the complete trauma healing that is needed in this world. Both in the physical world and the energetic world there is a lot of wounds on the divine feminine from thousands of years of misuse and abuse that needs to be healed. Hence the song above coming through as a message – The divine feminine no longer wants to be a victim, live in fear. But when there is that much trauma to heal, this must be done a bit more delicately. The lavender flame, which came to me about eight months ago, is the gentler octave of the violet flame. Whereas the violet flame is a very direct cleansing and clearing energy, the lavender flame is muted in it's directness and more seeps through and heals than blasts out what you don't need. When healing trauma this make sense – It is about healing, not re-traumatising the subject. Be that the planetary consciousness, the collective female conciousness, or the individual women hurt by this. So this gentler octave of the cleansing flame has come through to heal the trauma and damage done in the last few thousand years.
This is combined with the empowerment of the figure of Lilith – The first wife of Adam. Her story, as well as the story of Eve is interesting in this context. Lilith was made from the mud of the riverbank while Adam was made from the dry clay of the earth (Please note water is a feminine element). This meant that Adam thought he had it all over her – Demanding she lie under him, so to speak. Lilith didn't believe Adams publicity and coercive control. She spoke the word of god to back to heaven. God, when she got there, also being a bit of a dick sent her back to deal with Adam, saying well, he's you're husband deal with it. And she did – Leaving the garden of Eden and going into the rest of the world rather than deal with the dick in the garden of Eden who thought she was his inferior and tried to control her. At this point, having learnt their lessons the Patriarchy, led by god bought in the neutered divine feminine in the form of Eve to a watered down, servile form – Being careful to well, make sure she had no attitude to give Adam and be a nice meek, helpful wife. As with all men who don't like rejection Adam didn't appreciate his first wife's attitude and Lilith was demonised as the Queen of the Demons in the wilderness. Just to make sure that women didn't access the true divine feminine in themselves. But Lilith was always there in mythology, the reminder of the divine feminine who is no man's bitch. She is coming back now, well and truly in force to empower her sisters from the servile illusion of Eve.
The last thing to mention here so you understand the accelerating process is that there are men that are as hurt by the patriarchy as women because they are different. Gay men, especially young sensitive gay men are a prime example. In a society that does not value the divine feminine it does not value the expression in anybody, male or female. However, any male affected by the Macho culture in terms of bullying, mental illness, eating disorders such as Orthorexia will tell you they do not benefit from Male dominance at all. Same as males who have been victims of sexual assault, both as children/youth or as adults who find it harder to speak out than women because of the 'Macho' culture around them. That is just the surface – You dig you will find more harm than that across the board. This process, equalising the energies allows these men to also heal their own wounds to do with this extreme imbalance. If we do not it will continue to do more harm to men as well as women as well as create more and more toxic karma for those who are creating the imbalance. All of this needs to be healed, which is why the process is coming in with the June Solstice to clean clear and rebalance.
This process is happening now in so many ways under our feet already, but with this June Solstice (Summer Solstice Southern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere) it is accelerating. Time will tell how and where but there are things you can do to make this a positive time. The first is that there is going to be three meditations published on this site in the coming month as I write them. The first one is a connection to the true divine feminine and the heart Chakra registers that open you up all the more to this healing process, wether you are male or female. Then there will be two separate healing and empowerment meditation journeys – One for men and one for women. Men do carry the Divine Female energy in them – It is just not the dominant one in their energy field. This means that they will have wounds and trauma working through them as much as women will, but the expression, karmic load around it and the way it comes through personally is going to be different to women. For this reason I have decided to make them two separate journeys, which I would normally not do. One is for women to heal their expression of the divine feminine as well as the Earth. The other one is for men, who still have the divine feminine in them, to clear the toxic collective karma around the imbalance with masculinity and heal their own wounds around expression, feeling and vulnerability. Provided for free these guided meditations will be powerful tools to harness the energies of this time.
Each individual doing a part will help the healing and the process of rebalancing the Earth’s energies to a healthy balance. This will allow more positive outcomes globally to manifest and create a better future. Isn't that something that is worth it?