
The Manyfold Path of Runes
The manyfold path of runes,
The manyfold roots of Yggasdrl,
Containing the same wisdom
In different expressions,
Of the keys of primal creation,
Expressed in the forms of the runes,
the manyfold rune rows.
Speaking to different groups
Different tribes.
With different needs
At different times.
Sharing the wisdom of the runes with all,
The wisdom of deep creation.
The original runes came first,
The Elder Futhark.
Claimed by ordeal
Form the roots of the world tree,
24 runes of power,
In three aetts,
Sharing the 24 keys of life,
From life,
To death,
A guide to existence
Helpers and keys of power
To take control of your life.
Then came the Younger Futhark,
Taking two forms.
The Younger Futhark of sixteen runes,
In Norway and Sweden,
Also sixteen runes.
Both reflecting simpler times,
With their new form,
Their new wisdom.
Both used for many years
As runes of power and might,
And as an alphabet to write.
A guide to life,
For a simpler time,
The Younger Futhark.
Then the runes went to Briton,
The Elder Fulthark
Evolving again,
For a different group,
With a different worldview,
A different set of needs.
The Anglo Saxon Futork,
A row of roughly thirty,
And the Northumbrian Futork,
A row of thirty three.
New runes,
To reflect different realities,
For different people,
In a different place.
Used in writing and communication,
As well as might and magick,
Another root of wisdom,
Extending from the world tree.
But those are not the last major root
To show it's wisdom.
Runes were used after this,
For many years.
From the Swedish Dotted Runes,
To the Gothic Runes,
Two sets of writing,
Allowing the communication
Of a way of life.
Medieval Runes,
A code of magick,
Allowing magical expression in the shadows,
As well as house runes,
Showing identity and ownership.
Another root of the world tree,
Sharing wisdom in unfriendly times
Between those who understand it,
Protected from unfriendly eyes.
The middle ages runes,
The root of hidden wisdom of the world tree.
But this was not the last set of roots to show themselves,
At the dawn of the 20th century.
A new gnarled root,
Showed itself to the world
At a time of unification and strife.
The Arameninan runes,
Founded in nationalism,
Misused at a time of war,
To dominate and control
In the worst possible way,
In ways that have cast them black.
But a system reborn,
Gaining popularity once again,
Replacing hatred,
With bringing health
To show a new form of rune wisdom to the world.
But the runes keep evolving,
New roots of Yggasdrl.
Still show their wisdom.
Sharing the wisdom with new tribes,
New groups
In forms such as the Wiccan Runes.
Yggasdrl's wisdom,
Growing and changing,
With new people,
New tribes,
Evolving with the times,
Sharing wisdom
In new ways,
New expressons,
For timeless wisdom
To bring in new awakenings
At this time.
The runic system,
Runic wisdom
The ever evolving wisdom,
Of Yggasdrl
Still used today,
Still evolving today,
New roots sharing the wisdom of the world tree.
The wisdom of the ether
The world pre-creation,
From before the world we know,
Taking material form
Through the manyfold sets of runes,
The roots of wisdom giving their expression
To guide the world.
Khel'shen Akh'hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense
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The manyfold roots of the World Tree website version.pdf Size : 61.853 Kb Type : pdf |
The runes are an ancient system of divination and writing tracing their roots from Pagan Norse belief. From a set of simple stave writing the Elder Fultark of twenty four runes developed, first as a secret language, then as a method of day to day communication. Over time this led to the creation of the Younger Fultark of sixteen runes with a complex phonetic system attached, as used in the Norse settlements if Iceland in their sagas. Further developments came through a form of hybridisation to the Frisian runes and the Anglo-Saxon Fultark, which took runes away as well as added to them to explain new concepts as they encounters them as well as an evolving cultural context.
While used an operative form of writing and communication in early Christianity, they faded into disuse over the middle ages accept for small pockets of rural Scandinavia. They began to be revived as a part of the 19th century revival of Europe's pagan past. The most controversial of this was an adaption of the runes into a new systems of Armenian runes, a series of sixteen runes that became lined with growing German nationalism. Made even more controversial in the 20th century by further Nazi co-opting of German nationalism, these gave using the runes especially the Aramenian system of runes, which is still associated by many with this period today.
We are now benefiting from a less ideologically led revival since the 1960's of the runes as a system of wisdom and divination, slowly becoming popular as a form of divination worldwide since then. This, in a way, this is a continuation of the work of teaching this system of working with, and understanding the world.
Choosing a Set of Runes
Choosing a set of Runes can be as daunting as walking into a crystal shop and choosing crystals for the first time. I can only dimly remember when I bought my first set, the carnelian ones I still use as spirit runes in my nine set system today. I can't remember why either. Even now for me, as I have developed my reading system and evolved it I still really look around for the set that I need for that purpose. I could make them, sure. But considering that it would cost me at least ten dollars a set, and most likely more, just to get the crystals to make the set, I don't think it's worth my while till I can get a good supply of crystals wholesale. Nice pebbles you can buy from hardware stores as landscape supplies by the five and ten kilo for not much, I have yet to see crystals there for a similar price. So, at least for the moment, I still buy my crystal sets.
Which brings me to selection of Runes, especially for beginners. There are many things to consider when buying runes, from the material they are made from, to which of the five or so major rune rows to choose, to whether as a beginner to buy or make them. From my experience I can give you some ideas to get you onto the right path to buying, or making your first set of runes. Or if you're like me, the latest one as you develop and evolve.
- Choose a Rune Row – There are about five or six major rune rows out there, each with a slightly different focus. For instance, while I have a growing knowledge of the Younger Futark, and a basic knowledge of the Anglo Saxon and Northumbrian, and know a little of the Arameninan Runes (Those I really don't connect to at all for some reason) the one I really work with personally is the Elder Futark. This is because for many reasons I won't go into here (They're long stories involving past lives) the one that I seemed to be attracted to. So that was the one I learnt most about and the one I use. It is also the one I know the best. If you have an interest in the runes, and you are looking to learn more, if you find yourself leaning more to one system than another, it is a good idea to look for one in that system. This will take confusion and time out of your search.
- Choose a Set that Instinctively Calls You – This is one I have heard a lot in my various travels, contact on social media as well as through telesummits. Walking into the store and walking out with that set of runes that you didn't intend to buy till you saw them and couldn't walk out without them. Then, well figuring out what they are after the fact and how to use them. If you have come to your search for information, or at least more information than that skinny little guide book gives you, then congratulations on your first step in this journey. It is worth it. There are many good books on runes out there, and they are a great tool that you are now learning about. This is a legitimate way of starting out with runes, picking them out instinctively. Or should I say, them picking you out. This takes the stress out of which runes to choose, but at the same time you now need to learn about them. I hope you enjoy it, because you will get a lot out of it.
- Gifting – This is how I have gotten some of my runes, but I have also gifted runes as I have evolved and grown, and felt I needed a new set. Like crystals, Runes can be gifted, consciously or unconsciously to people who are beginning, often when they get their gift, and this is a good start to a journey. I now recommend that you get some good books, read up on the information that you can get and start working with them to learn and grow through your knowledge of them. Like the way of getting runes up above here, this is a wonderful way into a new world of discovery about the world and yourself, made even better by the fact that you didn't have to pay for them. Oh, and the thought by the person that gifted them was nice, of course...
- Making your Own Runes – This one is perhaps the most daunting for a beginner, especially one with no craft skill. I am competent in carving rune rows now, but when I started, mostly getting a crystal, or the Wyrd rune in the set and carving a replacement, It wasn't that pretty. Of course, working with wood, the traditional material for runes is far easier than working with stone like I feel called to, but it is still a daunting thought for a beginner. The advice here is do your research, and feel your way to the one you connect to. Maybe you know which one because a book called you, say, on the Elder or Younger Futark, Or the Anglo Saxon Runes. And now, well, you feel up to making your own (sort of) because you feel it is better than buying them and consecrating them to make them yours. In which case you know which rune row you want to carve. But if you don't then look around, read up and feel which one you really connect to. When you are ready for carving I have written articles on this, which I will revise in the coming week and repost breaking up the rune set and talisman carving up for easier reading. Or of course, there are many excellent books and how to's by others who have also done this. Do your research, pick your material and pace yourself, especially as a beginner crafting as well as using runes. But good luck on your journey, you will find out so much about the runes themselves, and connect to their energy in a real way.
- Researching and Buying a Set – Maybe you got called to using runes through a chance purchase of a book, or you stumbled upon them and feel ready to buy your first set. You have made your decision on which rune row you want to start working with, and now you are going out and looking for one. But the decisions – What material, what rune set calls to me etc... Especially as the Elder Futark is the most commonly used one today, if you have decided to start using another rune row such as the Younger Futark, or the Anglo Saxon and Northubrian, then you may find the search harder. However, they are still out there for purchase if you feel your best choice is to buy, not carve them (I have made the decision, though I don't use them, to carve and sell them all on order). Once you have made the decision to purchase take your time, look around and get the one that feels right for you. Don't feel pressured into buying one that isn't right for you, because it won't work with you well. Take your time, find the right one and I wish you luck in your search.
Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense
The Elder Futhark

Elder Futhark Rune Poem
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Elder Futthark Rune Poem website version.pdf Size : 85.199 Kb Type : pdf |
Elder Futhark.mp3
The Elder Fultark, the oldest system of Twenty four runes grouped in Deity named aetts, is the oldest system of runes extant. It is the one that I use and feel comfortable with, and have used for many years. It is also the one that will be taught today. From here, if you wish to, you can explore the worlds of the other rune rows. The Elder Fultark, though, is the oldest. Said to be discovered in folklore as a sacred form of recording and understanding the world by the god Odin after hanging for nine days and nine nights on the world tree, he saw them on the bark of the roots of Yggdrasil, the tree of life. Through this ordeal he was revealed both the Elder Fultark and their meanings, the system we will be looking at and using today. Some sets include a twenty fifth Wyrd rune, left blank. However, this is not a traditional element and it is up to you if you wish to use it.
There are three Aetts, each named after a deity. The first Aett of eight is named after Freya, the goddess of love and fertility and expresses earthly concerns. The Second Aett of eight, named after the god Hagal or Hemidal (depending on sources) focuses change, cycles around us and the worldly forces of the material and ethreric world. Last but not least is Tyrs Aett, focusing on the universal laws and forces underpinning it all, both inside and outside us. For more information you can download a free basic rune guide below.
Downloadable PDF Elder Futhark Guide
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Elder Futhark basic guide second edition.pdf Size : 12502.983 Kb Type : pdf |
Elder Futhark.mp3
The Younger Futhark

Downloadable Younger Futhark Rune Poem
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Younger futhark rune poem Website Version.pdf Size : 71.287 Kb Type : pdf |
Younger Futhark.mp3
The second rune row developed in chronological order as the second best known rune row covered here in Runic Corner is the Younger Futhark. Common in what is now Sweden and Norway. While many sources say that they were also common in Iceland, other sources contradict this, showing that the Elder Futhark was in wider use in Iceland at least up until late, at least till the middle ages. So while there is some evidence of it's use in Iceland, the it seems that until late a version of the Elder Futhark, known as the Elder Fupark, was in wider use. Consisting of sixteen runes, the Younger Futhark is on the surface a simplified and rune row. While the runes are simplified, however, this made the way they interacted with the sounds of the spoken language more complex as the sixteen runes had to accommodate more sounds per rune than the twenty four of the Elder Futhark, making it more complex to read at the same time it became symbolically simpler.
As an alphabet, it was used to write Old Norse in rune rows and inscriptions, as well as graffiti all around the world during the Viking era. Better associated with the Viking age than the Elder Futhark, which is better associated with the Germanic world and an older rune row (Though there is evidence of the Elder Futhark still in use during the Viking age), the Younger Futhark is not as common as the Elder Futhark among rune users today. However, it is still worth learning as it has a different energy, a different way of looking at things. This is something that may suit other rune users as a primary set if you resonate with this, even if it is not for me. It may also be a good tool to keep around, as I am now with my own set (pictured) for individual uses. They are, in a way, a more direct energy than the Elder Futhark in so many ways, far more direct and explicit in their meaning and form when you work with them. This different energy is something that while I may not use all the time, but in carving them and getting to know them to write this guide I found uses for them as well that I didn't find in the Elder Futhark, my primary set. This is something you may also have if you do not use them as a primary set.
Overall, in carving the Younger Futhark, creating this guide and the companion Younger Futhark rune poem I learnt a lot about this rune set and the uses. This is a good set for those who are more attracted to this rune row sets energy, and for uses and meanings that resonate for those that primarily use other rune sets. It is also the rune row to write Old Norse in, if you are writing out spells in runes. For these reasons and more it is a good rune set to learn about. For information and definition on the Younger Futhark you can download the free Younger Futhark Rune Guide below.
Younger Futhark Guide First Edition
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Younger Futhark basic guide First edition.pdf Size : 19569.459 Kb Type : pdf |