
Rune Draws - Regular

Rune of the Week

Sunday 19th May to Saturday 25th May 2024


The rune of ice and hail, and of winter in the form of hail to the point that it is named after this natural phenomenon. Representing chaotic, unpredictable change in the same way hail splits transformation into three phases – What was before, The white landscape of the hailstorm, and what comes after, it works as a predictor of change. Be that change within or without this is a time of change, the old state, the chaotic , unexpected change state and the new state. This is a state in cycles a state of being, a state on your life. This may not be pleasant, but it must be borne to get through to the other side as like the rune, it cannot be reversed. In a good position or right side up it shows a change for the better in your life, as chaotic and negative it feels right now. Be patient and go with the flow. Wrong way up or baldy positioned, it shows that you are resisting necessary change and making things worse. Let go and go with the flow, this is a necessary change, be it not exactly feeling good at the moment. As the ice thaws you will see the results of your patience and forbearance. Use in spell work to support this movement of three state change in your life, or others, giving them the power to get through to the other side and the end result – The changed state after the chaos.

As the rune of the week this is showing us that the current solar storm is changing us. While it is also causing chaos, panic and disorder, it is also changing our energy system and up-leveling our entire energy system, be that the earths or our own personal energy system. This irreversible change in the meanwhile is going to cause disruption, just as a hailstorm does. But what it will leave behind in the end is going to be all the better in the end, allowing us to create a better future both for ourselves and others in 'New Earth'.  As we look around us, we will see signs of this chaos around us. It is there, we have to acknowledge it, but at the same time we are looking at positive, creative chaos remaking the world.

In this week, work with the energies as they present to you and take it as it comes. This is going to be a bumpy week, with the solar maximum adding more and more energy into the mix and really shaking things up. By working with this you will be moving towards a higher frequency, be it by removing blocks, absorbing the energy and upgrading your energy field, or any other means. This may not be a pleasant week,  but it may be an important one. Working with the energy at this time as it is, riding it out will help create a better future.

Look to use this rune in the pink galactic awareness ray to make sense of what is happening around you. This will help you see what is happening and why in the patterns of chaos and help you ride them out better. In time the reason will become clearer, but at this time use this rune to help ride that out.

Rune of the Day

Monday 20th May 2024


This can be an ominous ruin, meaning necessity, restrictions and want. The shape representing a bundle of firewood that is needed to kindle the need fire, this is not always bad. A rune of Wyrd, or fate, this represents the three norms, the Nordic goddesses of fate. But it is not always bad, and mean kindling the inner need fire, or finding ways out of your restrictions, facing your challenges and overcoming your restrictions to create a new higher set of them of your choosing. Far from negative, this can actually be a positive phase of growth. Upright, depending on the runes around it can show the power to work with the game of life for our advantage, working with fate, or finding a way of breaking through our current need and restriction. Reversed, it can show we are acting against fate, to no avail. Try and fresh approach working with cycles and your wyrd rather than against it. Use in spell work and manifestation to kindle your inner need fire and help find a way out of your restrictions and needs.

As the rune of the day, repeating this is showing us the ongoing process of recycling old energies and up-leveling the whole collective consciousness. This is about breaking out of the old needs and restrictions and finding a higher level abundance. This is about creating a new way of doing things to match the new consciousness and breaking free of the needs of the old. If used properly this can propel you into the next stage of your life. In letting go of old limitations we can create the abundance we need to move forward. This has to be done consciously and intentionally with the energy today for best results.

Rune of the Day

Sunday 19th May 2024

This can be an ominous ruin, meaning necessity, restrictions and want. The shape representing a bundle of firewood that is needed to kindle the need fire, this is not always bad. A rune of Wyrd, or fate, this represents the three norms, the Nordic goddesses of fate. But it is not always bad, and mean kindling the inner need fire, or finding ways out of your restrictions, facing your challenges and overcoming your restrictions to create a new higher set of them of your choosing. Far from negative, this can actually be a positive phase of growth. Upright, depending on the runes around it can show the power to work with the game of life for our advantage, working with fate, or finding a way of breaking through our current need and restriction. Reversed, it can show we are acting against fate, to no avail. Try and fresh approach working with cycles and your wyrd rather than against it. Use in spell work and manifestation to kindle your inner need fire and help find a way out of your restrictions and needs.

As the rune of the day, this is indicating that the upleveling of humanity is continuing with the solar maximum, creating new potential. Look at how you can use this to create with the earth, your life. This may not feel good if you are having purging symptoms, or facing blocks, but this is something that has to happen in order for you to progress. There may be issues that you thought you had dealt with, but as you move to a higher frequency they may come back to be fully resolved. This is all a part of breaking through the current level of restriction and coming into a higher level as the earth itself does so.

Rune of the Day

Saturday 18th May 2024

The third rune of the Elder Futhark, this symbolises the power of defence as well as the power to face life's challenges and battles. What this rune shows us is not only the challenges of defending ourselves, or getting through a hard time, but that we have the resources. Connected to the natural symbolism of the defensive thorn on plants such as blackcurrants and brambles, this is a powerful passive defence that is always there and able to overcome all comers. An alternative meaning that I have also found is the power to get through and rise above your challenges, like climbing a mountain. Through this process you can not only face your fears and challenges, but grow into a stronger wiser being through the experience. The energy is there, you just need to harness it. This metaphorical facing the mountain of your challenges and come back. Reversed it shows challenges lie ahead, look around other runes to see what this means and how the resources come to defend it. Use in spell work and manifestation to empower the great passive defence and power to overcome your challenges this rune represents. This makes it especially useful in protection or binding work and as a empowering rune in healing rites.

As a rune of the day this rune is showing us that we are coming into a time of challenging energies. With even more energy coming into this world through the current solar maximum (For more information look up SpaceWeather.com) this change is accelerating. It is in how we look at how this is changing us, bringing up the blocks and challenges in our world as well as what is coming up for us on our paths. In looking at what challenges, conflicts and positive collaborations we had with others on this day, we can see the positive movement ahead. In terms of what we can give and receive of collaboration, sharing knowledge and gaining wisdom to benefit the whole collective, not just ourselves in this change of the world to New Earth. Look at your challenges and collaborations today to see the next steps on your path.

Rune of the Day

Friday 17th May 2024

The rune of ice and hail, and of winter in the form of hail to the point that it is named after this natural phenomenon. Representing chaotic, unpredictable change in the same way hail splits transformation into three phases – What was before, The white landscape of the hailstorm, and what comes after, it works as a predictor of change. Be that change within or without this is a time of change, the old state, the chaotic , unexpected change state and the new state. This is a state in cycles a state of being, a state on your life. This may not be pleasant, but it must be borne to get through to the other side as like the rune, it cannot be reversed. In a good position or right side up it shows a change for the better in your life, as chaotic and negative it feels right now. Be patient and go with the flow. Wrong way up or baldy positioned, it shows that you are resisting necessary change and making things worse. Let go and go with the flow, this is a necessary change, be it not exactly feeling good at the moment. As the ice thaws you will see the results of your patience and forbearance. Use in spell work to support this movement of three state change in your life, or others, giving them the power to get through to the other side and the end result – The changed state after the chaos.

At this point in time this is referring to the current space weather we are having in the form of the solar maximum. This storm is being disruptive (Radio blackouts etc...) but is evolving us. As this happens we are still in the fens, still in the shifting sands and water. This will be here for a while as we go through the last stages of this evolutionary process. This was long coming, and is still continuing at this point. Look what you can learn to ride out the storm, and create your life in the New Earth coming from what came on this day.

Rune of the Day

Thursday 16th May 2024

Representing the first man, Askr and Embala, the first woman, transformed from Ash and elm trees respectively, this represents humanity and the products and achievements of the human mind. This is a rune of Mankind, or Humanity as it is more commonly known today. This makes of the intellect, knowledge and humanity's skills and achievements. Good for gaining success in exams and other mental tasks, it is also a rune of the stable, functioning order of humanity as a whole. Upright it portends success in examinations, other mental tasks and tasks relating to the right, functioning order of human society and achievement as whole, Merkstave, or reversed, it shows a lack of success and problems in these areas. For more information look at the question, the place in a reading and the runes around this rune to interpret what this may mean. Use in manifestation and spell work to foster achievement in examinations, intellectual activity, in areas society values as well as any other product of humankind or their achievements.

On this day the rune of the day represented the up-leveling of human sentience. This is going to be accelerated by the increase in energy as this solar maximum continues over time. If you are interested in how this is happening, consider looking up space weather services. What this is doing in the long term is creating New Earth by creating a new, high frequency reality and up-leveling the whole consciousness of humanity, evolving it from 'Mankind' to include all, including the descendants of the first woman. This process is happening now, even accelerating today as the solar flares continue. Work with this for best results.

Rune of the Day

Wednesday 15th May 2024

This rune, with a symbolism of the Ash tree and a link to greater consciousness is considered a 'God rune', or a link to the form that higher creative consciousness is for you. In Norse tradition, it is liked to the World tree Yggdrasil, which in legend is said to be an ash tree, bringing this symbolism to life. This also has parallels to the Celtic Tree of Life as well as other tree of life legends across the globe. As one of the three runes of spirit, this is the most focused of the runes connection you to spirit, showing you have connection and support to a higher power. Unlike with Uruz, where the connection is to the greater will of the pre-creation universe in all it's untamed strength, this is more focused on a particular, conscious source in creation. Depending on the question, the other runes around it and the context it is drawn, it could just mean the power of the world tree. Or it could mean a particular guide or deity is making contact and helping you out in a hard time. Often linked to divine aid, this is a good rune to draw when you are facing challenges you don't think you can cope with. Upright it shows that the power of the universe in it's many facets of belief are with you, supporting you – As above so below, As within, so without. Reversed it calls for you to see what you need to call on divine support. As a manifestation or spell work rune use this to bring in the runes positive qualities into your spell work.

As the rune of the day it was showing that higher energy was highlighted today. With a lot of energy coming in through strong solar activity, this is changing our earth and our bodies even more. This is upgrading still happening. Look at how you can create with this energy coming through from the sun as it happens, especially in terms of your New Moon intentions. Look at how you did this and how you can do this moving forward, creating new opportunities and new chances. While this time might be uncomfortable, this is a time of evolutionary growth, Using it wisely will propel you into the next stage in your life.

Rune of the Day

Tuesday 14th May 2024

Also called Berkano, this is a regenerative rune of birth, rebirth and spring. Associated with spring, regeneration and renewal, this is a rune of positive change. A rune of healing, representing the renewal in healing, this is a good one to draw when recovering or if you are sick. But it can also show healing in your life, or regeneration in another aspects of your life, like a renewed career. Associated with the goddess Frau Bertcht, a nature goddess, this shows abundance and renewal in your life. In limited circumstances it can also show a birth in the family. Upright this shows renewal and healing, like a northern spring after winter coming through, into your life. Reversed, or merkstave you should ask yourself, what is holding renewal back? What can you do to change this? What can I do to start healing and work towards a positive outcome? Use in manifestation and spell work for any of the positive qualities you see above, to bring them into your life and your spell work.

A rune of the day in a repeating pattern, this rune is showing us that there are significant earth changes and earth regeneration happening today. As this significant event unfolds (This is a rune that is repeating in pattern), they are being highlighted today. Look at how you can ground down, through the earth star chakra with what is left of the day and connect to this process, harmonising your own growth. This will add to the critical mass of the change towards a new balance between earth and us as a species that is happening under our feet.

Rune of the Week

Sunday 12th April to Saturday 18th May 2024

There are two forms of this rune, the most common one (in the Elder Futhark) being the chevron form you see above. Denoting illumination, inspiration and new ideas, this embodies the civilising ideas of fire and the inspiration, the light in the darkness it brings in the nobles hall at night. While Mannaz in the Third Aett is the rune of mankind's achievement and knowledge, if you will a third level solar plexus level, intellectual knowledge, this is a rune of higher knowledge. This rune activates the higher knowledge of the fifth level of reality, the throat chakra in you. Look for inspiration, innovation, fresh ideas when you draw this rune, for this is what it is indicating is coming to you. This is especially true if you are currently trying to nut out a problem that you can find no solution to. Sleep on it, engage your creativity and try to find a solution in the new rather than the old. Merkstave, or reversed, this shows that you might be missing an insight, piece of information or new idea that might help you. Look for this for new understanding into your problems. As a rune of spell work and manifestation use this to bring in higher light as well as ideas and illumination into your spell work and your life.

As the rune of the week - A repeating rune from lat week it is showing us that this week is still very much about Illumination and getting these messages from the higher realities. As the Solar Maximum continues (It was strong last week) we are getting more upgrades, higher frequency energies, light codes - Whatever you want to call them - Coming in this week. Pay attention to them, heed them and work them into your life. Create with this energy a new reality for yourself, coming into a phase of renewed expansion and evolution for the planet.

This week meditate and work with any ascension symptoms you have. As you get blocks they will become apparent to be cleared. In working with this process you can help co-create a new reality for yourself and become a part of the critical mass for the planet. In doing this you are co-creating a reality that is expanding into the 'New Earth'. It may not seem like it, but it is perhaps the most important step in creating this - Recycling the old energy to create something far better. Look at how you can work with this process as the solar flares continue. Look at the astrology of this week as well - How is it affecting you. There are some pretty major things coming in this week (See Astrology on The Spiritual Weal) as well as ongoing energetic aspects - Get a birth chart and look at the links for ideas on where you may be going.

Use this rune as a guidepost in platinum white light - To what you need to do to become a part of this new movement, this new reality. Use this to help you get through ascension symptoms, through blocks. Use this energy to help you clear up, recycle the energy and break through to the 'New Earth' paradise that is just right for you.

Rune of the Week

Sunday 5th April to Saturday 11th May 2024

There are two forms of this rune, the most common one (in the Elder Futhark) being the chevron form you see above. Denoting illumination, inspiration and new ideas, this embodies the civilising ideas of fire and the inspiration, the light in the darkness it brings in the nobles hall at night. While Mannaz in the Third Aett is the rune of mankind's achievement and knowledge, if you will a third level solar plexus level, intellectual knowledge, this is a rune of higher knowledge. This rune activates the higher knowledge of the fifth level of reality, the throat chakra in you. Look for inspiration, innovation, fresh ideas when you draw this rune, for this is what it is indicating is coming to you. This is especially true if you are currently trying to nut out a problem that you can find no solution to. Sleep on it, engage your creativity and try to find a solution in the new rather than the old. Merkstave, or reversed, this shows that you might be missing an insight, piece of information or new idea that might help you. Look for this for new understanding into your problems. As a rune of spell work and manifestation use this to bring in higher light as well as ideas and illumination into your spell work and your life.

As the Rune of the Week, this rune is showing us that this week there is illumination, new ideas and new energies coming in. As this happens we are coming into a major part of forming 'New Earth'. It is the first part of laying the foundations of the ideas, and ideals that make the transition not just possible, but happen. This is the time that all of those that feel called to start in a new direction compatible with earth service should start to really get into making these plans a reality. They are being given to you for a reason - To get the ball rolling on them and be your part of creating New Earth. Look at how you can do this, especially if you get downloads or messages this week. These are there for a reason - Pay attention to them.

In order to be ready to receive the messages, look at tuning in your third eye and crown, as well as your Throat Chakra. In doing this you are bringing in the necessary messages in as clear as possible, able to be put into place as we are getting ready for a time that plans can come forward, can be bought into being. Each aware person is going to play a role in critical mass of counteracting the reaction of the unaware as we move into a critical phase of creating New Earth - The darkness before the dawn. Right now, we have to face this to come out the other side - This is the hard part of the change we are being called to serve in. The messages and ideas that come through this week will help you understand what role you have in life and what will create the change to critical mass through the darkness.

As we come into this time use this rune in white light to call in and understand guidance, creating a time and space where you can receive what you need to move forward. Be that light codes, sudden ideas or new abilities awakening, coming through, or the support for an older idea - Use this rune as the doorway for the space to bring these things in. This will set you up to play your part for creating 'New Earth'.

Rune of the Week

Sunday 27th April to Saturday 4th May 2024

Gebo, or gift, denotes a partnership, be that between divine and man, or between men. In rune work the crossed lines would denote the partnership between men and gods, and being written with two connecting chevrons indicating a partnership or agreement between two human beings. It is interesting to note that this symbol is still used as a signature for the illiterate even today as a symbol of exchange, showing the influence of runes in our societies even till today. This is one that is a very good one to get, as it denotes a partnership that is beneficial. It is also the most directed of the three spirit runes, showing a direct connection or gift from spirit in your life, either with an individual deity or guide or a gift in yourself. If in a bad position or coming up wrong side down (This rune does not have a form that reverses) it indicates for the questioner to look at their partnerships and see how equal they are, or what can be done for them to work better, or whether they are healthy at all. Use in spell work and manifestation to cultivate a relationship with guides and deities, and promote partnership and exchange on all levels.

As the rune of the Week, it shows that there is a major up-leveling and change happening in humanity as it is connected back to higher awareness (Heart Chakra) and higher understanding (Throat Chakra) as well as source. This is a time that we are going to see a lot of turmoil and strife, but under this is a progress to 'New Earth. On Sunday an accelerated rewriting and attunement of the collective human base chakra came through, about two weeks ahead of schedule. With this came re-connection to the greater whole as a new being.

Not everybody will be feeling this as well as they could however. For some this might be bringing up blocks, and other negative things to be resolved. For others - Mostly the unaware - This is going to be a shock awakening, or reawakening. This could manifest in many ways as it tries to get their attention, even illness and/or physical conflict. Look at how this is manifesting in your life and work with this energy in an aware manner to get the best out of this. Work with those around you who may be unaware, and understand that they may be having difficulty. Like a toddler who doesn't understand their environment they will be acting out, or asking for help in unhealthy ways at times. Work with them, not against them to bring them forward.

Use this rune in green or blue light (The heart and throat centres) To feel and reconnect as who you are now through this week to create the seeds, the starts, of your new life. Work with this energy in yourself and others to make the transition as smooth as possible and co-create the 'New Earth' through the sphere of human consciousness.

Rune of the Week

Sunday 21st April to Saturday 27th April 2024

Also called Berkano, this is a regenerative rune of birth, rebirth and spring. Associated with spring, regeneration and renewal, this is a rune of positive change. A rune of healing, representing the renewal in healing, this is a good one to draw when recovering or if you are sick. But it can also show healing in your life, or regeneration in another aspects of your life, like a renewed career. Associated with the goddess Frau Bertcht, a nature goddess, this shows abundance and renewal in your life. In limited circumstances it can also show a birth in the family. Upright this shows renewal and healing, like a northern spring after winter coming through, into your life. Reversed, or merkstave you should ask yourself, what is holding renewal back? What can you do to change this? What can I do to start healing and work towards a positive outcome? Use in manifestation and spell work for any of the positive qualities you see above, to bring them into your life and your spell work.

As the rune of the week for this week it is showing that there is regeneration coming up from the earth as we move into a year of change and transition. With the rewriting of the collective human conciseness and the Solar Plexus Chakra, this is really starting to take shape as we come into another event in this week, the rewriting of the human sacral chakra and the base awareness of humanity. This is a massive leveling up of humanity that will go on to shake up many, but for the better. There may be counter reactions and backlashes, but this is a part of the process. Look at this as the next step in ascending humanity, which will cause chaos and disruption but is a necessary step.

As we come into this time, it is important that we are going to come into a time that we may also feel this. In this time it is important to ground down to the earth and the need for the changes - That the Earth and the human collective has up-leveled. You, or others around you may have things that clash with this. Look at this time as a cleansing rather than a burden, freeing up your energies for the next step and clearing the way to the future path that you are manifesting. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. It is a cleansing process, no matter how unpleasant it feels on the planetary or the personal level.

Use this rune as a guide in the Orange energy of the new and improved level of the Awareness Chakra, Using this rune in this light this week you can act consciously with this process to co-create with the incoming shifts that are already happening. Look at this as an an opportunity to cleanse and attune yourself to the coming flow at your basic level of awareness and be able to work with it better, using this rune as a guide showing you the way through the blocks in your path.

Rune of the Week

Sunday 14th April 2024  to Saturday 20th April 2024

Representing the first man, Askr and Embala, the first woman, transformed from Ash and elm trees respectively, this represents humanity and the products and achievements of the human mind. This is a rune of Mankind, or Humanity as it is more commonly known today. This makes of the intellect, knowledge and humanity's skills and achievements. Good for gaining success in exams and other mental tasks, it is also a rune of the stable, functioning order of humanity as a whole. Upright it portends success in examinations, other mental tasks and tasks relating to the right, functioning order of human society and achievement as whole, Merkstave, or reversed, it shows a lack of success and problems in these areas. For more information look at the question, the place in a reading and the runes around this rune to interpret what this may mean. Use in manifestation and spell work to foster achievement in examinations, intellectual activity, in areas society values as well as any other product of humankind or their achievements.

Today, it is looking at Humanity core values that are being looked at, being changed and altered for the better forever in the form of it's base sentience. This, with it's home in the Solar Plexus Chakra, is being rewritten for greater clarity and purpose in this age of change. As the Earth has become a higher frequency, so has the collective of humanity. Looking at this, these changes are almost organic. But they need to be made and are happening now. Look around and feel how these are happening to you and those around you in the lessons you encounter in your life on the way through.

In terms of energy work, this is a time to work with this Chakra.  Balance it, re-balance it with your other chakras. Observe it and let this new energy and awareness flow. Look at what you can do to work with this process and create the change you want in your life as you go forward, creating a new world not just for yourself but for others around you as you heal and integrate yourself further into this new, higher reality and consciousness emerging.

Use this rune the rest of this week to reconnect to the process when you feel lost. This process, upgrading the chakras is here to bring us into the new reality, not to hurt us. Use this rune to connect to this process daily, or as you need to. Imprint it in yellow on your energetic body, balance and rebalance your Solar Plexus Chakra, and allow the changes to happen. They are for the better in the long term.

Rune of the Week

Sunday 7th April 2024  to Saturday 13th April 2024
Ehwaz (Merkstave)

Carrying the symbolism of the partnership of horse and rider, the joy, the movement and the nobility, it also shows that in this partnership all is not equal. Associated with equine deities, this represents movement, partnership and travel, be that towards goals or physical travel. It can also mean swift communication, harking back to the day horse messenger was the fastest way of communicating. With this association with the associations with messengers, who up until recently were on horseback, it can also mean swift communications. I have also seen fibre optic cables among other images when carving this rune, showing the evolution of communicating with each other swiftly over distance, and how it still holds the same meaning. Upright, depending on the question and runes around it, it shows swift communications, swift transport, movement in partnership towards a goal. Reversed, depending on the question or the runes around it, it shows a lack of partnership, poor communication, and bad teamwork that may spell disaster in reaching a goal. Look at what is blocking your success and work through it to get results. Use in spell work and manifestation to bring in partnership in business and towards goals as well as swift, positive communications into your life.

This week, the week of the second eclipse in this cycle is showing us a lot of movement forward. Though the Solar Eclipse is a harsh energy, the renewal it is bringing forward by removing the pockets of toxic 2D and 3D energy is showing growth and renewal. So is a fast flowing Galactic energy through the Earth's Heart Centre to support this change and renewal. There are two parts to any healing crisis - Removing the acute threat of the illness or injury to the person, and the recuperation after. This is indicating the recuperation after as the end goal of this process, hence this gentle light energy coming in behind to support the process and create growth and chance.

Though there are challenges ahead, this energy is there to support us in our work this week. Look to create a space for this supportive energy and grow with it through the challenges, the healing crises coming in with this eclipse cycle. You will not only be shown what needs to be healed, but how to heal it. In working with this fast moving but gentle and healing vibrational frequency you can do a lot of good this week, Especially the New Moon and the timing of the eclipse where you are. If you can observe this and move forward with this energy as your guide.

Use this rune in a diffuse, pink light to channel and echo this energy and co-create at this time of healing crisis. Look to how you can do this as a an individual, and with groups today.  By working on this you are co-creating the earth healing that is needed as the problems come up to he healed and released to bring the earth, and our own footprint with it to a healthy balance. In doing this you are very much being a part of creating 'New Earth'.

Rune of the Week

Sunday 31st March to Saturday 6th April 2024

Gebo, or gift, denotes a partnership, be that between divine and man, or between men. In rune work the crossed lines would denote the partnership between men and gods, and being written with two connecting chevrons indicating a partnership or agreement between two human beings. It is interesting to note that this symbol is still used as a signature for the illiterate even today as a symbol of exchange, showing the influence of runes in our societies even till today. This is one that is a very good one to get, as it denotes a partnership that is beneficial. It is also the most directed of the three spirit runes, showing a direct connection or gift from spirit in your life, either with an individual deity or guide or a gift in yourself. If in a bad position or coming up wrong side down (This rune does not have a form that reverses) it indicates for the questioner to look at their partnerships and see how equal they are, or what can be done for them to work better, or whether they are healthy at all. Use in spell work and manifestation to cultivate a relationship with guides and deities, and promote partnership and exchange on all levels.

As the Rune of the Week this rune is showing us that we are receiving gifts from higher frequency energies coming down, changing us and our world forever. Look at how you can use that to evolve and grow in resonance with the earth, someone that is co-creating with Gaia. Look at how you can create a new life, a new phase of life in synch with the new resonance. This may be bumpy for a while with the events of this month, but it will happen if you work in resonance with the earth. Look at how you can use spiritual gifts to manifest and grow not just for yourself, but also for others. Consider how you can help heal the earth - Such as healing trees and vegetation vandalised or savagely cut. Or cleaning up a beach by picking up rubbish. Or just joining in group meditations and earth healing circles that are out there. Also look at what you can do to be a true partner with this divine energy.

Use this time to really work on your three manifestations for yourself and your three manifestations for others. The energy is there, high frequency energy for spirit to partner with you in this this week and make them more effective. Practice daily this week, not just for yourself but for your earth goals and help co-create a new earth. Each one of us that does this creates a critical mass for change in the earth's biosphere as well as the energy of the human collective. This is a powerful week for this work to really be effective, so use this week well.

To fine tune and refine your workings in line with higher guidance and work with partnership with higher source, see this rune in platinum white light. Draw it into reality in this light and say it's name in order to access the higher consciousness and wisdom it is bringing down to us for the week - A week of partnering with the highest frequencies of energy.

Rune Draws - Solstices, Lunations and Eclipses

Rune of the New Moon

8th May 2024


The rune of Tyr, the sky god, and shaped as his spear, this means just rewards for effort as well as right justice. A rune of the law, justice and hard work and sacrifice being returned, the spirit of this rune is shown by the titular deity's sacrifice of his hand to help bind the Fenris wolf successfully, the third time. Apart from the alternative title for the said deity being the wolf's leavings showing very common elements between Norse and Australian humour, This shows the feel of this runes energy as a reward for sacrifice and favourable outcomes in just court cases. Upright, it shows a feeling of reward for sacrifice and Justice coming if the cause is just. Unjust causes, or miscarriages of justice do not occur under this influence. If reversed it shows that this quality may not be forthcoming, results not as good as expected or delays and disappointments in legal cases. Use in spell work for bringing favourable outcomes in just court cases and bringing the right settings to get reward for your efforts.

This rune as the Rune of the New Moon shows the energy is there to harvest reward for effort. Look into how you can co-create with the energy coming through on this New Moon to supercharge your efforts. Look at how you can work with the direction of planetary energies towards 'New Earth' to create your part of it. There is a catch here though - As well as your effort, it is also about not unfair, or not unjust towards others. This is not going to be supported well going forward as the world awakens, so doing so will not bring the results you desire. Work for yourself, but work on manifesting fair results.

On this New Moon, renew your intentions from the eclipses and find one new one for the month. Make it something you can manage for both you and the world around you - As long as it is fair to all. In this way you are harnessing the energy that is coming through to co-create with the Earth, being a part of the critical mass towards New Earth. This in it's own way is the biggest part of the puzzle - Each individual who participates. Look at how you can do this on this New Moon for the next month.

In doing this see this rune in brilliant white light, searing the way forward to your goals. Use it to create the environment for your work to pay off - Fairly. This is not a get rich quick scheme, It is not a miracle manifestation course, this is fair reward for effort. If you use it this way you will succeed in co-creating. If you do not, you will find yourself going against the flow the energy and finding yourself not getting the results you want no matter how much you use this rune.

Rune of the Full Moon

24th April 2024

Ehwaz (Merkstave)

Carrying the symbolism of the partnership of horse and rider, the joy, the movement and the nobility, it also shows that in this partnership all is not equal. Associated with equine deities, this represents movement, partnership and travel, be that towards goals or physical travel. It can also mean swift communication, harking back to the day horse messenger was the fastest way of communicating. With this association with the associations with messengers, who up until recently were on horseback, it can also mean swift communications. I have also seen fibre optic cables among other images when carving this rune, showing the evolution of communicating with each other swiftly over distance, and how it still holds the same meaning. Upright, depending on the question and runes around it, it shows swift communications, swift transport, movement in partnership towards a goal. Reversed, depending on the question or the runes around it, it shows a lack of partnership, poor communication, and bad teamwork that may spell disaster in reaching a goal. Look at what is blocking your success and work through it to get results. Use in spell work and manifestation to bring in partnership in business and towards goals as well as swift, positive communications into your life.

As the rune of the New Moon Merkstave, this is showing us that there is a process of rapid change in the human consciousness grounding down. This started with the level of human sentience being rewritten as this energy descended. Now as it descends further, it is rewriting our Sacral Chakra, the centre of awareness. This is to be able to see and interact with the new greater consciousness of reality as it is taking shape after the Zero Point Gate. In a way, this is the maturation of this process as it started at the Aries Solar Eclipse. In this month, look at how this is expressing in your life and what is going wrong as well as what is going right. Look at how you can work with this energy as it matures, creating the space for you to grow and evolve.

As we work with this energy work with your chakras, their balance and how they express themselves in your life. As the human collective consciousness is being upgraded, so is every person. Look at how you are being upgraded - What blocks are coming away? What is changing in you? What is leaving in your life/Ascension symptoms you are having? What is showing up for you as you work through this month? These will all be critical clues to work with the energy, anywhere up to the next twelve months and create a new world for not just us, but all of humanity and the planet as a whole.

See this rune in white light to channel this energy down into both our world and into your own , singular consciousness. Work with this light to come to the new equilibrium into this world and in ourselves. Work with this to create the 'New Earth', both for yourself and others, for this Full Moon and the next few months is a big moment in the creation of New Earth.

Rune of the Zero Point Gate

Aries Solar Eclipse
Tuesday 9th April 2024


The last rune in this rune row, Othala, also called Othil or Othil in variation is a rune of wealth that cannot be bought and sold. At a time this was cattle and livestock, here this means ancestral land. In that way, in closing the circuit this means inherent wealth, be that talents, property or ancestry and genetics. Upright this is a favourable inheritance, including talents, skills, gifts or family inheritances that can set you up in life. It can also mean going home after a journey, be that spiritual or physical. Reversed this can mean cursed inheritances such as genetic diseases, family violence patterns or family and negative group karma. Look to the question and other runes in the reading for more information for exactly what this means. Use in spell work and divination if you wish to bring in any of these qualities, especially inherited spiritual gifts into your spell work.

As the rune of the Last gate, the Zero point gate of this eclipse this has it's own rune. Coming in at the centre of human sentience, this rune is showing us that we are re-evaluating our ancestral and deep held thoughts and beliefs in context with this gate. At this point, especially inherit in power structures, there is still a lot of ancestral residue. Be it the patriarchal natures of the structures, or their focus on hoarding abundance, or their lack of understanding on how this new padigram is rising up in the form of various environmental movements. Look for where this is in your life as it will be - Macro and Micro - And bring it into your world. Look for the solutions as well as the problems, because they will be there if the problem is. It may take you using your awareness to find it, but there is a solution to the problem.

Use this rune in the Yellow of the Solar Plexis Chakra to see where you are connecting with this gate, this energy for the rest of the year. This is where you are being called to heal the sentient understanding of the world as well as yourself. In this you may see the problems, but this rune can also show you the awareness of the root cause of the problem and your understanding the solutions. This is a healing of the negative aspects of this chakra worldwide in each individual, therefore the mass. By working with this you are bringing mass healing, even if you are only working on yourself.

In working with this rune in conjunction with working with your own Solar Plexis Chakra and the Earth's collective chakra, you are creating the healing space needed to move forward with the zero point energy of this gate infusing the planet, changing things forever. In rewriting this with others, you are helping create a healthy balance for all on this planet. Use this energy and this rune together for the rest of this year, to help accomplish this goal.

Rune of the Aries Solar Eclipse

Monday 8th April 2024


Also called Inguz, representing the hearth fire god Ing, the consort of Mother Earth, this can be a protective rune, often carved into houses to protect them in the alternative, introverted, diamond form, denoting internal change towards completion. The expansive form, the one above, indicates the inward power of the diamond projecting outwards. It also represents the masculine principle of light and fire, and the effects of this upright can be drawn from this in the form of inexorable change towards completion inherent in masculine sexuality, the buildup to the resulting orgasm. It cannot be reversed by it's very nature, being symmetrical, in a way showing the immutability of light even in it's changing expressions. However, it can appear upside down or in a bad position in readings, showing delayed completion or a wrong path. Look at the runes around it and the question to see what you need to do next. Use in spell work and manifestation to bring in the qualities of this rune to complete tasks and goals, or cycles of change.

As the rune of the Aries Eclipse, this is showing us that some powerful processes started last year are coming up for completion with this eclipse. This is the process of clearing toxic, dead and old dense energies and creating a new reality, what the astrologer Pam Gregory calls 'New Earth'. This is the time that the changes are really starting to come in and the rubber is hitting the road on this . Look at your life for the rest of the year (Like the previous eclipse, this is having an extended effect), and see where you are heading. Are you in harmony with this new energetic reality? Are you struggling to find your place in it? What is happening to you right now that is showing you where you are out of synch? With two forms of energy operating, a high frequency fire (x-ray fire) and the galactic awareness coming through the earth, this is a massive time of transformation and change. This is the time that we are really going to be tested, really going to be forced to change if we are not with the program. 

You can get ahead of this for the next year or so by syncing with the energy of the earth and the supporting awareness through your Heart Chakra. In using the greater awareness and the incoming Galactic Awareness to guide you you are really moving ahead with the changing energies. In doing this you are not only adding to the greater critical mass of change, but charting yourself a smoother path. Things will still not be entirely smooth, but  they will be smoother if you work with the underlying flow of support from the earth as the high frequency solar fire does it's work. For this reason it is critical to do heart work, and work through the heart centre. This way you can react with positivity and confidence where the solar fire is touching your life and transform with it with confidence.

Use this rune in both green and white light to transform yourself as appropriate. Use the White to change what you wish not to have in your life and the Green to chart the path through the Heart Centre, through transforming greater awareness. Use this to create a new world for yourself and transform all around you with this energy as well as yourself as these transformative processes really take shape. Use it as a guide as you do, creating a time and place for positive transformation in the coming months ahead.

Rune of the Libra Penumbral Full Moon Eclipse

Monday 21st March 2024

Othala (Merkstave)

The last rune in this rune row, Othala, also called Othil or Othil in variation is a rune of wealth that cannot be bought and sold. At a time this was cattle and livestock, here this means ancestral land. In that way, in closing the circuit this means inherent wealth, be that talents, property or ancestry and genetics. Upright this is a favourable inheritance, including talents, skills, gifts or family inheritances that can set you up in life. It can also mean going home after a journey, be that spiritual or physical. Reversed this can mean cursed inheritances such as genetic diseases, family violence patterns or family and negative group karma. Look to the question and other runes in the reading for more information for exactly what this means. Use in spell work and divination if you wish to bring in any of these qualities, especially inherited spiritual gifts into your spell work.

As the rune of the Full Moon Pemumbral Eclipse on a five degrees Libra/Aries axis, it is indicating that the need to deal with the shadows, the karma and the energetic blueprints that are held in you from your anscestry. Look to how you can look to create a safe space for this to happen, look at how you can work through the shadows of your anscestry. Look at how you can work with those around you to work through this for themsleves.

But it is also a time that the earth's collective karma is being bought up for reckoning, the mass of the karma all of our anscestors have bought in for us. This could be habits, this could be structures we have inherited. This could be thought structures and beleifs. This could be world views. These things lurking in the shadows are all coming up and affect us many ways, and would have from the last full moon. For instance, in my life, I found myself dealing with an enviromental vandal next door who didn't ask for permission before cutting branches in my fence line that were part of my Ve/Sacred garden space (and was very dissmissive of the idea that this was an actual problem as well). This man seemed very anti tree and yes, cut any branch that got to his property ruthlessly, including some on public property well away from his boundary. This absaloute disregard for nature what what disgusted me about this man worst of all. Over the weekend there was also some very ignorant young men in a shop, showing the ignorance of humanity and who needed to grow. These are coming in to show us what we need to fix - In my case educating these ignorant people (Would love to use stronger) that the old laws and old ways do actually matter in terms of respecting the sacred parts of nature and sacred beliefs not of an established religion.  What is happening around you will show you what your role is like it showed me mine.

It will also show you the next steps in your journey, in your path. For as you heal this up and do your work, you will also find the gifts in your ancestry. For instance, one of the young men who then disrespected it could play a crystal sound healing bowl perfectly the first time, showing a gift. Once he healed the shadow he showed after, he could touch many people's lives. If my neighbor learnt to respect nature's lungs, he could perhaps become a practicalearth healer as he clearly has some skill at gardening, even if at the moment corrupted. If you are aware and feel you are suffering from this idiocy around me, like a few people I know, then there is a lighter aspect of this. This aspect of making people more aware and evolve them. I may not succeed on either of these two people, but someone else might and bump them into a real exploration of where they are wrong. See what you can do over the coming twelve months to be a part of this earth healing and cleansing. As we come into this day when the eclipse gate is opening (Apparently this is a twelve month orb of influence rather than the standard six because of the timing), this will become stronger and show you what your job is, especially if you are paying attention through the eclipse.

Use this rune to guide you in heart space energy, and the pink galactic ray light, to show you what is real and what is not. To show you what is the shadow to be healed and what is healthy. This is going to be your guide for the next twelve months, so use this for both familial, individual and world shadow clearing and healing that is happening in the next twelve months, making way for the new, greater consciousness without this shadow across all society.

Rune of the March Equinox

Wednesday 20th March 2024


Sowulo, or Sig, is a rune of sunlight, and the greatest interpretation of light. As with the light rising after dawn, it can represent light, victory and new beginnings after dark times. A good rune to draw if you've had a hard time recently, but it is always a sign of good luck in a reading. Upright it shows new illumination coming into your life, a new start, a new idea, and new beginning. It also shows favourable conditions for victory. This rune does not really have a form that reverses, but it can be in a bad position in a reading, or appear in a thrown reading wrong side up. It shows this delayed, but coming. Don't give up yet, victory is not here yet, but it is in sight. Use in manifestation and spell work to bring in these positive qualities to your workings.

Today, as the Rune of the March Equinox for 2024 (Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, Spring in the Northern Hemisphere) This is showing us that there is a sudden shift of energy. This may seem to be strange on a balancing point, but this is about a re-balancing of the earth and it's energies. As this happens a true balance rather than the current Imbalance is set to establish itself on a global scale. This overdue balancing of the Earth's energies and that of us with it is a necessary process moving forward. Linking with the upcoming eclipses, this is realigning the Earth with the new energetic reality. This may not be favorable for those that are aligned to the current imbalance, but favorable to those aligning with the current energies.

For you personally this could mean either. If you are out of alignment with the new balance you will find yourself being nudged into it in proportion to how far you are out. If you are in alignment, things will start to turn for the better in your life and you will find people and places that are more in alignment with you coming in. There may be changes, but they will be positive. This is why up till now, you had to work to change yourself and your life to be in alignment with what's coming ahead.

Look from today to attune yourself to these new balances, the new planetary flow. This will allow you the greatest chance of success as we move forward into the next few events in the eclipse cycle. As this happens you will find yourself changing in natural alignment with it rather than fighting against it if you do. If you do not then you will find yourself being shown where you are out of alignment till that changes. This will become the greater the more the upcoming Eclipse Energies will apply, but you will feel it from today. Meditate, use what tools you use to bring yourself into alignment and bring yourself into alignment with your goals and manifestations guiding you. If you have not done them, do three for yourself and three for the planet to make the most of the Eclipses and the shifting and changing energy.

Use this rune in Red or Pink light, depending on which one calls you to bring in the changes you need in alignment, or to be in alignment with the new balance. This will give you what you need to move forward into the new reality that is being built through the power of the upcoming eclipses. If you feel out of alignment, especially now coming into the eclipses do this in order to you get best benefit of this time through this rune, the influence of which (Through the Equinox energies) will be around for about three months till the June Solstice.

Rune of the New Moon

Sunday 10th March 2024


A good indicator of joy and balance, it is a rune of the Norse goddess Gefin, or the bountiful giver. Also related to the wind vane on both Norse temples and later early stave churches it shows the harmony of balance – Neither too much nor too little. Just enough to create harmony between opposites such as need or want. This form of happiness, far divorced from our society that encourages and rewards excess, is one that we need to take into account when working with runes, as with Fehu. Upright, it shows harmony and balance is coming into your life, or has come into your life already, depending on position. Merkstave, it indicates that there is a lack of balance in your life, or the area in question, and you should look to see how you can work to restore this balance to create harmony and balance. In spell work and manifestation it can be used to bring in any of these qualities to any spell work. By itself it is about balance in life, but it can be also used in healing work to signify restoring a healthy balance to the body, or the mind.

As the rune of the New Moon, this is showing us that the new galactic awareness energy is coming in to bring the Earth, and it's Chakras and energy centres into balance. This energy, which is strongly coming in with this New Moon, is the culmination of the last three months of 'Up in the Air' energy being grounded down. This is aligning us to the new values and reality as we align with the Galactic Centre in our continued growth and evolution, bringing change to balance us out as we need to be. Look to the way that you are feeling this through your Heart Centre in the upcoming eclipse season - This is bringing in the necessary changes to your life to balance it out, bringing you both in harmony with the planet but with your manifestations and your own higher good.

With this New Moon put in your manifestations, lock in your goals as an anchor and let your life change around you in a way that balances you out. Focus on this rune, let it manifest and create the balance you need in your life. Things may go, things may change not according to your plan moving forward, but this is for your highest good with an up and coming Solar Maximum and eclipses already applying to supercharge things, this will be a time of massive change. The image is still fenland, with fast flowing water. Rely on your Heart Centre, in alignment with the Earth's Heart centre, as your guide, and bring into manifestation your highest good. No matter how it looks at this time, your life will change for the better.

Use this rune as the weather vane it represents, in brilliant pink Universal Awareness energy, to bring in the balance you need and want in your life. Use it to bring in what you lock in as your goals to see the changes in the winds and tides around you to adjust and modify your course. Use this energy in the next few months to alter your course in harmony with Gaia and bring the best results into your life from this now grounded energy. It may not be what you expected, but it will be for the best in the long term.

Rune of the Full Moon

Saturday 24th February 2024


A good indicator of joy and balance, it is a rune of the Norse goddess Gefin, or the bountiful giver. Also related to the wind vane on both Norse temples and later early stave churches it shows the harmony of balance – Neither too much nor too little. Just enough to create harmony between opposites such as need or want. This form of happiness, far divorced from our society that encourages and rewards excess, is one that we need to take into account when working with runes, as with Fehu. Upright, it shows harmony and balance is coming into your life, or has come into your life already, depending on position. Merkstave, it indicates that there is a lack of balance in your life, or the area in question, and you should look to see how you can work to restore this balance to create harmony and balance. In spell work and manifestation it can be used to bring in any of these qualities to any spell work. By itself it is about balance in life, but it can be also used in healing work to signify restoring a healthy balance to the body, or the mind.

As the rune of the Full Moon this is showing us that the Earth and Mother Gaia is moving forward into a sacred balance. On the foreday of this full moon, the Heart Centres of the earth and of the collective whole were harmonised and infused with Galactic awareness ray (Pink). This was done in order to evolve the awareness of the planet and the beings on it. With the remaining days of this lunation, this process will complete. This grounds down the change started back in December and gives it some shape and form. Though we will start to feel the upcoming Lunar Eclipse on the 25th March 2024 from this lunation as well as any solar activity, it now has a grounding. It now has a path to follow, making the previous quicksand energy that much less chaotic and that much more navigable.

Mark this phase by getting back to your heart and back to nature. Meditate on your Heart Centre, strengthen it and connect to the earth in this moon phase. Look to how you can co-create with the earth in this time of renewal and rebirth of all of us - Even those that don't want to be or are unaware - As quantum beings. Look to how we can work with nature to both heal from the wounds of the past. It is no coincidence that I was called to buy and read a plant medicine book at this time - It is the time for us to connect and co-create with nature, co-create with Mother Gaia as we all evolve to a higher level in this time.

Use this rune in green, or pink crystalline light as a guide to help create and co-create your own future, grounded in this new awareness. In doing so you are helping create a brighter future for all, a more aware, conscious grounded future for all. In doing this, you are also helping change the greater collective to consciousness and creating a more harmonious, conscious whole in our etheric and physical biosphere.

Rune of the New Moon

Saturday 10th February 2024


Carrying the symbolism of the partnership of horse and rider, the joy, the movement and the nobility, it also shows that in this partnership all is not equal. Associated with equine deities, this represents movement, partnership and travel, be that towards goals or physical travel. It can also mean swift communication, harking back to the day horse messenger was the fastest way of communicating. With this association with the associations with messengers, who up until recently were on horseback, it can also mean swift communications. I have also seen fibre optic cables among other images when carving this rune, showing the evolution of communicating with each other swiftly over distance, and how it still holds the same meaning. Upright, depending on the question and runes around it, it shows swift communications, swift transport, movement in partnership towards a goal. Reversed, depending on the question or the runes around it, it shows a lack of partnership, poor communication, and bad teamwork that may spell disaster in reaching a goal. Look at what is blocking your success and work through it to get results. Use in spell work and manifestation to bring in partnership in business and towards goals as well as swift, positive communications into your life.

As the Rune of the New Moon this showed us that this was a lunation about rapid change and growth. From here the time to the Full Moon is also a powerful time to manifest what you want for the year. However - Supported and surrounded by solar activity this is not going to be a smooth ride. I have seen this for both myself and others around them. While there is room for positive change coming out of this moon, there will be effort involved and there is plenty of room for panic, chaos and disorder in this energy. It is, however, quite powerful at the same time.

Look to how you can harness this to truly kick start new beginnings in your life. But this comes with a warning - Be prepared to be a bit flexible and allow anything up to plan Z. This is because at this moment, nothing is certain and while your focus will determine your reality, be prepared for detours and potholes in the road. Set an intention, focus on the results you want and use this time to manifest what you want - By the scenic route.

Use this rune in clear, crystalline light to manifest a path of change ahead. It may not be smooth (Almost guaranteed not to be).But it will be there. Focusing on this rune and your destination will show you some of how to get there and how this will manifest - Most likely step at a time.

Rune of the Full Moon

January 26th January 2024


Gebo, or gift, denotes a partnership, be that between divine and man, or between men. In rune work the crossed lines would denote the partnership between men and gods, and being written with two connecting chevrons indicating a partnership or agreement between two human beings. It is interesting to note that this symbol is still used as a signature for the illiterate even today as a symbol of exchange, showing the influence of runes in our societies even till today. This is one that is a very good one to get, as it denotes a partnership that is beneficial. It is also the most directed of the three spirit runes, showing a direct connection or gift from spirit in your life, either with an individual deity or guide or a gift in yourself. If in a bad position or coming up wrong side down (This rune does not have a form that reverses) it indicates for the questioner to look at their partnerships and see how equal they are, or what can be done for them to work better, or whether they are healthy at all. Use in spell work and manifestation to cultivate a relationship with guides and deities, and promote partnership and exchange on all levels.

At this point this is talking about a gift or exchange at the Heart Chakra centre, both at the planetary and the personal level, This reactivated the centre at a quantum level, leveling all of us up. As it did this it shook out all the scars, pains and hurts that were in the way. This necessary cleansing period in the lead up to the eclipses early this year may not be comfortable, but it is necessary and laying down the foundations of the final change and evolution of the earth. This would be especially uncomfortable for those with dominant low frequency energy being shed, but it is necessary to move forward. Especially for them this could be a difficult and emotional period. For me, it was the time I moved, downsizing and shedding a lot of stuff as I did, from a two bedroom with garage to a small one bedroom and a storage locker.This was by no means a comfortable time but I shed a lot of density.

As this moon still has influence till the 24th February and the next Full Moon look at what you are evolving and what you are shedding, what you have shed. This is for the right reasons, as uncomfortable as it is. Look at this time and see what difficulties you have had, what has forced you to open up your heart, what has created the most disruption and made you think. This may not have not been pleasant, but it is there for a reason. Think of this as a healing crisis and look at how you can come out the best instead of the worst.

In this time to do this the best, channel the intuition of your Heart Chakra. and through it the pink Galactic heart centre. Let this infuse you in both the green and the pink and show you how this time of healing and changing is for the best in the end - A healing crisis, not a wound. When you do this you may be surprised what comes out of it for you.

Rune of the New Moon

Thursday 11th January 2024


Raidho symbolises cycles, working through defined processes such as a bureaucratic processes or initiation rights as much as physical road travel. It can also mean any creative process with defined boundaries such writing and performing music. In the modern day this could easily mean a course of study, or any other defined process that you will encounter in modern life as well. The traditional a raid, music, physical road travel as well as other, more modern associations are tied into working with the cycles of life, which are defined processes. These many and varied processes is about understanding and working with these processes in our lives, be that etheric or physical. Upright it shows processes or actions that require defined processes in motion, looking at other runes in the spread to show what this all means. Reversed, it shows that you may be trying to swim against the proverbial tide and you may need to look at working with it for better results. Look for clues as to which cycles are coming through and how to work with them in other areas of the reading as well as your question. Use in spell work and manifestation to manifest movement and growth in any of the areas that Raido represents.

As the rune of the New Moon it is showing us that there are processes in play that we can harness. As we are still under the influence of the eclipse energy, we are looking at some of the changes for the better activating that have been waiting in the wings. There may have been losses or stagnation into the end of last year, but this is where the dawn breaks. This is where we see the results and see a real light at the end of the tunnel. In harnessing this moon phase to bring the power in for our intentions, we can really start to make moves using the quantum energy that is around us, making the impossible feel possible. look to see how you can do this for yourself today.

In doing this set your intentions and sights for New Moon ritual. Look around, think of what you want and in your own way, give it to the universe with intention. Look to what you can do to further this today - Even just one small act to anchor it into reality. One small act to bring in your intentions, within the next few days. In doing this you are creating the space for the universe to fill your intentions. Do not focus on the road, focus on the goal. The path could be anything, even the most unexpected. However, this is perhaps the most powerful time to manifest in this year, especially as this is a time you ca really ground down and make real new years resolutions, hopes and other new intentions for the year.

In doing so, use this rune in green light to create this new intentions and new realities. While the processes may have changed, they're still there. In this we have to learn to trust and work with the new processes as we work our way through the time and space of liminal change. Use this rune as a guide as to how to do it and create your new reality when you feel stuck - Use it to create your own new world for 2024 as you harness this powerful new moon.

Rune of the New Year 2024

Monday 1st January 2024


Sowulo, or Sig, is a rune of sunlight, and the greatest interpretation of light. As with the light rising after dawn, it can represent light, victory and new beginnings after dark times. A good rune to draw if you've had a hard time recently, but it is always a sign of good luck in a reading. Upright it shows new illumination coming into your life, a new start, a new idea, and new beginning. It also shows favourable conditions for victory. This rune does not really have a form that reverses, but it can be in a bad position in a reading, or appear in a thrown reading wrong side up. It shows this delayed, but coming. Don't give up yet, victory is not here yet, but it is in sight. Use in manifestation and spell work to bring in these positive qualities to your workings.

As the rune of the New Year 2024 this rune is showing us that this is a year of rapid change and movement. With the December Solstice, the Full Moon and New Years 2024 (The transition of the calendar year) melding together energetically) this is a time that  we have to look at the full essence of the eclipse energy hitting us as we come into 2024. If you have not been hit with everything already, it will be coming in in the next few months. I have been no exception and neither have  others around me. As the old doors close though, new ones will open and there may just be very sudden change for the better in so many ways if you look around you.

In order to bring this in with the first New Moon of January on Thursday the 11th January 2024 and into fruition on Friday the 26th January 2026 do a door meditation. Place yourself into a hall with doors. Look at the ones that open and those that do not. Which ones open? Which ones seem closed? Which ones are boarded off, closed off, locked or otherwise obstructed. Which ones open and show you an image of the future? Those that are locked, obstructed or closed are the old, the ones that are no longer serving you. The ones that open are the ones coming in. Look at how you can bring these images into your life over the next two lunations in January to bring positive rapid change.

Use this rune in red light to bring this spirit into manifest. Be it any guidance you get or the images you see in opening doors. Use this in red ink, on red paper. Feel the power of positive change through the still operating eclipse energy coming through as we look around and create a new reality for yourself in the next few months - January and February 2023 while the eclipses are still in effect.

Rune of the Full Moon

Wednesday27th December 2023


Also called Inguz, representing the hearth fire god Ing, the consort of Mother Earth, this can be a protective rune, often carved into houses to protect them in the alternative, introverted, diamond form, denoting internal change towards completion. The expansive form, the one above, indicates the inward power of the diamond projecting outwards. It also represents the masculine principle of light and fire, and the effects of this upright can be drawn from this in the form of inexorable change towards completion inherent in masculine sexuality, the buildup to the resulting orgasm. It cannot be reversed by it's very nature, being symmetrical, in a way showing the immutability of light even in it's changing expressions. However, it can appear upside down or in a bad position in readings, showing delayed completion or a wrong path. Look at the runes around it and the question to see what you need to do next. Use in spell work and manifestation to bring in the qualities of this rune to complete tasks and goals, or cycles of change.

As we look around on this day we can see the signs of change in the weather alone where I live, where we have had days on days of unsettled weather with muliple storm fronts coming in day after day from the December Soltice. These come and go with indispersed hot weather inbetween. This alone is a sign of instablility and change. This is a time and place that we have to work on our time and space and use this liminal time to establish ourselves. As the last full moon of the year, in this liminal time, we are seeing a time that we can mould to our own needs. Use this time to manifest for your New Years Resolutions, this time giving us a chance to start early and create what we need. It has been unusual since the New Moon on the 13th December 2023 that it is all building up. There has been a build up to a big one rather than marking multiple events. This tells us that all events since then - The December Solstice, and now this Full Moon are a build up and lead up to something bigger in the New Year.

Like the ocean and the shore, this time is the time betwixt and between New Year and Christmas, where things seem to shut down and start again in the New Year. Use this liminal time and space, where anything is possible, to create your New Year and New Years Resolutions. as things have flown together at the end of the year the power is building. Mark this Full Moon as bringing in the power of the December Solstice, the New Moon before it as well as the power of the in between to create a New Years Manifestation Ritual that brings in what you need, not just what some might think possible in material reality. This is the time to bring in the potential of our new quantum reality for ourselves, bringing it into the New Year.

Use this rune in red light, along with the rune of the December Solstice and the Rune of the Week, to create your new reality in manifestation spellwork up to New Years Eve - the 31st December 2023. In doing this you are creating new life and new opportunities. The more doors that have closed for you, the more that has changed, the more you can put into your future. Harness this time and really set yourself up for 2024 with the Quantum Energy that is grounding down on this earth to make leaps, not just small steps and change your life forever.

Rune of the December Solstice

22nd December 2023


The rune of Tyr, the sky god, and shaped as his spear, this means just rewards for effort as well as right justice. A rune of the law, justice and hard work and sacrifice being returned, the spirit of this rune is shown by the titular deity's sacrifice of his hand to help bind the Fenris wolf successfully, the third time. Apart from the alternative title for the said deity being the wolf's leavings showing very common elements between Norse and Australian humour, This shows the feel of this runes energy as a reward for sacrifice and favourable outcomes in just court cases. Upright, it shows a feeling of reward for sacrifice and Justice coming if the cause is just. Unjust causes, or miscarriages of justice do not occur under this influence. If reversed it shows that this quality may not be forthcoming, results not as good as expected or delays and disappointments in legal cases. Use in spell work for bringing favorable outcomes in just court cases and bringing the right settings to get reward for your efforts.

As we look around us today, on this day of the December Solstice, there will be different influences on this. In the Northern Hemisphere it will be the Winter Solstice, a festival of reflection and renewal. What worked, what to renew, what to put effort into as the light grows. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the time to harness the zenith of the sun to create the harvest of your efforts into the autumn and the March Equinox. Look to the energies here as you are feeling them for yourself. Look to this for your own individual guidance. Especially if you are facing difficulty at this time, look forward to the doors that are  opening rather than the ones that are closing. This is going to do you better into the future.

At this day and into the three days after, look at what you can do to set spell work intentions. If you have hopes and dreams, address them directly. If you have problems, address them directly. But do so not looking at the doors closing, but the doors opening, the positive path ahead. This will, counterintuitive make it easier to create a new life and path and bring in more positive outcomes to your problems. Looking ahead is your best path, especially if you have problems in the past and present. It is there they will be solved.

Look to this rune in blue light to guide you, especially if you are facing challenges or problems. The energy is changing and breaking - There is going to be a quantum break with this Solstice. Use this to empower yourself, learn and grow into the next phase in life and create a better life into the next many years, coming into the Calendar New Year.

Rune of the New Moon

Wednesday 13th December 2023


Carrying the symbolism of the partnership of horse and rider, the joy, the movement and the nobility, it also shows that in this partnership all is not equal. Associated with equine deities, this represents movement, partnership and travel, be that towards goals or physical travel. It can also mean swift communication, harking back to the day horse messenger was the fastest way of communicating. With this association with the associations with messengers, who up until recently were on horseback, it can also mean swift communications. I have also seen fibre optic cables among other images when carving this rune, showing the evolution of communicating with each other swiftly over distance, and how it still holds the same meaning. Upright, depending on the question and runes around it, it shows swift communications, swift transport, movement in partnership towards a goal. Reversed, depending on the question or the runes around it, it shows a lack of partnership, poor communication, and bad teamwork that may spell disaster in reaching a goal. Look at what is blocking your success and work through it to get results. Use in spell work and manifestation to bring in partnership in business and towards goals as well as swift, positive communications into your life.

As the rune of the New Moon, leading up to the December Solstice (Southern Hemisphere Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere) we are looking at a turning point leading into the December Solstice. As we come into that day, we find ourselves at a waypoint, a marker of the year.  This new Moon, So closely tied to this waypoint marker, was a stepping stone to plan and show us the way. Show us the way to bring in our new paths gaining energy and momentum with the Solstice, a change in in energies. The energies will be different, they will come in as a shock to some. But as they come in and they even out they will bring in new directions into the world, creating new possibilities and paths. Look to what yours are from this New Moon.

As a time for reflection, look at what happened around this new moon, and your intentions. How did you mark it? How did you work with it and what came through around you? Take this, through the time and this coming Solstice week, into  what you can do to prepare for this major waypoint coming in. It will be a big change of energy as we come into one of the four great waymarkers of the year, so use this to create what you want for the next calendar year forward.

Use this rune of rapid change to focus your mind on the future and what you want out of life. Have a mindset that achievable goals are in sight and that you can make it there. Use this rune to manifest the conditions for these goals to come forward - sometimes, well, rather rapidly. In this processes expect the unexpected, so just focus on the goal, not how you will get it. In this process this rune can be a catalyst allowing the birth of this rapid change into the December Solstice.

Rune of the Full Moon

Monday 27th November 2023


The third rune of the Elder Futhark, this symbolises the power of defence as well as the power to face life's challenges and battles. What this rune shows us is not only the challenges of defending ourselves, or getting through a hard time, but that we have the resources. Connected to the natural symbolism of the defensive thorn on plants such as blackcurrants and brambles, this is a powerful passive defence that is always there and able to overcome all comers. An alternative meaning that I have also found is the power to get through and rise above your challenges, like climbing a mountain. Through this process you can not only face your fears and challenges, but grow into a stronger wiser being through the experience. The energy is there, you just need to harness it. This metaphorical facing the mountain of your challenges and come back. Reversed it shows challenges lie ahead, look around other runes to see what this means and how the resources come to defend it. Use in spell work and manifestation to empower the great passive defence and power to overcome your challenges this rune represents. This makes it especially useful in protection or binding work and as a empowering rune in healing rites.

As a rune of the Full Moon, Thurizaz is showing us that there are great challenges ahead as the energies of the eclipses, as well as other energies coming in change us and the world. This could include things coming up for your attention to solve, this could be healing crises. This could be sudden, unexpected events which are great but sudden and throw up their own challenges because of logistics. This could be all of these things coming at once. It will be an unpredictable time coming into December.

This means that you have to be ready for this. Ready to go. Stay in your centre, take it as it comes, create a space where you can respond to the sudden and the unexpected. If it comes up, then look at how and why. Why you still must be aware of the influence of the trickster - If it was too good to be true it most likely is - Then you, well have to apply critical thinking. Follow your gut and your heart, for it is there you will be able to see what is truly out there rather than the Illusions. Meditate and work with this energy as you come into the time of change and growth and you will get the nest out of it. And be prepared for the unexpected - Be prepared for anything.

Use this rune for this time in a blue light to help shield and protect you. Use this rune to create discernment in green on what is true and what is false over the coming month and weeks. For that will be the key, as well as being prepared to take on the scary stuff - As we move forward into the new world and create our own reality. This a part of being a master of our own world moving forward - We must be in charge of it. This full moon is a part of this from this week.

Rune of the New Moon

Monday13th November 2023


Gebo, or gift, denotes a partnership, be that between divine and man, or between men. In rune work the crossed lines would denote the partnership between men and gods, and being written with two connecting chevrons indicating a partnership or agreement between two human beings. It is interesting to note that this symbol is still used as a signature for the illiterate even today as a symbol of exchange, showing the influence of runes in our societies even till today. This is one that is a very good one to get, as it denotes a partnership that is beneficial. It is also the most directed of the three spirit runes, showing a direct connection or gift from spirit in your life, either with an individual deity or guide or a gift in yourself. If in a bad position or coming up wrong side down (This rune does not have a form that reverses) it indicates for the questioner to look at their partnerships and see how equal they are, or what can be done for them to work better, or whether they are healthy at all. Use in spell work and manifestation to cultivate a relationship with guides and deities, and promote partnership and exchange on all levels.

At this New Moon, the gifts are of energy. The energy of high frequency, Galactic light creating a new reality on our planet now the space has been made available by the death of the old 3D and lower 4D. While this will create a lot of disruption it is also laying the foundations for the new coming in to the world. In the time between the last eclipse and now there has been 10th dimensional (Galactic Solar Plexis) and 12th dimensional (Galactic Throat level) come into the world to help remake the world in a new, balanced way compatible with the growth and evolution of humanity from Mankind. This process is starting to take place around us and we have a chance, each of us, to buy in. Look to what you can do this New Moon to buy in with intent. Look at today, putting together two sets of intentions - One for the world you want to see and one for your place in it. By doing this each of us is adding positive intentions into the world, tipping the balance to the positive.

Include this in your New Moon ritual on this day and into tomorrow - The phase lasts three days from yesterday to tomorrow. List these intentions, work these into your life and create a new life for yourself as you bring in positive change in the world. It may not seem like it, but there is positive change coming in despite the common chaos of the 'Demolition Site' that is our world. In so many ways as the old is demolished this is the time that we are planning and setting the stage for the new to really come new. As we do this, we need to stay positive and keep working at it. The more of us do, the more tip the balance towards the changes of the positive future. This new moon can be a massive focus for this.

As we work through the time use this rune in blue light to create a sense of balance of 'Gifting' of energy from the higher frequencies to us on the planet - Matching our will to use it for positive action. Look at this at a time that we can work to direct this high frequency light into the places this is needed  at this time - We need to match this gift with our will to use it for good. Use this rune to guide your intuition on how to do this and bring the 10th and 12th frequency light into the world for the good - Not just of yourself but others and bring in the balance for positive change in the physical world.

Rune of the Full Moon Solar Eclipse

Sunday 29th October 2023


A rune of defence, representing the Elk and the Sedge plant, this has often also meant a divergence of paths and choice to make. Unlike Thurizas, which is passive defence and rising to our challenges, this is a rune of active defence, the mighty Elk buck which nobody dares challenge in their prime. Either reading of this rune you get, you are looking at a challenge, be that defence or of making a choice. Look to the runes around, and the question to see which one fits your question best. Upright, this means a positive change and the ability to defend and make the right decisions, to take up the challenges ahead. Merkstave or reversed, it means tread carefully, and look at all the factors when making decisions, or taking actions. There is danger and hidden factors around which will need to be taken into an account in your decisions. Use as an active defense rune when in danger or under attack, or any time you feel uncomfortable, as this energy comes through quicker than Thurizas. It is also a good combination with Thurizas as a bind rune when needing a stronger defense. When facing choices or a crossroads, it can also be used to bring in the energy to make a wiser decision.

As the rune of the eclipse this is showing us that the new pathways are now well and truly. This is the time they were waiting for - For the entropy of the old to be complete. Now the energy is there they are establishing themselves. This is first at the actual time of the eclipse with the gate of the spring thaw and the flooding of water taking out obstacles in it's path. Changing the course of rivers, obstacles and all. Then twenty four hours later comes the earth building blocks to things happening - The mud. This, like Nile flood, allows us to grow our own aims and goals just as it is, over the next six months, creating the conditions for the new paths and plans to be laid. Use this time well, stay grounded in your earth star chakra. But bring the intentions out to plant in the fertile new earth as well, and start creating what you need and want to transform your life at this powerful time. Look to your intuition, and your gut to filter information and protect yourself at all times.

But this does not have to be a bad time. It can, if you take the right steps to protect yourself and create a new reality, be a good time. Write out your intentions, perform a ritual to mark this in the next forty eight hours, and take a concrete step in the next week. Look to what you can do to make your intentions a  reality in this time and you can supercharge them. Focus with intention on that and your new path, guided by spirit to the next point. At this point also intentionally bring in mediation, journalling and and any other practice that makes it easier to understand and help you lay your new path in virgin soil. Each aware person that does this tips the balance and helps create what Pam Gregory calls the 'New Earth'. Each of us that does this helps this happen, one at a time.

Channel this rune through your heart centre, creating a place that is your shield against the trickster and so many other false messages going around and to help you see your true path in this new, emerging reality. Let it be your guide and protector in the next six months to help you find your true path and create your true future. If you can, find or make a pendant, amulet or talisman of this rune in green if you find yourself confused or feeling misguided. Through this you can protect and guide yourself through this time and create your best life from this six months on.

Rune of the New Micro Moon Solar Eclipse

Sunday 15th October 2023


A rune of survival, regeneration and the Yew tree, this shows survival and regeneration. An evergreen, a tree that can bleed toxic sap and live and be regenerated by it's own daughter trees, this is a tree of survival and renewal. This is why, in the Younger Futhark this is associated with the death rune, Yr. However, it is not considered as unlucky here, showing change and regeneration, possibly sudden and unexpected, as in a secondary meaning embodied in the name the lighting rune. As such it represents resilience, survival and renewal. In other rune systems the tree is also associated with a weapon of war and defense – The bow. Upright it shows that this strength of resilience, survival and renewal is with you. Reversed it shows that challenges are ahead and you need to find this within you. Use in spell work and divination when you want a quick change in a situation, or need the strength of the Yew tree in your work or your life. But use carefully and be ready for the results, because it might not be what you expected.

This rune at this eclipse is showing us the death of the old and regeneration of the world. This is a time that the old is dying, like a mobile network being shut down. At this eclipse, the past, the 'Mankind' 3D orange/yellow paradigm has been burnt to ash and destroyed forever. This means that if you are still connected to this, you are now on a dead network with the towers not just turned off, but dismantled. You need to update your antennae and move into the currently supported green 4D or the blue 5D energies, which are the ones supported. This is crunch time to move on - Just being reactionary against the dying of the light will not, I repeat not, bring the old back. You cannot regenerate ashes. This was necessary for the world to evolve, to recycle that energy and regenerate and re-balance itself and it will not be coming back.

It is also necessary at this time as you look around, to start taking your connections to the old in the physical world. Be that the corporate/political complex, be that the old 3D top down ruling system we still have, whether that be just the patriarchy of 'Mankind'. They are now completely orphaned and only in the physical world, with no longer being supported in the realms of spirit. This means that they either have to reform massively or crumble into dust - And you do not want to be attached to this toxic energy. While we will still need jobs, while we still need to earn in the physical world, we really need to do so without the attachment. We need to be able to interact with these structures around us so we can leave cleanly as they die. Going into the next phase with no remorse at their inevitable death and move onto the next, healthier structure for your own good.

At this point it is still very important to stay rooted, grounded with your intentions grounded into your Deep Base/Third Eye Chakra, It is important to meditate and connect to the higher frequencies to be able to stay in tune with them and create what you need in them. It could be the time you completely let go of the old if you are lucky enough. You need to create, and really create your next steps in this green/blue world to supported energies so you have the ladder, even if you have to deal with the spiritually unsupported structures, to move past them. To do so use this rune in blue light to help yourself grow and evolve as well as shield yourself from the decay of these toxic, decaying structures and the dead energy they give out. Look to your throat chakra level intelligence, integrated into the new world rather than the set in stone 3D Sacral centre inteligence, that is not attached to the new and therefore cannot understand it It is like trying to use an analog phone on a digital network. Let that be your guide to the physical realms as you navigate the world and create new pathways, new ways on the higher frequencies of the world from this event, this day.

Rune of the September Equinox

Saturday 23rd September 2023


Raidho symbolises cycles, working through defined processes such as a bureaucratic processes or initiation rights as much as physical road travel. It can also mean any creative process with defined boundaries such writing and performing music. In the modern day this could easily mean a course of study, or any other defined process that you will encounter in modern life as well. The traditional a raid, music, physical road travel as well as other, more modern associations are tied into working with the cycles of life, which are defined processes. These many and varied processes is about understanding and working with these processes in our lives, be that etheric or physical. Upright it shows processes or actions that require defined processes in motion, looking at other runes in the spread to show what this all means. Reversed, it shows that you may be trying to swim against the proverbial tide and you may need to look at working with it for better results. Look for clues as to which cycles are coming through and how to work with them in other areas of the reading as well as your question. Use in spell work and manifestation to manifest movement and growth in any of the areas that Raido represents.

As the rune of the September Equinox this rune is connecting us to the cycles of the earth and the sacred rhythm of life. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the spring Equinox and in the Northern Hemisphere it is the Autumn Equinox. Whichever it is, look to the energy of the season you are in and embrace it. Be it the harvest in the Northern Hemisphere or the wild flush of energy in the Southern Hemisphere embrace this time, this energy as the rhythms of the earth. Make observations, look at how we interact with the earth and renew your life according to the wheel of the seasons. This will set you up for the next three to six months. Today, find a place that you can connect to ley lines, to the new energies moving through the earth and positively change something in your life if you use this time of power today,

To do this, go outdoors into a place of power, especially at midday. In this place of power connect to the earth and it's ley lines, as well as the crystalline grid and Earth Chakras. Feel the power coming from the earth as you do this, as well as the cosmic energy coming in. Have a crystal or talisman to esorb this to take what you get into the next three to six months, creating a new time in your life. In accepting this gift, give an equal gift to the earth of something valuable in your place of power as an equal exchange. In this you are working with the earth in mutual respect. In doing this we are working with the path of the ancients.

In doing this, as you go through these processes, See this rune in pink and green light, feeling it guide you to the right energies, the right answers. Feel the rune in your life, in the life of the earth. How do you connect to the earth and it's rites of passage every three months? How do you connect to the core of power of the deep earth? Consider this using this rune as a guide. Look for signs and symbols that guide you on your journey in working with the earth. Look at how you can connect deeply through this rune today and create a new manifestation - Be that of the wild bounty of Spring or the Harvest Energy of the Autumn.

Rune of the New Moon

Thursday 15th August 2023


The third rune of the Elder Futhark, this symbolises the power of defence as well as the power to face life's challenges and battles. What this rune shows us is not only the challenges of defending ourselves, or getting through a hard time, but that we have the resources. Connected to the natural symbolism of the defensive thorn on plants such as blackcurrants and brambles, this is a powerful passive defence that is always there and able to overcome all comers. An alternative meaning that I have also found is the power to get through and rise above your challenges, like climbing a mountain. Through this process you can not only face your fears and challenges, but grow into a stronger wiser being through the experience. The energy is there, you just need to harness it. This metaphorical facing the mountain of your challenges and come back. Reversed it shows challenges lie ahead, look around other runes to see what this means and how the resources come to defend it. Use in spell work and manifestation to empower the great passive defence and power to overcome your challenges this rune represents. This makes it especially useful in protection or binding work and as a empowering rune in healing rites.

Today, this rune,is echoing the themes of Wednesday's rune of the day, but larger. As the first moon phase influenced by the upcoming eclipses, this is when the chaos really starts. This is when you will start to feel the first eclipse, at 21 Degrees Libra. As we look around the world from this New Moon we will see the effects of this in our lives and the world, the foreshadowing of what is to come with the gate opening. This is a time and place that we must be clear, use our intentions wisely and well, and work through this to create the intentions that we want in our life. At this stage our inner kenning, or knowing is going to be key over our mind and intellect. As we do this we work through this we will be seeing challenge after challenge, but this is growing pains (The theme of the rune of the day) and the energy is there to rise to it. As we do this we grow stronger and learn about ourselves, creating our own new reality.

In this new moon phase keep yourself cleansed, balanced and if you can keep your chakras in alignment as you go through it. This will help your inner kenning be your perfect compass as the spring storms start to come about, come through and both cleanse and re-energise the earth. This is a time of opportunity if you can keep yourself cleansed, cleared and bringing in only the right energy. In rooting ourselves to the earth we will withstand the storm. Without that you will be uprooted and fall into confusion, and often despair as we fall into the abyss of misinformation. Keeping your roots is vital at this time as we work through this time and place of ever changing energies.

Use this rune in green or Indigo light to access your inner kenning all while keeping yourself cleansed and balanced. Meditate on it, write it out in this color ink and wear it in some way. As you work with this rune, using it this way, you will be able to stay on course and rise to the challenge, defending yourself in this way from bad connections and bad information passively. Your gut, or intuition, at this time is your compass, so use this rune to help you tune into it and follow it - As well as give you the energy and courage to follow it no matter what happens.

Rune of the Full Moon Supermoon

Thursday 31st August 2023


The rune of ice, restriction and the depths of a frozen northern winter this was a time and place of rest, a break or transition in cycles. The end of the old and the beginning of the new. Conversely, it can also represent crystallised wisdom in the form of the quartz crystal as the the icy times of year are at time of rest and refection as well as constricting ice. Taken to a further extent in other rune rows, this crystallisation of wisdom is here. There is, however, a lot of good to go with this, as this indicates that with the breaking of the ice and the thaw a new spring would come in due time. Upright, this indicates a change in cycles and a new spring. This rune, by it's nature does not have a reversed, or merkstave form, but it can be in a bad position in a reading or be drawn upside down. When this happens it is a delay in the thaw. Be patient, gather your wisdom and energy and await the thaw, when things will move again. As a manifestation or spell work rune use this for either the crystallisation of wisdom in the time of rest, as the quartz crystal, or to help you break the ice and start the thaw.

At this time we are in the lull of of chaotic energy, the eye of the storm. Between the healing and changes starting with July and August and the October eclipses, which will start to be felt in September this is the lull, the quiet period. This is the time time to reflect, look back and see what is really working with and for you and what is not. This pause as represented by Isa's ice freezing water is not a penalty, but a time to adjust to make the best of the coming positive chaos, this healing crisis. As busy or chaotic this may seem at this time, when the Eclipses start to take effect from about mid September, it will get far messier and far more chaotic. In laying the foundation now you will be able to get through the eclipse season so much better.

In doing this write out, journal and pay attention to your dreams. I will not be alone in having strange dreams as the energies flow through, activating your subconscious and bringing to light what is coming through for us all. Think of this as the energies coming through, bringing things to our attention as a heads up for what will need to go, what will need to be dealt with so our futures can happen once the storm starts again. This is an important phase so pay attention to it in the next few weeks - It is setting us up for doing it right.

Lastly, this full moon is distilling wisdom. One of the crossovers in many rune sets with Isa/Is/Hagal is the distilled wisdom of winter, of Ice and snow. This is a time when in so many ways the world stood still and wisdom was distilled. This is the magick and mystery of the Quartz Crystal, an ice crystal frozen forever in minerals. Work to get the wisdom you have enabled in you in your struggles as well as what needs to go, distilling them with this full moon in time. This pause, if we do this, will help us come into a lot of things that we didn't realise were there, helping us come into our own power. At this time it is a preparation phase for the coming healing storm in about two weeks time, so use this phase of planning and pause well to gather wisdom as well as re-planning for success after the next New Moon - The start of Eclipse Season.

In terms of using this rune, see it in bright platinum/white light, it's form as a quartz crystal. This will help you cleanse and purify as well as creating a space for you to distill the wisdom coming through for all time. In doing this you are laying the foundations for great leaps forward as we work with this time, a lull in the eye of the storm coming with eclipse season. You will reap great dividends (remember, Jera is the Rune of the Day for today, suggesting this is a form of stepping stone in your harvest) if you honor the distillation process inherit in this rune.

Rune of the New Moon

Wednesday 9th August 2023


The last rune in this rune row, Othala, also called Othil or Othil in variation is a rune of wealth that cannot be bought and sold. At a time this was cattle and livestock, here this means ancestral land. In that way, in closing the circuit this means inherent wealth, be that talents, property or ancestry and genetics. Upright this is a favourable inheritance, including talents, skills, gifts or family inheritances that can set you up in life. It can also mean going home after a journey, be that spiritual or physical. Reversed this can mean cursed inheritances such as genetic diseases, family violence patterns or family and negative group karma. Look to the question and other runes in the reading for more information for exactly what this means. Use in spell work and divination if you wish to bring in any of these qualities, especially inherited spiritual gifts into your spell work.

Today, at the New Moon, we are being called on to look back at our past and our ancestry and work with it. Look at as you set your intentions, what you have in your past, your mind, your ancestry that needs healing. As a major process of energy work completes in the earth energy fields, to be charged up by the eclipses in October, we are coming into a time of healing. Consider this as you move forward, along with what you need to leave behind. Along with balance as indicated by the Rune of the Day Wunjo, you will find healing, one way or another a part of this New Moon. Be it unexpected healing to complete a goal, or intentionally leaving behind something unhealthy in the past, this is going to happen. Consider this and make room for this at this time. This rune has linked back to all of this process of healing the balance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine in this world.

Today, and into the New and Full Moon as you set intentions. look around you. Look around you and think of how to leave space for healing or cleansing. This is especially true for long term goals. Observe what comes up in your head in relation to your goals, see it as what you need to leave behind at this time. Look into your past, and your ancestry to see what might need to be cleared to have a clearer energy path. We can't move forward without acknowledging and letting go of the past - It just doesn't work. So put in space for meditation, clearing and cleansing in the next month or so to the next New Moon, moving forward.

See this rune in the green of the heart centre, See it drawn onto your heart centre in green, guiding you, today and into the next few days. Draw this rune in green energy for guidance if you find yourself with one of these obstacles to your goals or intentions and take this as a clearing. Use meditation and higher awareness to use this clearing for good - It is creating the space in your life to bring in the new by clearing the old from the ancestry and deep subconscious that you didn't know existed. If you get stuck, meditate on this rune in Green Higher Awareness, using the guidance for your next step forward. Good luck to all of us in these coming months.

Rune of the Lions Gate

Tuesday 8th August 2023


The rune of Tyr, the sky god, and shaped as his spear, this means just rewards for effort as well as right justice. A rune of the law, justice and hard work and sacrifice being returned, the spirit of this rune is shown by the titular deity's sacrifice of his hand to help bind the Fenris wolf successfully, the third time. Apart from the alternative title for the said deity being the wolf's leavings showing very common elements between Norse and Australian humour, This shows the feel of this runes energy as a reward for sacrifice and favorable outcomes in just court cases. Upright, it shows a feeling of reward for sacrifice and Justice coming if the cause is just. Unjust causes, or miscarriages of justice do not occur under this influence. If reversed it shows that this quality may not be forthcoming, results not as good as expected or delays and disappointments in legal cases. Use in spell work for bringing favorable outcomes in just court cases and bringing the right settings to get reward for your efforts.

Today as it is drawn on this day of sacred Numerology when we align with Sirrus, the Sacred Sun, the Lions Gate, look around you and meditate. You will see chances and opportunities. At about midday meditate on these and think of what your next step could be for the earth and for yourself. Light a yellow or purple candle tonight to create a light guiding you towards it and think of what you want and how it could be. It may not happen overnight from this day, but it could just be a springboard into greater possibility. Look at what you can do today to further this in any way, just one small step as you move through life, no matter how mundane it can be. If you are at leisure today could be a good day to do a vision board of what you want to achieve for he next twelve months. If not, look at visualaising this anyway.

Meditate on this Rune as you do this in white light. This rune, as reward for effort, is one of rewarding your own hard work not miracles. What practical steps can be taken next to make these visions, these dreams come to life? What can be done to create a sustainable vision of your future life in the new 5D world that we are going towards? Look around you and consider this. You might journal these, make a plan, or if you can take a first step. The power is here today, through the special event happening to make it happen. Every time you get blocked, or see a problem with this manifestation from today again visualise this rune in white light, trace back your steps and renew your efforts with the new focus. This, along with your own efforts will assist greatly in bringing in your aims and goals - But only if they are in alignment with the 5D world. If they are not, like the 5D world, they will crumble by the wayside.

Rune of the Full Moon

Wednesday2nd August 2023


The rune of the harvest, with the shape of the rune itself being the disassembled harvest garland, this means change towards completion. It is favorable to draw today for any defined process with steps such as the harvest, where you have to prepare the soil, plant or tend the crop and then bring in the harvest. In a draw it indicates one such process is underway, with good results if you tend it. As to what that process is look to the other runes in the reading and the placement as well as the question you asked. As a symmetrical rune, it does not go Merkstave.

As the rune of the Full moon, this rune is indicating the processes in the earths evolution changing towards completion in Mid August with the New Moon. In a Blue Moon month (Two Full Moons in a calendar year) this is the first full moon, possibly also bringing a goal or manifestation to a changing towards completion state with the second full moon this month. Look for guidance from signs and sources such as animal and birds (One of mine personally being the Raven) or things like Angel Numbers that things are with you. 

As the first Full Moon this month look at what is completing in your life as well. Is there a process rapidly changing towards completion? Do you have something in your life that you are done with or preparing to leave? That is also a process changing towards completion, making way for the new in the next full moon. If this is the case for you look at this as a blessing and remember, for one door to open another has to close. It is just energy cycling through your life.

Meditate on this rune in White Light today and into the coming month, where there will be ultimately two Full Moon energies to contemplate. This will show you what good changes are coming and what is being removed for them. Remember this month this is only the start of the process - The changing of the process to completion. But in understanding the process you can tend it and create a better outcome overall. Focus on the process and remember - Creation, of whatever kind, takes steps. Look at these at this Full Moon, not the end result.

Rune of the New Moon

18th July 2023


A rune of partnership and movement, this rune symbolises the prestige of horse and rider. Until recently the fastest and most prestigious way of moving around, the horse denoted swift movement, communication and nobility. Today we have faster ways of moving but in so many ways the principle is the same when we think of a motorbike, or the swift communication along our phone lines. However, be this the partnership between man and horse or man and motorbike, it is an unequal relationship where one does the work, and one gets the benefit. In a reading, when you draw this rune look at the question and the context for what form of partnership or communication this means. Reversed, or merkstave this denotes that you may be taking on far too many burdens in an unequal relationship, or crossed wires. Again, look at the question, the context of the reading and other runes in the reading to interpret.

At this new moon it denotes swift moving processes that have us caught  up in the tide. Like signals in a fibre optic cable, this light is sweeping through our lives, changing the old and ushering in the new. As this happens, we become more and more unable to move back to the past, the way we did things. Like being on a bolting horse, we have little or no control over what is happening, we can just hold on as we go for the ride, ducking the branches. But in this we have trust that this is for the good of us all, that we are being taken for this ride, this light clearing, for the betterment of the world and ourselves. When this rapid change is done, we can then see where we are, take stock and move to what we have now.

During this new moon period, as you bring in your intentions and new starts, look for what is there and not there. Don't look back to the past, look to the future. The now for clues on where you are, what you have to leave behind and where the new doors will open as you do. Feel it as you set your intentions intuitively and take the ride on these energies. There is a degree of trust, but at some point we just have to hold on for the wild ride that is coming in the next few weeks. If we have the skill to hold onto this bolting horse of change to get to our intentions, then we may just find ourselves in a better place than we wanted.

If you feel lost meditate on this rune  as this new moon is in effect. See it in blue light in front of you and feel those energies within you, trusting intuition to make decisions rather than the head. The head cannot see what is underlying, the heart can. Use the heart, the intuition and this rune in the blue light to help you make better decisions that are aligning you with the future today.

Rune of the June Solstice

22nd June 2023


A powerful defensive rune, Elhaz, or Algiz I have also found to have an alternative meaning of choosing pathways, or being at a crossroads. This is when we need the power of actively defending ourselves of the Rune of the Elk and it's antlers. When we need to be critical in what information we trust. When we need to understand who has our back and who is only working for their own interests. Which meaning is in play will depend on the runes around this also drawn and the question. But whether it is about being at a crossroads or needing to defend ourselves, this is a good indicator you will win upright - If you protect yourself. Reversed, or Merkstave, it is a warning against being lax in letting down your guard or trusting the wrong person. Not all are out for your best interests at the moment, some are thinking of themselves. Look around and think very critically at this point in time about who you trust.

In this context, I am reading the new paths laid down in time as the 3D crumbles and the new 5D reality really starts to set in. This is being accelerated at this time into a growing consciousness of people choosing the right path. Or being pushed into forced evolution as the time grows shorter and shorter to change and grow. This can cause discomfort, like cramming for an exam on steroids. Or putting in an assignment at the last minute. But for those going through it, this is worth it. Totally worth it. If you are going into this consciously then you will find it a smoother ride and will come out of it a lot better, making better choices for your future.

In terms of the world, our mother earth has undergone a massive transformation in what was the 2022/3023 ritual year ( Which I count from Winter Solstice to Winter Solstice). A massive upgrading of her energies. It is not just me that is noticing this, this information is coming from multiple sources. As you look around, you might notice not only the milk teeth wobbling but the adult teeth of the change coming in. This is an interesting time to be in as this process is continuing this year, with the healing and empowerment of the divine feminine further accelerating this transition, on not just a personal, but planetary level going into the next few months at least, if not the next few years as a part of the Gaia's leveling up process.

In the next two to three months is a good time to become conciously aware of your path and choosing how you progress, instead of being pushed into it. Focus on this rune as a crossroads, ask for guidance and think critically on does it strike you as true, like a crystal bell. As you do this you will connect to a true path. As you do that you will find yourself working with greater energies and setting yourself up for the next few years of growth and change. It is also a good time to send healing to the divine feminine both in yourself (Male or female) and the planet. Focus on the Lavender flame and heal the divine feminine in your meditations as well as your life. Work on empowering women and girls consciously in your life, especially in the next two to three months a this energy is at it's infancy. In healing the last few thousand years of trauma to the divine feminine and empowering it we are creating a powerful path for others to follow.

Rune Wisdom Feature

Choosing a Set of Runes

Choosing a set of Runes can be as daunting as walking into a crystal shop and choosing crystals for the first time. I can only dimly remember when I bought my first set, the carnelian ones I still use as spirit runes in my nine set system today. I can't remember why either. Even now for me, as I have developed my reading system and evolved it I still really look around for the set that I need for that purpose. I could make them, sure. But considering that it would cost me at least ten dollars a set, and most likely more, just to get the crystals to make the set, I don't think it's worth my while till I can get a good supply of crystals wholesale. Nice pebbles you can buy from hardware stores as landscape supplies by the five and ten kilo for not much, I have yet to see crystals there for a similar price. So, at least for the moment, I still buy my crystal sets.

Which brings me to selection of Runes, especially for beginners. There are many things to consider when buying runes, from the material they are made from, to which of the five or so major rune rows to choose, to whether as a beginner to buy or make them. From my experience I can give you some ideas to get you onto the right path to buying, or making your first set of runes. Or if you're like me, the latest one as you develop and evolve.

  • Choose a Rune Row – There are about five or six major rune rows out there, each with a slightly different focus. For instance, while I have a growing knowledge of the Younger Futark, and a basic knowledge of the Anglo Saxon and Northumbrian, and know a little of the Arameninan Runes (Those I really don't connect to at all for some reason) the one I really work with personally is the Elder Futark. This is because for many reasons I won't go into here (They're long stories involving past lives) the one that I seemed to be attracted to. So that was the one I learnt most about and the one I use. It is also the one I know the best. If you have an interest in the runes, and you are looking to learn more, if you find yourself leaning more to one system than another, it is a good idea to look for one in that system. This will take confusion and time out of your search.
  • Choose a Set that Instinctively Calls You – This is one I have heard a lot in my various travels, contact on social media as well as through telesummits. Walking into the store and walking out with that set of runes that you didn't intend to buy till you saw them and couldn't walk out without them. Then, well figuring out what they are after the fact and how to use them. If you have come to your search for information, or at least more information than that skinny little guide book gives you, then congratulations on your first step in this journey. It is worth it. There are many good books on runes out there, and they are a great tool that you are now learning about. This is a legitimate way of starting out with runes, picking them out instinctively. Or should I say, them picking you out. This takes the stress out of which runes to choose, but at the same time you now need to learn about them. I hope you enjoy it, because you will get a lot out of it.
  • Gifting – This is how I have gotten some of my runes, but I have also gifted runes as I have evolved and grown, and felt I needed a new set. Like crystals, Runes can be gifted, consciously or unconsciously to people who are beginning, often when they get their gift, and this is a good start to a journey. I now recommend that you get some good books, read up on the information that you can get and start working with them to learn and grow through your knowledge of them. Like the way of getting runes up above here, this is a wonderful way into a new world of discovery about the world and yourself, made even better by the fact that you didn't have to pay for them. Oh, and the thought by the person that gifted them was nice, of course...
  • Making your Own Runes – This one is perhaps the most daunting for a beginner, especially one with no craft skill. I am competent in carving rune rows now, but when I started, mostly getting a crystal, or the Wyrd rune in the set and carving a replacement, It wasn't that pretty. Of course, working with wood, the traditional material for runes is far easier than working with stone like I feel called to, but it is still a daunting thought for a beginner. The advice here is do your research, and feel your way to the one you connect to. Maybe you know which one because a book called you, say, on the Elder or Younger Futark, Or the Anglo Saxon Runes. And now, well, you feel up to making your own (sort of) because you feel it is better than buying them and consecrating them to make them yours. In which case you know which rune row you want to carve. But if you don't then look around, read up and feel which one you really connect to. When you are ready for carving I have written articles on this, which I will revise in the coming week and repost breaking up the rune set and talisman carving up for easier reading. Or of course, there are many excellent books and how to's by others who have also done this. Do your research, pick your material and pace yourself, especially as a beginner crafting as well as using runes. But good luck on your journey, you will find out so much about the runes themselves, and connect to their energy in a real way.
  • Researching and Buying a Set – Maybe you got called to using runes through a chance purchase of a book, or you stumbled upon them and feel ready to buy your first set. You have made your decision on which rune row you want to start working with, and now you are going out and looking for one. But the decisions – What material, what rune set calls to me etc... Especially as the Elder Futark is the most commonly used one today, if you have decided to start using another rune row such as the Younger Futark, or the Anglo Saxon and Northubrian, then you may find the search harder. However, they are still out there for purchase if you feel your best choice is to buy, not carve them (I have made the decision, though I don't use them, to carve and sell them all on order). Once you have made the decision to purchase take your time, look around and get the one that feels right for you. Don't feel pressured into buying one that isn't right for you, because it won't work with you well. Take your time, find the right one and I wish you luck in your search.
Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense

Astrology Wisdom Feature

Archetypes for Female Strength and Determination

There is a rather large gap even today on the feminine strength and self determination. While the traditional female planets and roles are being redefined, they are being redefined in the terms of the hybrid role women play today between the homemaker and the independent career woman. As much as we may have our own individual identities now, rather than being an extension of our environment, we still are not represented in the archetypes that relate to strength and determination. The Masculine do not have the market cornered on strength, nor do they have the market cornered on representatives of it. The female representatives have merely been underplayed in the archetypes recognised in astrology as we are still coming out of the shadows of male domination of society and diction of women's roles.

Therefore, looking through the various myths and legends of the goddesses and mythic female figures of antiquity wit their names represented as asteroids, I did some research into their myths and the current interpretations of them as a chart factor. Most of these are still looked at as to how they fit into roles in the family - the mother, the wife, the sister and the crone (Grandmother). While providing a greater insight into the character of truly family oriented women and giving them a voice, this gives them an individual identity, it does not give them much identity as an person separate from the family unit such as men have enjoyed in the past. This is a look at some of the Goddesses and legendary figures and defining their strengths and ovbious self will in a way that can create a female archetype that those women who do not want to be defined by a male energy, or by family roles can look at and identify with.

Why This Four?

The four female figures that are used to form the archetypes are the result of looking at a list and cutting down the numbers to something manageable. There are others that can embody some of the strengths entitled here, but these four cover them in the most comprehensive manner. For instance, Ceres also fits the archetype that the Isis one is built around as a determined mother, but it does not have the same complete idea of the head of the family. She had nothing to do with her daughter’s role in the underworlds and any family built there. In this way Circe also fits the idea of the angry, wronged woman, and has great power but does not use it in such and empowering way - she turns them in to pigs instead. And while any woman looking at certian rugby league (or AFL) player in the news will agree the tribute is fitting, it shows malicious (if not satisfying) revenge instead of self empowerment. These four were selected as the ones that most completely embody the strengths that the archetypes evolved in writing to represent. They were selected after researching and reading the myths and common interpretations, and from there the archetypes evolved based on the strengths and shows in will that were evident in both. Not all may agree with what I have come up with, but when it comes to opinions variety is the spice of life.

I did not cover the idea of the strong, equal, wife, either, as this has been covered by the semi-established ideas that the asteroid goddess Juno represent. I am aiming to fill in some blanks, not recreate the metaphorical wheel when it is not necessary. It has been covered well before this, I do not see a need to redo it. All things that show in our lives (and our charts) have relevance, and this is not being cut out by the ideas shown here. They are merely supplementing them, We all came from a family, and we all have different times and different circumstances. They are still relevant as anything else is when activated. Neither is a woman’s role in a family unit sidelined, it is merely not covered here. It has been done both In traditional astrology as well as the addition of the ‘Asteroid Goddesses’.

Just as the God archetypes had their roles ad fathers, husbands and lovers (And were successful to varying degrees) so do these goddesses have a role in a family unit. Pallas Athene was her father’s right hand, helping him carry out his purview as king of the gods. Diana was in contact with her mother and was active in her interests at times such as shooting Niobe’s children when Niobe tried to usurp the goddesses position by virtue of having four more of them. Isis was the head of a family, and indeed went out of her way to create one with her husband. Lilith stands as a woman who was denied family by hard choice, but did have the chance if she had ascended to Adam. It is just not the main way that the lives of the women who follow the archetypes are described here, but by their own achievements and self will. This is not to say they are unlikely to have any family or partners around, and this will show in the placement of planets such as the Moon and Mars will show. In fact those of the Isis archetype will often have families, adopted or natural. It is about family, just placing the woman in a different light to it.


Diana (or Artemis for the Greeks) was the goddess of the hunt who made her home and fief in the wild forests, and guarded them jealously. She did not marry or take lovers, and was bound to no man. She raised, or was part of the raising of many female heroes who had similar qualities to her and frustrated many male suitors. A little bit of a double up with Pallas, but denotes a different type of obvious strength and assertion to her archetype. Whereas the Athena ideals embody refinement and order, The Diana Archetype can embody the wild, free more rugged idea of the person who succeeded as the wild one, or the wild card. This is the female adventurer, the entrepreneur (think Richard Bransen and Dick Smith) and the wildly talented but unconventional in any field that gets results. They work outside the established order, show great strength and spirit in carving a new path, and create their own success along the way.

They often have the charisma to attract loyal followers with no effort at all, and can be considered very sexual and attractive the same way the Mars archetype is - physical and earthy. In a way, this relates to the archetype of the Amazon. They attract, and like equals who are willing to adventure and travel in whatever path with them. They do not take kindly to being tied down to traditional roles, and require freedom and room for self- expression. It will often take them a lot to settle down, and even then they will leave room for the adventures in life.

They see life as one big adventure, look at everything as an experience. They can be very sensual, tactile and have very little patience with order and detail. They can also have very little regard for the depth of any part of life as they enjoy the adventure of life and what it brings in all areas, and will often make and lose material resources with very little care. After all, more can be hunted up when necessary. And hunting more up in business is a great adventure if done right. The Strengths of this Archetype is that they are hardy, adaptable, strong survivors that follow their own path - which can lead to successes and breakthroughs not otherwise gained. The Pioneer spirit is a big thing in them, as is it's strengths. The weaknesses of this archetype is that it can miss out on the depth in life if focussing too much on the adventure and outward pleasures in life. They can also miss a lot of the advantages that order, detail and precision can give them. They can also tend towards loner and not understand the help that can be offered by others. This archetype corresponds with Sagittarius, in symbolism and character, and suffers many of the same strengths and weaknesses. The self first attitude can also match Aries. There are parallels between this Archetype and that of the gods Mars and Uranus.


Isis is the Egyptian mother goddess (Not the current Islamist bogeyman under your bed) who after Set had cut her husband, Orisis, into pieces and scattered his parts found them, and put them back together. She created a new member for him (as she could not find it) to sire children before he took his place as the god of the underworld.

This archetype does relate to family, but not a family role as it has been defined before. Think of this more like the female version of the old male grandfatherly patriarch who speaks softly but carries a big stick - and is not afraid to use it when the threats come. Like the old grandfatherly patriarch, they will have the kind a gentle exterior, underneath which lurks the quiet steel of a person who will hold the family together and defend it to the best of their ability - and often succeed despite the circumstances against them. These people will often have a beloved husband or parter, who dies and leaves them to fend for themselves and their family. Or they may still have a husband or partner still alive, but As they have a more domestic focus than the other archetypes, they will look at family first, but will make their way for their family on their own terms, nobody else's. They may take over the running of a family business or farm and make it a success as well as raise the children, or they may start a home business that makes them a millionaire well capable of providing comfortably for future generations.

The matriarchs of the underworld clans such as the Morans, or fictional characters such Shirley Hennessey from the series Janus, also embody this archetype as they are the tough, undisputed bosses of their families and are very involved with preserving them. Police will often fear them as much or more than the boys. This is a very dark and extreme interpretation, however, and most will not end up like this. (This also ties in with the underworld connection of Orisis). These people will often have a more family focussed facade, and will fit more the traditional idea of feminine. But there will always be an bulbous rod of iron in their backs, and a stick in their hand, wether it be metaphorical or real. This will add strength to the femininity and take them to a different level in outward appearance and demeanour. They will attract loving partners, who will either be taken from the family early, or be in some way second seat to them, be that by illness or forced absence as in the depression. (Which was a common era for this archetype to emerge, as was the aftermath of the world wars). This archetype matches some characteristics with Cancer, but this is not very satisfactory. In many ways it sits on it's own, although the metaphorical rod of iron up these people’s backs does relate them to Saturn and Capricorn in their ability for discipline and hard work, as well as their premier position in the family unit.

Pallas Athena

In Greek Mythology Athena was the virgin goddess who sprang fully grown, wearing armour and carrying a shield, from Zeus's head after he swallowed her mother because of fears that she was plotting on him. She was the protector of the city of Athens and her father's right hand. Most versions of the myth say that she was a virgin and never took consorts, although some of the oldest legends cite Pan and another god as one.

This archetype brings to the forefront the ability and drive to succeed in the outside world. Strength, command and leadership are denoted here. Can relate to the ideas of the corporate CEO, the female military leader, or the single mother that raises the children by herself, and embodies the male traits in parenting. This is generally followed with respect and success, as well as high post, but carries great responsibility and burdens with it regardless. For instance, being a sole parent requires doing the job of two people, and high level executives or leaders rarely get to relax as they are on call for any major crises. In both cases, the buck (and responsibility) stops with the individual. The difference between this and the Isis archetype is the focus. Whereas the Isis archetype focuses on the family, and shows the maternal side, this archetype focusses on responsibility, respect and advancement in the outside world. An Isis single mother will be much loved, and then much respected. An Athena Single mother will generally be respected, then loved by her brood. (This is not say they are exclusive, this will just be the general first impression when thinking of mum).

This archetype will often attract relationships and marriages that are more business partnerships, or enter into them. They will tend to attract (and be attracted to) two types of people - those that are not as strong and value them for their strength and ability to provide, or those that are a true equal. They will not accept anything else. They will not let go with just anybody, they need someone with which they have mutual trust and respect, no matter which way they go. This person will be very special and long term, and betrayals or bereavements will be felt bitterly. The strengths of this ideal are it's outer strength and discipline, it's responsibility and it's ability to shoulder the great burdens of our society. It's weaknesses are it's inability to relax and relate to others due to the burdens it carries - whether that be at a personal level or professional level - and thus the lack of ability to 'let go'. This can lead to a very cold and lonely life, with the Archetypal empty, cold flat and little personal warmth in life as well as the children that know the nanny better than mum if not balanced out. This may also be the female breadwinner or the breadwinner in a same sex relationship, or the person that wears the metaphorical 'trousers' in any relationship. In this way it matches with the sign Capricorn, and shows many of the same ideals. It can also be seen as matching Aries in ideals in the martial aspects, and mirrors in some ways the masculine archetypes of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter.

Lilith - Black Moon

Lilith in Jewish mythology was Adam's first wife, made out of the silt of the riverbed. When she refused to be dominated by him and saw that he would not change she spoke the word of god and ascended. God took Adam's side when he pleaded with god to return Lilith, but she chose her own exile in the dessert instead. Later additions make her the mother of all demons, and say that she takes men's 'night emmisions' and causes wet dreams. She was also said to kill babies in revenge for being robbed of her own in a contradictory tale. These additions are not the core of the story, however, and were mostly meant to demonise her as a being and make Eve a good role model by contrast. However, these additions do show the dark side of the archetype well.

This is the pure sense of self and inner strength of the female that refused to yield and took the consequences. This does not denote success as such, but does denote the inner strength and determination to stand up for yourself and be counted when the crunch comes, or rise to the occasion, whatever that may be. This strength and determination will not always be obvious, in fact, it will often be under the surface. But when it comes out - watch out. It will be very obvious and it will do whatever it takes to move whatever is in the road, whatever the cost is. This can be seen in the revolutionaries, those who fight for their rights regardless of the circumstances, and those who show great strength and courage in the times that other people fold, and defeat the great evils of anything from their lives, to our times. These people are the 'Tall, dark and handsome' or the 'mysterious stranger.' They can also be the 'femme fatale' and there is always an element of darkness or mystery to their relating. They can have tendencies either to shallow relationships related to temporal needs (Personal or otherwise) and can use their sexuality to get things and places, or they will relate very deeply and personally to few people, showing themselves to a trusted few. They might also do a combination of these.

The Strengths of this is that they get the job done, and will do the 'dirty work' that nobody else will touch. They are also the inspiring survivors and the ones that bring down great evils. The Weaknesses is that they may not know when to stop and draw the line at what is necessary, and turn to a ends justify the means mentality. This can be a slippery slope from effective survivor, to the depraved individualist that must get their ends at any costs. They must also watch how much they rely solely on themselves as an island and look at relating to others on a true level, not just as tools, pawns or entertainments. This archetype matches the virtues and strengths of Scorpio, and mirrors the ideas of Mars and Pluto in the masculine archetypes.

How to Use These Archetypes

These archetypes are to be used in the same way as any other archetypes in astrology - applied looking at the aspects of the solar bodies in question. For Diana, Isis and Pallas Athena, the bodies are the asteroids by the same name (Pallas Athena's asteroid is known as Pallas more commonly) and the Lilith archetype corresponds best to the Black Moon Lilith - the Moon's apogee. The most dominant one in your life would be the body that is best aspected, but there may be more than one at play. I will use myself as an example;

  • Pallas - 1 degree Saggitarius ,3rd house. Conjunct Sun, Venus, Mercury and Uranus Scorpio/Saggitarius cusp.
  • Diana - 10 degrees. Sagittarius - 3rd house Conjunct Venus and Uranus, Sextile Pluto and Saturn (Libra, 2nd house) , and Moon (Aquarius,5th house). Semi Sextile south node Capricorn, 4th house)
  • Black Moon Lilith - 18 degrees Capricorn, 4th house Conjunct Mars and semi-square sun and mercury (Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp, 3rd house)
  • Isis - 2 degrees Aquarius Conjunction Moon, Square Pluto and Saturn (Libra, 2nd house) and Sextile Sun and Mercury (Scorpio/Sagittarius Cusp, 3rd house.)

The Black Moon Lilith aspects indicate that the hidden strength of the Lilth archetype is fused with the self-will and assertion of Mars, and is very much a part of it. There is hidden strength there, and a willingness to use it. The Isis contact with the moon shows that the ideals of that Archetype are related to the method of parenting and raising children, as well as 'mother' figures in the past. So, overall the Pallas Athena and the Diana archetypes are most evident as outer and inner natures, but the influence from the Isis archetype and the Lilith archetype is the there in their own areas.

In order to do this for yourself look at where these solar bodies are in your chart and look at the aspects, just as I did for mine and interpret them in that light.

What if I'm a Guy?

If you happen to be male then the archetypes will affect you in one of two ways - through females you have contact with, and possibly an affect on you. Just as the Male archetypes of the planets and the 'asteroid gods' of Apollo, Hesphateous and Bacchus are not solely the domain of males, these are not solely the domain of females. If they do affect you personally, they will have aspects to your major planets. You will show many of these strengths. As I said in the paragraph above, this does not solely apply to females - it can apply to you blokes as well. The Ideals expressed in these have no gender, just the method of expression (Goddesses) do. Richard Bransen and Dick Smith were used as examples in the explanations of the archetypes, so you are probably in good company.

It could also show in your relationships with the women in your life. This will show in your chart with aspects to your Venus of these asteroids (for wives/partners) and the Moon (for your mother and/or other female role models in your family, such as a grandmothers or aunts.) This will show contact with people of this archetype, or those that exhibited the ideals of this archetype in your eyes. Intra -aspects of synastry may also show this sort of interaction.

Khel'Shen Akh'Hon Kyshera Du'Skhall Kre'Mashen Akh'Hense